Friday, June 30, 2017


Troll, bad
Toupee, sad

Thin Skin, mad


Troll, mean
Low life scheme

Tweet like a tween


Troll, ill
art of the deal

wealthcare kills


Troll, caged
Set the stage



Troll, fear
Make you disappear

Vote, next year

No more power, here



Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Days turn to night
Night to day

Seasons come and go away

Seconds, minutes, hours pass

We take pics for memories

So kiss her now or take that chance

Make that move, 
Learn to dance

live your 
without fear or doubt

Cause that's what living
is all about


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

(Twinkle, Twinkle) Billions of Souls

Twinkle, twinkle billions of souls
How I wonder what you know

Generations come and go
Then light the skies with fire aglow

Luminous sphere, power light

I wish upon you this very night

For wisdom that shines oh so bright

Giving ancestral knowledge and
and spiritual might


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, June 26, 2017

Music on our Minds

                    Pic from- Do the Right thang. A Spike Lee joint. c -1989

Music, music on my mind
Major, minor, flatted 5

Low notes rumble, high notes soar
Ring tones to film scores

Melodies that satisfy
Intervals that make 'em cry

A more powerful force you're hard pressed to find

Music, music on the mind

Music, music on my mind

Kool aid or a bottle wine

Entertain me for many hours
Changing my mood to sweet from sour

Mysterious as science, complex as math
Simple motifs seem to always last

Stuck in my head till the end of time
Music, music on my mind

Music, music on the mind
You make musicians play
and rappers rhyme

You move the crowd everyday
You're cut and mixed by djs

Creating the party
Becoming the scene

The worlds original time machine

Taking us back to a place and time
When music, music was a on our minds


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Soft summer night
When winters nowhere in sight

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017

The world is happening now
Face in the phone,
you miss it some how

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Persevere, My Dear

Persevere, my dear
You needn't fear
everything you want is 
surprisingly near

See winter comes
and things look glum but
the road to victory has just 

Take hold 
Be bold
Smoking hot, cold

Platinum, gold

The truth lies beyond
things you've been told

 Stay on path
Troubled times can't last
You and only you 
can complete the task

So, focus, my dear
No need to fear
Dark days will come
but you must


Iam Tim Clark All Rights Reserved c. 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Great Days Of Summer

The power, the sun
beams through space

Reaching our planet
Giving us a taste

Energy, light 
glory, stars

The descendant of the expansion,
the pillars, quasars

But it matters not to us
It's no big deal

We just love
the way it makes us feels

Warm, happy
Erotic, alive

Full of drive

Inviting us to move
to a different

As we plan for fun
and the great days 


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Listen, feel
It's inside 
It's real

 are we all
sirens of wisdom 
eerie call

Ever present
Just beyond the conscience mind

Hidden treasures
Priceless find

for you to start

And, remember
 it always has your best interest
at heart


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

They say he waved a wand and set those
po folks free

But ain't no emancipation proclamation
or presidential decree

gonna sway
"real 'merican'
No way, no how

Just think about the history
and what's been allowed

And, this is ain't about bashing 
of the good ol' u.s.

But my country tis a thee
has always kinda' been a mess

Even after civil war,

While they were saving
the union

The people
 set themselves

Yeah, Granger message

But, ish was in the game

Slaveholders and shady law makers
 feral and

So, years went by 
and the people 
were still being oppressed 

Terrorized by lynchings, tar and feathering



Sunday, June 18, 2017

Shine Brighter

Let your light shine brighter than 
it ever has 

Let go of fear,
and baggage from the past

It won't be easy

But nothing great 
ever is

So hone your
and handle your

Let your practice 

Watch that discipline 
build much needed self esteem

You have to make time
no excuses
will do

Even if you take it
on the chin

Get back up 
See it through

Cause sooner or later 
we all learn 
there's no other

Let your light shine
brighter than it 
ever has

Start today


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Wake to all the possibilities
It's a new day

Carrying around baggage
is played out anyway.



Friday, June 16, 2017

Ridding Writer's Block

Writers block has come my way
Can't find the inspiration anywhere today

Maybe it's from my lack of sleep
Or trying to hard to come up with something 
really deep

Could be I'm distracted by the phone
I do need to leave that Twitter feed alone

Then again, the weekend may be on my mind
Will I hang a little or just sit back and unwind

Or perhaps, these hunger pangs
are determining my fate

Should I snack, 
Wait a minute,
I just ate

Not sure how it came to be
or how  it'll be 

Hold up, ain't that 

I think I just 


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Warm night
Stormy rain

First saw her
in a picture frame

But never knew that it would be
night after night of ecstasy



Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved C. 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thieves In the Temple

Thieves in the temple
Devils at the door

Giving to the rich
Robbing the poor

Claiming to work for you
while robbing you blind

They say no more free lunch
and lavishly dine on your dime

They stick you up for your healthcare
You pay more and get less

But your tax dollars
assure their insurance is the 

Perfidy presented,
not even with a smile

Good ol' boys backroom
all the while

So, I say it again 
all our sakes

It's not enough for 
our eyes to be open

We must be awake

For these villains are 
filled with selfishness
and greed

What I'm saying is good people
we need to purge the temple
of these thieves

So, the next time they f*** you over,
let them know that's all she wrote

And use your power,

Use the power of organization, 
unity and the


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Normalizing Nonsense

The heir apparent to,
 "If it bleeds, it leads"

