Saturday, January 14, 2017

A different kind of Saturday Nite

Baby called me up early Saturday morn
Whispering naughty ifiwastherewithyou cellie kinda' porn

Half asleep, I laughed, then, I asked her when
She said, I'll see you at 8, tonight, when my flight gets in

Got up and hit that mat,  get that mind/body right
Cause putting in the work, makes for a more enjoyable Saturday night

 (humming to an EWF song) Saturday Night,  Tonight's the night ………..

Shower felt so good, stayed a long while 
Even got some money off some jeans by flashing a little smile

Some days just go your way, some days are just so right
especially when your heading for a feel good Saturday night

 (humming to an EWF song)   Saturday nite,  Tonight's the night………..

Grabbed some food and wine, at 8 are paths did meet
But, while sipping and lounging on the couch, baby fell fast asleep

Carried her to the bed, tuck her real tight 
Laughed and enjoyed watching baby sleep away our Saturday Night

 (humming to an EWF song) Saturday Nite,  Tonight's the night……….


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved  c 2017

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