Friday, March 31, 2017

Happiness, contentment, fulfillment, pleasure
are buried inside of us like hidden treasures

Like a wealth of good fortune or a pot of gold
it renews are spirit and empowers our soul

It's an inheritance that can't be stolen
A personal drive that keeps on rolling

Through trials, tribulations and personal



Thursday, March 30, 2017

My Duty

I do not own this pic

Why should I support your laws
when they're aimed against me

When all I want to do is 
worship in my religion, 

And how in your right mind 
can you think that it's fair

To repeal "certain" American
citizens healthcare 

You hide behind a religion
that preached slavery was good

You try to control women's bodies
by defunding 
Planned Parenthood

It's plain to me
that your laws are unjust
so it's my duty to
mount a resistance

Like the Boston Tea Partiers
and The Black Panthers of Self Defense
When injustice is the law
we mount a resistance

You call me a criminal because
I'm new to this 

Inciting violence against me
while encouraging
savages to hunt me

You vilify my misfortunes 
and claim all I do is bitch

When I ask for a decent wage
and no more tax cuts for the rich

You laugh at current regulations
to keep our air clean

As if my request for a safe
environment is
a little too extreme

It's plain to me
that your laws are unjust
so it's my duty to
mount a resistance

Like the conservative tea baggers
or The Black Panthers of Self Defense
It's my duty as a 'merican
to mount a resistance


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Keep Your Face To The Sun

Keep your face to the sun, today

So when the clouds are covering the sky

the dreams you have of your future
won't be hidden from your eyes

The earth will keep on turning
The trees will still stand tall

While the curious among us 
 try to make sense of it all

And even though your 
inspiration is temporarily out of sight

behind every cloud there
rays of sunlight

Which brings forth
The day

and sets the moon aglow

and most importantly, 
casts behind us
our gloomy 


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Lucky One

I do not own this pic

She was filled with joy,
jubilation, great pleasure 

Her face lit up with light

Her body moved with delight

It was spectacular, grand, phenomenal,
a treasure

One that could not 
be measured

As she danced on the beach
without a care

Seductively waving her hands in the air

She sang, "I 'm lucky to have you in my life"
at the top of her lungs

Her body reflecting the light of the moon 

Her smile was as bright as the sun
in June

 She was so excited, so happy, 
having so much fun

But something told me as I witnessed
her moonlight celebration,

 that I was
the lucky one


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Our Destiny Is Determined By Our Attitude

I do not own this pic

It would be nice if we could just make things go our way
But, ish happens
At least that's what the people say

And despite the truth of this often used 

I believe our destiny is 
determined by our attitude

The direction we go 
and where we end up

Some say it's preordained 
think its read at the 
bottom of a tea cup

I, however, 
 think differently
from the way they do

I believe our destiny is determined 
by our attitude

But this is just my
opinion and you may disagree

 That's cool 
everyone must move to the beat 
of their own Timpani

As you dance to the beat 
I hope it's with deep

Cause I believe our destiny is determined by
our attitude


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Attempt To Meditate

I do not own this pic

Body  Mind
Spirit  Matter
I seek relief from mental chatter

To a higher state
To a conscious mind
From the ego driven self to the divine

Fire  Ashes
Earthly   Eternal
The presence of distractions feels sempiternal

But with work, 
I know, this too will

As sure as the earth is round
and the universe is vast


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Give Your Best

I do not own this pic

Give your best in whatever you do
For many times in life
your work speaks for you

It's your calling card
a step toward your goal
your work of art
a window to your soul

It is all that you are
and ever will pursue
So, give your best in whatever it is you


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

A River Of Ideas (Flow)

A river of ideas flow
Pouring from my soul like 
a large natural

A torrent of cascading 
intentions, thoughts, plans and

A little extreme
At least it seemed

At first

Cause I was caught off guard,
 overwhelmed by the
volume and force

But as the process
takes it's course

I  realize

I am the source

I need not live 
in uncertainty or doubt

I can let it all
come rushing

A flood of creative energy

It's me

Speaking to the universe

Line by line and verse by verse

I immerse

myself in my 

I won't drift

Cause as long as it's from my soul

I will find joy
in how it


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Unlike Any Other

I do not own this pic

Don't give them the power
Don't let them get in your head

Don't be defeated by the judgment and criticisms
you're fed

It's poison,
 used to kill your esteem

 Even coming from those who
were thought to be on your 

So don't be discouraged
stand in your truth

Satisfaction from your commitment
will be your proof

For validation shouldn't have
to come from others

 the beauty of your
 it's unlike
any other


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


( Chorus)
The light in me
honors the light in you

You have the strength,
 so believe
Sure as the air that you

Your faith will
show you the 

So go forth and say

Believe in all that you are
Even when times 
get real hard

Together we'll
find a way

I'm here with you
to say


The light in me
the light in


The light in me
the light in


The light me

The light me


We dare to be
a healing community

So stand with me
in love


(Bridge fades out)


