Saturday, November 30, 2013

Just Live II

Just Live II

Feel the passion 
as you make it happens

Here's a tip
don't even trip

 It's your time
You'll do just fine

When you live

Just live

It so fun
to get it done

Without the stress
No need to press

Roll out the tide
and enjoy the ride


just live

See life is too short
To stay in the port

And opportunities are lost
When you don't know the cost

of not being in the game
 See, It's such a shame

when we're 


Just live!


Friday, November 29, 2013

The Creed

The Creed

Do we really appreciate 
what we've got

Or is it more 
like dwelling on 
that, elusive,
" have not"

things would be better
if we just had

But desires of 
possessions are 
a bottomless pit

That make us 
obsessive and
filled with worry 

Impulsive, frustrated, frazzled, in 
 a hurry

Even empty
 at times

As the yearning
fills our mind

But happiness
can not be

With or without
"things" we are
not less

We have all 
we'll ever need

If we just make 
our creed

 For no one else can create
our joy

and we damn sure
don't need any
more toys

To give our spirits
that wonderful

That comes from just being
grateful that life is 
a gift


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Honest Effort

Focus on the good
I know I really should

but it's easier said than done

and sometimes the bad seems
much more fun

or at least kind of sexy 

you know, late at night when I'm 

But oh, I guess that's a difference

You know, you really gotta
love that

When the mind starts to drift

To focus on anything would
be a gift

Especially, if it was good

I guess with little practice, I really 

Replace my negative thoughts

or at least stay detached from them,
like I ought

Cause they say, what we think 
we become

Be it vibrant or
desensitize and numb


 it's worth the work
it entails

And through honest effort
there's no way
 I can fail


Monday, November 25, 2013

When The Cold Comes Are Way

Enter the cold
 There's a chill in the air

That whistles in the wind
and makes us all aware

That winter 'round the corner
Snow is on the way

Holidays, families 
What to do on shorten days

 Like keeping
our bodies warm

Making love
during snow storms

Hot toddies, snow ball fights

and did I mention,
 love making nights

Bodies on bodies
wrapped and intertwined

Heating our our flesh and bones 
refocusing our minds

On the beauty we
create when the 
cold comes our way

To warm our evening
and enjoy
cool days


The Best

What I came to say
Is It's wonderful the way

You express your point of view
you're just unique in what you do

And the appreciation's great
and I'll never hesitate,

my dear, to confess
I love your way
the best


Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Yogic Way

Not entitled

Not an idol

Not flippant

Not slipping

Never closed

Never posed

Never unaware

Never unfair

May we continue 
to strive

With every
of our

To be the best
that we can 

But stay realistic
cause that's the 

And when we
fall short
and we do

 May we remember
"Grace and Humility"

is the
 Yogic way


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Brilliance Of You

The Brilliance Of You

You, of course, are amazing
a trail that is unique

I, of course, am star gazing
witnessing a talent at her peak

You, of course, are breathtaking
a statement with all that you do

I, of course, am just taking
an opportunity to praise 
the brilliance 
of you


Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Not tomorrow

While thoughts are new 
not borrowed

Lets create
a beautiful night

By moon dust
and star light

You and I
so cool and young

You know, 
compared to the sun

and galaxies
far and wide

Where time comes
and goes just like the 

Our possibilities have no
end in sight

Not tomorrow
but tonight


Monday, November 18, 2013

Buried Alive

Buried Alive

Buried in you 
is all that you knew

and all that you are
are treasures not far

from your reality
but it takes work you see

Each and everyday
whether you chant or pray

Your spirit gets lifted
and you're labeled gifted

by the work you do
to uncover your true

self inside

that has been
buried alive


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life Is good ( for you and me)

Is good for you
and me

even though, sometimes,
It may not seem to be

We're addicted
to wants, needs
and desires

Expecting material wealth to
take us higher

found  in our
expensive "Toys"

 Fleeting thrills,
 facades, ploys

in a fool's gold

Tarnishing gems
Revealing mold

After the glitter
starts to fade

And there's only so
much more money that
can be made

We'll find the heart
is the only way to acquire

The blissful state
that takes us

And lets us understand,


is good for you
and me


Saturday, November 16, 2013



Respect give it to me
and I'll give it to you

The universe opens up 
to those who do

Regardless of our differences,
beliefs or creed

We all have things that 
we think we need

Love, respect compassion,
and joy

It's the same for every woman, girl,
man and boy

So let's listen and learn
Share ideas and grow

Cause views aren't etched
in stone 
There's so much that we don't know

And could gain from conversation
that's constructive
and fine

Where knowledge is shared
between two wonderful minds

Fair and balanced
but not in slogan alone

That which is recognized
by the interlocutors tone

When he or she is 
given the consideration
that is do


Give to me 
and I'll do the same 
for you


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Take The High Road

Take the high road
when others are lost

and everyone around you
is paying the cost

Show them how


take the high road
when others are rude

instead of making things worst
and destroying your mood

Cause that's just foul

Take the high road
Nip it in the bud

Instead of joining the pigs 
wallowing in the mud

You're not a sow

Set the example
Be the one

That elevates the conversation
When all is said and done

Give them something
worth more than gold

Show them how
to take the 
high road


Move On

Although it's been rough
and these times seem bleak

and the life your living 
is not what you seek

Move On

It seems, one step forward
and two steps back

and you're constantly reminded
of the skills that you lack


Move On

See we all stumble
and fall on bad times

And, of course
our problems won't
be solved by a poem or a rhyme

But this is a reminder,
 and a little support

Cause although you are challenged
you haven't fallen short

For remember, with every dusk 
there is always a dawn

 And better days ahead
for those who know 
Move on


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Whimsical Dream

We all want the same thing
To be happy and have our heart sing

To Laugh and play
Whenever we want, no matter what day

To be confident and care free 
and be respected for who we

By family and friends
 near and far

Never lonely or discontent
Always able to pay the rent

or mortgage
never caught up in 


 Known to all
someone who


I swear

We all want the same thing
To live our lives like a whimsical dream:)