Faking the story
is now how networks

Pioneered by a fox
in journalist gear

Perfected with pretty ladies,
angry men and fear

Say it enough times and the virus
will spread

Infecting Cell Phone Zombies
Poisonous memes in their heads

Talking points, marching orders
The limit is the sky

When you normalize nonsense,
conspiracies and lies

Normalizing nonsense, conspiracies and lies
Common sense no longer applies

She can report gloom with a gleam in her eyes

He can kick you down
If his ruse is denied

They blur the lines between real and fake

Though your eyes are open
you're not awake

The dark ages have returned
to destroy the great

As brains are buried
in cyberspace

It is the state we're in
and no one should be surprised

Because we normalized nonsense,
conspiracies and lies


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017

Never Forgotten

Meager Evers
Mississippi born

I honor your memory
but also I mourn

For it was a cowardly act
that took your life

But like a true hero
you didn't think twice

about the sacrifice 
you had to make

You knew full 
well what was at stake

The future of a country
some said 
was rotten

But you believed
it would renounce its

and for that you will 
never be forgotten


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

The Make-Believe King

There once was a Make-Believe King

who sat on a throne 
and it became a bad thing

was either too proud
or in our face loud

Or perhaps
they said there was
he lacked

Was he too
dark or maybe too black

Too militant or too strong

I don't know,
 supposedly, something was wrong

But as I sat back and thought it through
I said to myself,
 But isn't that what Make-Believe 


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Friday, June 9, 2017

Moving On

Ride on sweet baby 
won't you ride

You take the reins
on this beautiful 

No more do you have to live in fear
No more will you long to disappear

No more crying, "Someone save me"
No more sweet, timid, baby

You take your life back here tonight
And, all you're feeling now is alright

You're moving on

Right on Sweet baby
Won't you you ride

You have the keys to the other side

No longer do you have to stay here
A new life's calling get in gear

No more crying," Someone save me."
No longer longer the victim
You can break free

You take your life back here tonight
The plan's set,  it's in sight

You're moving on



Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Be Water, My Friend

Be Smooth yet unstoppable
Be continuously flowing

Erode mountains,
with force

Keep on going

Through, under, over, around

With a rhythmic drip 
or like enormous wave,
 crash down

Be as fierce as a cataract
As relentless as the rapids

Meander through cracks
Be still,
 not vapid

Adaptable, solid,
floating through air

Find a way 
somehow, somewhere

Sinuous or direct
Be it the shallow or deep end 

Like Bruce Lee

"Be water, my friend"


iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved C. 2017

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Book of Changes

From nothing to something
Yin and Yang

Something starts out small
then grows with a bang

Seeds sprout roots
trunk, branches

Leaves, fruit
Natural expansion

All still connected
All part of the one

that started from nothing

To something from none

Heaven, Lake, Fire, Thunder

What rises above
is rooted under

Earth, Mountain, Water, Wind

Ten wings soar through the sky, again

Offering insight and understanding
 for the normal and the strange

The Tao of wisdom
The Book of Change(s)


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

seduction of privilege

seduction of privilege

common man

irresistible lies

nude emperor 
entitled czar

divide and conquer
reality star


fortune, fame
gist of message

praise thy name

follow instructions
normalized the ways

give praise

the destroyer

selfishness, greed
awarding scraps

hateful creed

peevish, belligerent
obtuse, unwise

con man
shifty eyes

nude emperor
callous king

seduction of privilege
horrible thing


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, June 5, 2017

Me and Junebug

Junebug what do you know

Remember we used to
 hang out where the fireflies glow

We were wild as the warm summer night

Had more fun
than any time
in my life

Just getting into thangs
Care free
and po'

Me and Junebug hanging out
where the fireflies


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Sunday, June 4, 2017


 do know,
 it all will pass
Our lofty intentions,
Our thinly veiled masks

 Then we're left with
how it felt

Was it little death
Did our hearts melt

Did it strengthen our bond
Or was it all just show

Are our futures intertwined
or should we part
and go


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Brighter Days

A brighter day
That's what they say

Even if sometimes it doesn't feel that way

But you,
with the beautiful
gift in your eyes

Just let me hold ya
and let ya know it's gonna be alright 

Let me work on
taking away your pain

 Cleanse your soul like
the mid summer

Warm your heart
the rays of the sun

when you're comfortable
we'll do more,

 I know that might be
down the road a ways

But I promise you, my
dear, there will be
brighter days


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Speak it, Live it, Give it

I do not own this pic

Speak it, Live it, Give it

Connect with the life-force
the lineage, the source

Stars, galaxy, space, time

The creator's creation
 The divine mind

What makes us who we are
Is the near and the far

The past, present, and what comes next
The healing hands, the Tantric sex

The universe, inner verse,
 blessings or curse

We are everything in this life
We choose, we get


Speak it  live it  give it

till you rest


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017