The light in me

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Each One Reach One

Each one Reach one
We gotta teach some

Before the system gets
a hold of them and eats 'em

We see it play out 

They are made to feel worthless in every way

Stigmatized for where they live
Ostracized for the color of their skin

Persecuted in the streets
Executed on the cold concrete

Hating each other at every turn

Venting anger on their community
and watching it burn

When will it end
When will the awakening come

When each one of us, reaches one

Yes, that sometime thankless task

of passing on wisdom before we pass

For they're under attack before their young lives begin

From media portrayal and the legislative pen

Labeled thugs, criminals, and up to no good
And god forbid if they're wearing a hood

But they're our beautiful young,
talented, souls

With unlimited potential
yet, most haven't been told

You matter
We care
And we will do all we can
to support you,
protect you
and nurture your plans

For there's no
telling all that
they can become

If each one of us, reaches one


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Prideful ( Our Minds Can Be Monsters )

Our minds can be monsters
lurking in the shadows

Preying on our vulnerability
and defeating us in battle

The more you're sure you know
The more you won't 

recognize it 
 you really don't

It's a catch 22 for the misinformed
Who have formed opinions that can't be reformed

At least they think they can't
but it's a fantasy 

brought to fruition 
by arrogance and vanity

critical, judgmental, 
and rarely seen

until it sabotages 
some of everything

So the next time you
think you know it all

Remember the arrogance and 
pride that comes before the fall


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Original Rock God

Hail! Hail! To the original Rock god
Ripping it up on his guitar

Music pioneer
King of kings
in Rock and Roll before it was a thing

When it was race music or the devil's spawn
He would rock the stage all night long

Separate but (not) equal was the law
But his Rock and Roll helped to tear down those walls

From the Record Player to the Juke Box
to Letterman jackets and Bobby sox

They were sharing a shake and shaking their bod's
 Hail! Hail! To the original Rock god

Mr. Rockstar swagger with the winning smile
The British invaders loved his style

His presence, his influence, and his guitar riffs
 This musical icon was a gift

that will just keep on giving
Though, without him around  it'll be sad and odd

But I'm his memory,

Hail! Hail! To the original Rock god


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017


The gift is swift
as your body swings

You go
 to the flow
and just do your thing

Something new
 for you
Spice up your routine

When you arrive
 get live
on this love supreme

The beat feeling sweet
as you begin to shift

Can't resist the bliss
of the Uplift


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Infinity On My Mind

I do not own this pic

In you
 I see
the wonders of the universe

Endlessly beautiful, engaging, diverse

Eyes like a sunrise's brilliant shine

Lips like heaven
Euphoric, sublime

Like infinity on my mind
Like infinity on my mind

Your aura is as seductive
as the stars in the sky

or a warm summer night
when lovers sigh

Your words sound of music
Exquisite, refined
Lyrically luscious 

intoxicating as wine

Like infinity on my mind
Like infinity on my mind

As vast as space
as deep as the sea
majestic as mountains
mysterious as galaxies

Your alluring appeal
and prepossessing charm
was created by the dust 
of exploding stars

Forever in your
presence is

Perpetual pleasure
infinitely nice

A more glorious 
likeness I'd
be hard press to

Then the vision of  you
transcending time

and representing all of creation
like infinity on my mind

Like infinity on my mind


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Your Time Is Now

You can't wait any longer
your time is now

The "Perfect Time"
never comes any how

So the mission is,
if you dare

To bare your soul
without a care

To sing your song out loud

To live your truth and be proud

For Trolls will come and they will go

And obstacles will always be on the road

But if you truly want to be free

Create the world that ought to be


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sweet Relief

The ego is a lie
An artificial high

Anxiety is a thief
Offering no relief

In our daily grind
As we navigate through life

Even the stoic among us know
Emotions will eventually  show

And often manifest
in characteristics that aren't the best

If we stay
 on guard

We can prevent 
problems before they

the ego is a lie
it's an artificial high

Anxiety is a thief

And overcoming the two
 is sweet


I am Tim Clark All Reserved c. 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

It's My Mind

It's my mind
Never mind
what's not mine

Myriad events
Deciphering content
 Other folks 2 cents

Time not well spent


Power resides in me
Once again, I see
Meditation is the key

I practice diligently

Face it

Spiritual competence
Restored  confidence
And, returned strength

I've been grateful ever since


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Lessons Learned

We relive the past most of the time
Be it through worry, conversation, or a habit of some kind

Emotional baggage that weighs us down
Steals our treasures and usurps our crown

But life wasn't meant to be full of regrets
And we don't make memories just to forget

So, what if we embraced lessons of old
What if we forged a new way, something bold