Monday, November 11, 2013

Death to Violence

Death to senseless violence
Cause violence is senseless

Cowardly bullies
attacking the defenseless

Be it women or children
The innocent are dying

Families are dismantled
 loved ones are left crying

And trying 
To cope with 

The rumors and lies
of the callous and cold

Who have the nerve to deny

That every life is precious
Regardless of  creed

race, religion, status or 

our streets they 

Our blood's being spilled

Not just faceless stranger's 
our community's being killed

It'll hit closer to home 
unless we all
take a stand

And become advocates
for change 
every woman and

Let's bring 
Death to senseless
violence is senseless

Cause together we are strong
and no longer defenseless


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lessons Learned

Standing like a mountain
or flowing like the seas

The secret is being what you
were born to be

Whether its the road less traveled
Or it's one that others have

The key is to create
our own, unique, path

 Like the sun shines by day
And the moon seems to, at night

It's best to have balance 
in your life

 See we all have options
and may be unsure which
way to turn

But through trial and observation
our lessons are surely learned


Friday, November 8, 2013

Yoga gods
(The word, "god" is used metaphorically)

Yoga gods and goddesses reigning on high
Yoga gods and goddesses, the ego is a lie

Yoga gods and goddesses 
know the pretty words

Yoga gods and goddesses
got you thinking bout 
what you heard

Yoga gods and goddesses
charismatic in their way

Yoga gods and goddesses
should practice humility, everyday

Yoga gods and goddesses reigning on high
Yoga gods and goddesses, the ego is a lie

Yoga gods and goddesses
are on a spiritual quest 

Yoga gods and goddesses
Have a platform to impress

Yoga gods and goddesses
can feel vulnerable and weak

Yoga gods and goddesses
Should remember that before they speak

Yoga gods and goddesses reigning on high
Yoga gods and goddesses, the ego is a lie

In this, booming, culture, 
where millions practice, 

 Your gift 
 helps them delve deep
to find true ecstasy

or bliss, or peace,
or stress relief 

Or a body touched
with love

And if you're sincere
with your intentions

You can help 
with all of the above

Yoga gods and goddesses reigning on high
Yoga gods and goddesses, the ego is a lie

Yoga gods and goddesses
your influence is felt, everyday 

Yoga gods and goddesses
humility is the way


Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Source 

The source of your power
The sheen of your shine

Comes not from the pose
but the focus of your mind

 Look beyond aesthetics 
and the superficial high
to beauty eternal
the one that lives inside

It's beneath the chaotic
and the cluttered mind
It's the place of peace
that only wisdom can find


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lets Do IT

What makes you happy
What makes you smile

We can do it often
We can do it for awhile

If it make you feel good
lets do it, real nice

I'll do it for you, baby
Not once, but thrice

Just to see your face 
in ecstasy

I'll do it for you
While you do it to me

Lets create that perfect fit

If it makes you smile, baby,

Lets do it


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

After The People Have Spoken

After the people have spoken
after we've cast our votes

Will we come together
Will we be on the same note

Or will we be divided 
split into two camps

Instead of a new beginning
will our style be cramped

By bickering, fighting
recalls and such

 Is civil discourse
just too much

For our city, our state 
our country, our world

Is warring the legacy
of our little boys and girls

After all of our tech advancements
After all this time

Do we still need to
clash, at the drop of a dime

Once the people have spoken
After the voting has ceased

Can we, at least be 
smart enough, to just live 


Monday, November 4, 2013

Just Live

Paint a picture
Write a poem

Say a kind word
Make someone feel at home

Sing a song 
Make him laugh

Dry some tears
Run her bath

Send your love
Hold her hand

Bake them sweets
Hug someone and



The wonders of life come

When you just 



Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Rare Glimpse

Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see

Not what you think of me
Cause it may be a fallacy

But in actuality
What do you see

Do you fear the mystery
 Cause it shows how things could be

If you listened to my soul
and believed what you were told

You could start to understand 
A rare glimpse into the soul of this man


Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Inspired Life

The Inspired Life

I want to live in an inspired life
gaining understanding through peace or strife

Connected to an existence beyond the physical realm
Where Prana, our life force, the vital energy's at the helm

Where different frequencies join us with the force
That creates all things, our God, the source

Then I'll be attached  mind, body and soul
with the all , the eternal,  the divine, the spiritual goal


Friday, November 1, 2013

What's The Wait

What're u waiting on 
it's already here

The time is right
This is your year

Or more specifically, your day
No more wasting time

Or getting things perfect
or waiting on signs

Life is for the living
Let it show you how

Make it happen 
Cause life is happening now


be cool

Don't force it
be smooth

 It can be
so sweet

that nothing
else can compete

It can be 
so nice

That you wanna do it 

and again and

But don't rush it,
my friend

It's patience that brings 
 blissful sensations

When you delving deep
into meditation



The miracle is the breath that brings my body to life

The magic is the thoughts that create the words, I write

The wonder is the world I create with all I do

The blessing is the opportunity of a life so true