Friday, January 31, 2020

It's a hoax
The great American joke
Lady justice pretending to be blind,

In cahoots with Uncle Sam
Of course, it's a scam
But the privilege don't
 give a damn

As long as it works
for them and it always does

Same as it ever was

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Don't Let 'Em Faze You

Peoples opinions are a dime a dozen

What they say about ya
don't mean nothing

Unless you give power
to petty words

But that's losing cause
in case you haven't

So keep your head on
straight and do what
you gotta do

And don't never
ever, ever
let their views
Faze You

Don't let
 Faze You

See, we're chained to what we
engage with and
that's no lie

Prisoners dwell in cells

Above the fray

but the jealous

 wallows in
the mud like
common swine

So keep your head on straight
and to thine self
be true

And don't never
ever, ever
let their assumptions
Faze You

Don't let
 Faze You

Cause life is too

to live in

or defend yourself
from what's made up
in someone's

Just sharpen your
focus on what
you pursue

And don't never
ever, ever
let them
Faze You

Don't let
 Faze You

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All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 27, 2020

It's not the thang
It's whether our minds can 

It's not the years, days or months
whether the concept 
of time is 
made up

It's whether we have made up
our minds

to stay blind


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Rest In Peace

No one knows the hour
or the reason why

Shrouded in mystery 
like angels in the sky

One might depart
the realities of this life

To heavenly stars blazing
for eternity and a night

But Mother Earth will pause
to mourn the souls no longer here

And our hearts will be heavy
as our eyes fill with tears

 memories heal the heartache
we thought would never

And the voice of
They're back
home to
Rest In Peace


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Saturday, January 25, 2020

They love you and hate you
for selfish reason

And to everything there
is a season

Seasons to live. laugh
weep and die

Until the season appears
we care not why

Cause we no the seasons
come and go

And, realistically, the same
can be said for the people
we know

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Tomorrows not promised
but happiness is

When we stop worrying, people,
and learn how to live

Preparing for the future
is an important task

But is stressing out 
really gonna help it
come to pass

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Step by step
Measure by measure

Dull, laidback
Witty, clever 

Verbs, adjectives
adverbs, nouns

Think it up
Write it down

Joy, euphoria
Sadness, pain

Create a story
and explain

Monday, January 20, 2020

Social Justice Warrior

He was a
 Social Justice Warrior
comin' atcha

Not a passive preacher

His dream was a 

His voice
 a rallying

His spirit,

 will never die

we misinterpret
his message

Water it down

To pretend
he was this cuddly
do gooder

would tarnish the

of the King 
of the community

The Prince of the poor

Mr. Economic Equality,
anti colonialism, 

So let's shout it from the mountain top
Till we hear freedom ring

and truly
 honor the legacy
of the 
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King 


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Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Process Of A Dream

The Process Of A Dream

A dream is nothing
without the work

Which could be
grimy, or filled with
pain and hurt

What looks glorious
in the mind

Must be reworked, retooled
and refined

Like faith with
no works is surely

A dream is just a fantasy
in the head

Without a series of actions,
 steps, or a process

In order for the 
dream to manifest


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Saturday, January 18, 2020

An Example

It's never impossible,

When the sun doesn't shine,

If all have given up,

And when the world got
you down,

Whatever is needed
bring some

Set an example,


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Friday, January 17, 2020

You're trying too hard
It ain't natural

Faking the funk
gonna wind up 
bad for ya

So many stories
So many lies

Deception showing
in your eyes

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Don't give up
You've just begun

Have you day in the sun

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Glorious Chorus

A Glorious Chorus

On this day the earth heard the angels sing
a glorious chorus for the birth 
of a


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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What We Do

What We Do

I'm blessed is what I heard her say
When something or another
went her way

Yet, when it was her turn to plant the seeds
She watered them with nasty deeds

Hateful is what hateful does
And you can justify it, cuz

But the bottom line
What is true

You aren't what you say
You're what you do

He spoke with the nobility
of a king

Unfortunately, he needed to be the 
of everything

Bullying and boasting all the time
The mythos of a legend
 in his own mind

hateful is what hateful does
And you can justify it, cuz

But the bottom line
What is true

You aren't what you say
You're what you do

So instead of pretending to have a heart of gold
Start working on that ugliness in
your soul

And I'll do the same, 

Because we are what we do
Not what we say


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All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 13, 2020

We are all that we love and loathe
in life

Symmetrical as harmony
Incongruent as strife

Beautiful Gates of Heaven
Hideous Styx of Hell

Nature of better Angels
Flaws like the one who fell

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Celebrity Hypocrisy

Celebrity Hypocrisy

Celebrities get flak for their hypocrisy,
as they should

But is it wrong
 for them to use their platform 
for good

"Good," that's subjective,
no argument

Yet a voice
inspires millions
nothing they should

some will say they're
out of touch

Others say, stay
in their place

But not utilizing
their "pulpit"
would truly be a

From politics to harassment
to Greenhouse gasses
they have the power
to move and influence the masses

So why should they bury
their heads,
bite their tongues
or cower

When they have been
blessed with the
opportunity to
speak truth to power


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Still, millions are watching
so their duty
is to speak 
truth to power

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Misguided Love

Misguided Love

We are not a monolithic people
She doesn't speak for me

Using her platform
to dole out Dime store

 The black man,
of today, still
has the slave mentality?

