Wednesday, August 28, 2013

50 Years

50 Years Ago

Fifty years ago today 
I wasn't born yet
so I can't say

What it felt like
to be lead by a

And I'm sure his subjects
 didn't know that his actions

The changing of a culture, 
a country, a

 The fate 
of once marginalized
boys and girls

The lives of the less
fortunate who never
could advance

The destiny of the 
who now have a

To be judge by
their character
and not by their skin

And all though
his works isn't done

We owe a debt
to him


Friday, August 23, 2013

On The Mat

On the mat
It comes to me

Hidden treasures
or things to set free

In my body
on my mind

Lunging deep
or in a bind

This ancient science
and or art

This age old tradition
of which I am a part

Keeps me centered
and that's where it's at

That's why I do my thang, daily 
 on the mat


Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Seed

Lets make the most of everyday
before the season fades away

See we can have what you need
For every thought is just a seed

Planted in soil, waiting to grow
but it'll need our help, that's for sure

So lets shine our love on it like the sun
and give it encouragement when there is none

 Water it with hard work and then
 day after day, do it again

Til we witness our lives in full bloom
We must nourish the seed and give it some room


Monday, August 19, 2013

The Reflection Inside

Keep your head to the sky and your feet planted firm
Cause everything that doesn't kill you, from it, you will learn

And keep your nobility, your conscious, your wit
Cause God blesses the child that has his own
Not the the one still sucking from the tit

And be ever so amazing, like you were born to be
Not like the cage bird singing, cause he wishes he was free

At last, at last ,You'll hit your stride
Cause our realities are a reflection 
of who we are inside


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Give the People Peace 

Churches burning
people yearning 

wishing, praying, the violence 

 Home of the

soaking in 

of blood and death

very little stability

In military rule
or with dictators

disregard the will 
of common folk

Filling their streets with 
fire, riots and smoke

What good do you serve

When you can't
give the people the peace 
they deserve


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gravitational Pull

Gravitational pull

What do you gravitate towards
When your mind is bored

When your time is free
Who do you choose to be

Are our actions productive and kind
Or does your anger cause you to whine

and complain about all your needs
See thoughts can sow a seed

And habits can grow from that
and what you act on becomes a fact

So watch what you gravitate to
For we all become, what we do


Monday, August 12, 2013

The Plan

If you can't soar
and your self esteem 
is poor

or your legs are too tired
to run

But the job is not done

Don't Stop

If you've walked a
thousand miles

And your trek 
is filled with trials

Keep going

If you'd had to crawl on 
hands and knees

And you think your
dreams will never

You can do it

Even if your body 
remains still 

Reach for it
Make it real


 you can
just follow the plan

and stick to


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams 
Beauty Queen

May life always be 
what it seems

And when you wake
in the morn

May you be fresh
the day you were 


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Good Judgement

The bigger the head ache
the bigger the thrill

Now, how does it
make you feel

Not as special as
it did last night

When every drink
made u so light

and happy and free

but it was just an illusion

And now you see

good spirits 
aren't found in a

You'd have a better 
playing the lotto

In any and everything 
the key

So err on the side of
good judgement 
and drink responsibly


Friday, August 9, 2013

 The Dirty Secret

Can you hear it
It smells like teen spirit

The sound is underground
beneath the surface
is where it is found

Masked by a pretty picture
A cautionary tale for your sister

Or daughter or wife
Or someone you care for deeply in your life

Because the moral of the story
is the trappings of fame and glory

May drag you down
without a sound 

at first
then it gets worst

Right before your eyes
The hebetudinous become wise

And then the treachery that was sealed
comes to the surface to be revealed


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sweet n Slow

Sweet n Slow

Sweet n slow

is how we  flo

in the bed

My body, my head,

even our souls


over and over

bringing a high to our sober


as you gently whine

in ecstasy

She and he


or whatever

feels good

like it should

When it's sweet and slow


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

No Need To Worry

Today is the tomorrow, we worried about yesterday
 that's what I heard someone say
Cause, It seems we always find a way

When we stop swerving and just stay in our lane
The path to take always makes its self plain
Beyond the storms and the rain

Our vision clears from the blurry
We move with ease, not in a hurry
And our souls reveal there's no need to worry


Monday, August 5, 2013

Beautiful people

Beautiful people
do beautiful things

Just the smile on their faces 
will make your heart sing

The words from their lips
flow from the soul

of a benevolent spirit
not an ulterior goal

A touch of their hand
brings a great calm

The knowledge they possess
is as sacred as psalms

Beautiful people
have beauty from within

Not good looking facades
and scruples that are thin

Beautiful people
Don't need to pretend,
they glow

And it can't be feigned
by manipulation or show


Sunday, August 4, 2013

kevin orr

snyder's boy, kevin orr
Thinks Detroiters should be poor

Cause they all have eighth grade educations
and he doesn't mind disrespecting them to the nation

In conservative rags
"Detroit deserved what it gets!", he nags

But even worst, here was his pitch
Detroiters were dumb, lazy and rich

and didn't prepare for the future
"How dare them complain", f*cking moochers

He believes without him
the cities fate is dim

After all this, he still doesn't get 
most of the city
thinks he's full
of Shit


Friday, August 2, 2013

The Power of Love

Love is the power
raining down like a shower

It is beautiful beyond belief
And brings us back from despair and grief

It is shared, but not enough
And yes, life can be tough

but we can rise above
 All we really need is love


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy August

Happy August, every one

may you be blessed to walk in the sun

So that even on stormy days

its powerful light

 will guide your 