A different approach from new type of mind
A mind that learns lessons so things are better
next time


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Embrace The Beauty Of Life

Saturday warms and Sunday cools
So this I say to you

Embrace the beauty that is life

which blesses us with day, as well, as night

And dazzles us with sun, as well, as snow

Marvel's us with Mountains high 
and valleys low

Beauty that is displayed everyday

and bear's witness in every way 


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Miraculous Destiny

What's in the heart
What are we drawn to be

Listening to the inner voice 
is the key

I mean, we all have desires
from time to time

That pique our interest and arouse
our minds

But the ego craves attention
and weakens the will,
bathes in accolades
and leave us unfulfilled

Intuition, on the other hand,
awakens the spirit
 with music for the soul
we taste, feel and hear it

and open up 
to what we were meant to be

A powerful life-force
with a miraculous destiny


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Windstorms are brewing in the air
I think congress is trying to F up my healthcare

Social media got me feeling less social and more alone
They say the CIA is spying on my TV and Smartphone

We the people just commiserate and complain
While politicians deny the science of climate change

Bur that's ok, this is normal, they swear
When you're trapped in a Reality show Nightmare

 We legitimize an election the Russians stole
And the Manchurian president is a Twitter Troll



Thursday, March 9, 2017

Life Is Happening

Life is happening, as we speak
and it's not for the faint of heart,
nor for the weak

 It smells weakness and quickly attacks
Often times leaving you flat on your back

Taking you through rough patches, spells and bouts
 Pushing you around and knocking you out

But believe it or not,
it doesn't have to be this way

You wearing a wounded heart on your sleeve

Disappointment it comes
 and it will go

But you don't have to let it defeat you
Use it to grow

 Hone your skills
and toughen your skin

Learn the lessons of hard knocks,
my friend

Till it's written deep in your heart
and you commit

Cause life is all about what you
make of it


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Face The Storm

It was a rough and windy day
That's what they say

Trees were bending as if they would break

And it seemed to be driving her out of her mind
She was worried and stressed out the entire time 

Till finally she headed out
 Things were blowing around
Danger was in the air and it made ominous sounds

And she could barely breathe as the wind pushed against her face
But, miraculously, she found her footing and steadied her pace

 The winds increased and the storm crashed 
And that's when she saw the world for what it was as last

Unpredictable, intense, severe and alive
This new found knowledge gave her drive

and from that day on she made it her norm
To put worry aside and face the storm


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Set Your Intentions

I do not own this pic

Set the intention 
Make your move

But be prepared to get knocked down

Cause when opportunity presents itself
opposition is always around

So keep your mind keenly focused
Know distraction will come your way

get back on course
forget regrets

Whenever you've gone astray

For nothing good comes easy
and nothing bad is hard

So when tenaciously pursuing your passion
Remember this and stay on guard 


Iam Tim clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

Let's Do What We Can

Let's do what we can 
A bit of good

No matter where we are
Little by little, bit by bit

the impact will travel far

For what seems to be insignificant 
will gradually unfurl

And what was once that little bit
Will grow strong enough to 
overwhelm the world


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Rise Above It All

When the petty are determined to make you feel small
Meet your potential and rise above it all

Not flippantly dismissing them for ego sake
Not with malice, ill will, criticism or hate

But to lead by example and set the tone
For what it seem the world ought have known

That when the petty are determined to see you fall
 We must be the bigger person and rise above it all


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Be Persistent

 a firm continuance in your course in spite opposition
results are inevitable, if this becomes your daily decision

Consistent work leads to habit
Habits hone your skills

Skills create mastery 
And mastery
brings into fruition ideas


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017

My skill has been honed by many years
of hard work, sweat, and tears

But there are still goals
 my words have claimed
That I'm not quite sure how to obtain

As well, you have a special knack 
Of finding the wind at your back

(Unfinished and working on an ending)


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Invest In People

Invest in people 
your time, your kindness and love

Why should anyone have to wait
till heaven above

To feel the sun
shining on their face
Or to feel relief from the maddening rat race

I'm not condemning those 
who worship
under a steeple

but shouldn't we assist each other now
Shouldn't we invest in people

Invest in people with your knowledge, 
your resources and skill

Instead of harshly judging those in need
show a little goodwill

Not just mindless giveaways 
to ease guilty souls

But, see the best in who they are
And, teach a better way to carry the load

Cause as we were taught not long ago
We are our brothers and sisters keepers

And since that is so
let's invest in people


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Why Lament

Why lament, 
why wallow in sorrow 
for time already spent

Why wail and moan
or weep or cry

Your fate's not set
until you die

So create
design, develop, generate

the world you see yourself in
Forge ahead, make it happen

Although, the skill you have 
won't lose it

Unless, of course, you never use it


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017