Sounds like brainwashed
from the fables
of 'merican

 African slaves (Men) didn't
 break up
their own families

Have scrapped, fought and

overcoming ignorant stereotypes
and racist brutality

Reared and protected their
hostile society

That wants nothing more
than to label
them as criminals, deadbeats
and untrustworthy

 from a
throne of t v celebrity

Doesn't mean that her
wide sweeping condemnation
has any validity

And, yes, she has the
right to her

As I have the
right to disagree
with misguided Love,


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Friday, January 10, 2020

They're Out

They're Out

They're out
But don't act surprised

Your racist attacks
opened their eyes

" An Atrocious lapse of judgment"
is what you say

While overlooking ignorant headlines
 such as, "Straight out of Compton"
and "Exotic DNA"

Or the overtly racist brooch worn by the
princess of kent

Yeah, I know, I know
meant no offense

It's just the legacy of privilege
in full effect

So the young couple "chucked deuces"
What did you expect

For them to sit idly by
while you called their baby
a chimp

"Normal royals" would just
 pose and primp

But that kinda' life
they weren't about

So they packed up,
with dignity

And got the hell out


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June Nine

June Nine

June Nine
 I had you in my head
But I crashed,
fell asleep,
went to

Nevertheless, It won't deter my drive
Cause in 2020

I'm writing 365


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

War Whores

War Whores

War Whores, War Whores
Take advantage of the poor

They gather them in masses
Whip em up in frenzied passion

Dazzle their minds with ballistics
Pledge their allegiance to jingoistics

Prove their power through pain
And, through the ages
it ain't changed

It's the hypnotic folklore
of the predatory
War Whore

War Whores, War Whores
Take advantage of the poor

They herd em up like cattle
Send off to fight their battles

Singing our country tis of thee
Where the rich create the enemy

And line their filthy pockets
Selling red flares from bloody rockets

When will we demand NO MORE

SERVITUDE to the war whore

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Love (Act 4)

It's the grand power
that created the

It's simple affection
a boy and a girl

It's the slayer of hate,
The conqueror of fear

It's the dryer of eyes
producer of tears

It's the face of life
the voice of God

It's a subtle flirtation
 a wink and a nod

It's as vast as space
powerful as sunlight

It's the warm body
of a lover at night

It's bold, and undaunted,
 Soft and mild

It's the loving bond
between a mother and child

It's the heart filled blessing that I pray
It's Love
And it's the only way


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All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 6, 2020

Love (Act 3)

I wanna trust love
but how will I knw

Last time I fell
I got up real slow

But they say hve courage,
faith, belief

But from my last broken heart
I'm still missing a piece

Nevertheless, the fever for affection
is messin' wit my mind

So, I guess I trust love
just one more time


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All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Love (Act 2)

Love (Act 2)

If not us, who will touch the sky
with lofty goals of a bttr life

For the less fortunate, the sick, the malnourished
If not us, who will hve the courage

to overcome the selfish mind

If not us, who will find the time

To create a world tht
we dream of

If not us, who demonstrates
 real love


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All rights reserved

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Love (Act 1)

Love (Act 1)

Affection, attraction, devotion

Agape, maternal, passionate fire

Rapture, enchantment, fondness, amor

An overwhelming feeling which can't be ignored

It's a many splendored thing, hard to explain

It drives some men to greatness and others


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All rights reserved

Friday, January 3, 2020

New Perspective

New Perspective

In a deep gravity well
On a terrestrial planet

We can marvel at the miracle
or take our existence for granted

Orbiting around a fireball
that's millions of miles away

We can worry about the precarious nature
or make lasting memories everyday

Vantage Point is everything
Perspective bares our soul

Do we ascend to the highest mountains
or dwell in the valleys low

Not being Pollyannaish
But attempting to be adult

I think Einstein said, 'Insanity is
doing the same thing and expecting
different results"

We need a new persecutive
A breaking of the binds

A belief in the passion of our hearts
rather than the enslavement of our minds

Study yields approval
Like 2 Timothy demands of thee

Our perspective fuels the revolution
So let's set ourselves free


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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cave Of Ignorance

Cave Of Ignorance

What you don't know can't hurt you,
some folks say

But, ignorance is taking folk prisoner,

Chaining 'em to foolishness
Misinforming their minds

Shadows of fear are viewed
all the time

Meanwhile, knowledge is waiting
Shining like the skies

Some don't wanna see it
cause it hurts their eyes

But their eyes will adjust
their bruised ego will heal

 cozy cave of ignorance
will lose it's appeal

If they just break free
Merely, dare the unknown


 step out

of their comfort zone


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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Grand Illusion

The Grand Illusion

It's an illusion but oh so sweet
Like memories,

which don't correspond to physical reality

Our concept of time isn't universal
Space knows no audible
tick tock

There are no traces in the galaxy
of some sort of Master Clock

Just a tangled web of events 
that we group as

The future, the present 
and the wonders of the past

 trying to make sense of our 
nature in a jar

Organizing adventures
on the
 third rock from 
our star


iamtimclak  c 2020. All rights reserved