Sunday, November 29, 2020

Faith without Works


 Faith without works is dead

Just taking up space in your head

Yes, you can repeat what the good book said

And imagine that your soul has been fed

But until the practice of hypocrisy has been shed

faith without works is just dead


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What We Believe

What We Believe

 Brothers and Sisters

Cynicism and fear have no place here

They only serve the oppressor's plan

Suppressing the the voice of the common man/woman

Creating chaos and doubt to weigh on us down

Placing blinders on us so we don't look around 

And once the independent spirit we touted

no longer exists

  Our, so called, "exceptionalism" gives way to narcissism and selfishness

Beloved, can't you see

 We're only as good as what we believe

  Now, I'm not suggesting we become "hopefully naive"

But that we strive to live our whole life long

Faithful, courageous, willing and strong


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

May We Open Our Eyes

May We Open Our Eyes 


may we open our eyes

regardless of religious beliefs or political sides

May we view the trials, tribulations and many tests

as opportunities to accomplish achievements with honor and selflessness

May we supplement faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge

May we build on this foundation and be sure that it's solid

For the commandment that's greater than all the world's wealth

Is to simply love our neighbor as we love ourself

T. C

Monday, November 23, 2020

Right And Wrong


I'm less concerned about Left and Right 

and more about right and wrong

So to the question, whether we'll ever again get along

I say, 

If the truth will set you free,

 good deeds make you strong

And to truly get the peace on earth

 we sing about in that feel good song

We must be honest about what's right

and what we damn well know is wrong



Friday, November 20, 2020

Worth Fighting For

Worth Fighting For

No weapon formed against us shall prosper

God bless the Frontline workers

 from clerks to doctors

Nurses, fire, police, emergency techs

And my people of good conscience 

let us not forget

Life is happening as we speak

Bitter, indifferent, and sometimes, sweet

But through it all may we have the wisdom 

to remain 

Steadfast, courageous, empathetic, humane 

As well as, selfless and decent to the core

Because, there's good in this world

and it's worth fighting for


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Reality Check (The spirit of the fable)

REALITY CHECK (The spirit of the fable)

While Rome burns from famine and disease

An offbeat Nero dances at rallies, and privately seethes

But this ain't about him, nazi's, proud boys or sheeple

2020 is about us, "We the People"

Who set out to form a more perfect union

But consume symbols of hate 

like they're holy communion

Reality check  Check one, check two

The fire is raging and the state is being consumed

distracted and dismantle by pettiness and lies

Beloved it's time we open our eyes

our hearts, our minds 

And honestly assessed how we're living

Or at least live up to the spirit of the fable of our



Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Take Your Power Back


Life is filled with ups and downs, heartbreak and tears

But you were born with a resilient spirit, so beloved, have no fear

And if you believe in what your people fought for, bled, died, and got

Then you won't let them steal your inheritance  No way,  not on your watch

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Even when you're discouraged, because chaos seems to rule

Persistence shifts heavenly favor   So don't allow yourself to be fooled

For you are a descendant of a powerful people, who have and shall overcome  

The oppressor has no control over your life, unless you give him some

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Remember, love conquers hate, but only when good people don't dismiss

the power we all possess to change the world   Courage warriors raise your fist   And

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back.