Monday, December 30, 2013

Out With The Old

My phone was stolen 
So what do I do

Say, "Out with the old,
and in with the new!"


December 30, purpose is clear
restoring our greatness in the new year
Not the greatness in the minds of those of conceit 
But of those who develop the community and make life
so sweet


Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29

December 29, Our businesses our created
Keeping money in the neighborhoods
leaving the community elated  


December 28

December 28, together we build our community
Responsibility and collective work, creates unity

Together solving problems, be it our sister or our brother
On this day of Kwanzaa, we key on helping one another


Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27, Self-Determination burns bright
We define ourselves 
in name, creation 
and might


December 26, Unity 
Lets strive to maintain
the family.
Community, nation and race
has its beginning
from this humble


December 25, 2013
The family had turkey and collard greens
and plenty of more good food 
for our feast

Happy holidays to all 
and to all people 

December 24, Christmas eve
We delivered gifts and food to families 
in need

it was heart warming, powerful
and gave each family a 
little lift

Hey St. Nick, if you're listening for me
 that's the perfect gift


Monday, December 23, 2013

The Mountain

Calm, serene, strong and tall
The foundation pose for them all

In Tadasana, the mountain soars
While feet are rooted in the floor 

or the earth, as you stand erect
The mind and body experiences 
a stabilizing effect

Strength meets flexibility,
better posture and stability

Our earthly beings meet our 
heavenly souls

When we consciously come into
Mountain pose


Preparation and Pose Tips
Stand straight and pull both your legs and feet together. Take your toes and raise them all up, let them flex out a little and set them down again as you allow your arches to rise up. Your bit toes touch. You can pull your legs together to create a strong foundation for your mountain. Feel and literally alow your spine to grow tall. Your chin is parallel to the ground and your arms rest at your side, comfortably and still. Breath into your chest, slow deep breaths. Gently move your abdomen, your uddiyana banda, towards your spine. Pull your shoulders first back and then down. Like many yoga poses you can create a simple, yet effective opening as you reach down with your arms and lift up through your spine, neck and head. Now, the fun part: allow energy to rise up through your body towards the top of your head, the crown chakra.

This pose is a great help for your posture. It strengthens your back and your abdomen, and can help with flat feet.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gifts of Love

Gifts of Love 
Aren't out of reach or high above

They lay dormant in our hearts
until we're brave enough to let them out

they're created by fire, and cause a blaze
They wake us from our selfish ways

Whether a word, an action or an idea
They empower us as people, not divide us by fear

They aren't judgmental, critical or unfair
And they are always recognized by the fruit they bare


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Soul

The wind blows down on our world
with the fierce sound

of the days growing dim
but not the light 

our soul

The earth shifts away 
from the sun,
they say

but the cold of the north 
could never chill the warmth

in our souls

So lets celebrate
our winter soul

So lets celebrate
and behold

Winter Soul

So when you feel despair
and cold and gray 
are everywhere

Look beyond the fragile heart
to the source of
the spark

That lights of our

And behold 
Winter Soul


December 21

December 21
We reach Samadhi

Beyond the pain and suffering 
of the body

True liberation, sometimes a lifetime endeavor
other times, the blink of the eye, or whatever

The knower understand the act of knowing
and that which is known, is the constantly  


December 20

December 20, Dhyana's next in line
A deeper prolonged sense of connection
through the meditative mind

With all sense of attachment released
we find interconnectedness ,
through our state of peace


December 19, Dharana's mentioned
Strengthening the practice of paying attention

binding the consciousness to a single point, the say
controlling the activities of the senses, in a universal way

Keeping the mind from wandering, from the future to the past
by practicing everyday to accomplish the task


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18, and Pratyahara
withdrawals us from distractions 
that become samskara's

But beside this ancient language stuff
the practicing of non attachment can be rough

For to gain mastery over external influence
Helps to create the union, the confluence

of mind and body like day and night
And that takes our Yoga practice to new heights


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17

December 17,  Pranayama shows,
me the beneficial qualities of breath control

It calms my mind, strengthens my heart
Hones my focus, keeping me sharp

 attentive, aware and connected within
Oh, the life force power of breathing out and in


Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16

December 16, Asana exposed
The power of this practice is buried deep down in the pose


December 15

December 15, Niyama meditation
Taking quiet time for personal observation


December 14

December 14, Yama, Explained

Abstinence from from intentionally causing fellow people pain


Friday, December 13, 2013

Its Friday the 13 

Its Friday the 13 on a December night
And there's not a snowflake in sight

But at midnight, its supposed to fall 
packing snow, good for snowballs

And sleds and snow men
on people lawn

and bonfires from dusk till dawn

People snowed in, cozy and warm
watching the kids play in the winter storm

Yes, It's Friday the 13, and tomorrows a snow day

Wait a minute, we're only getting 6 inches
I guess,  I'm getting a little carried away:)


December 12
( incomplete)

My poem for December 12, wasn't meant to be
So I left it on my laptop, incomplete

Maybe I'll revisit it another time
But as for right now, this will do fine


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

11th of December

11th of December
And Michigan voters should remember

The over reach by the republican, male, majority
Who has branded themselves some sort of moral authority

ignorantly weighing in on issues of women's health
powered by the fake religion and corporate wealth

They pass antiquated laws of hatred, fear and doubt
And we must remember this, for when the time comes, 
it behooves 
  vote them out


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December number 10

It's December number 10
and over a glass of La Fin

I worked on a song
almost all night long

oh yea, that was day number 9
I guess I lost track of time

What I want to say

is, There is nothing better than
Coming up with a plan

and seeing it through
Especially when you love, what you do

You get a high on the ride,
You gain a new sense of pride

And then, you do it again
 Maybe tonight ,
December number 10


Monday, December 9, 2013

December, 9 Days In.

December, 9 days in
and winter has arrived
You can tell by the wind

Friends bundled up in weather proof gear
The salvation army bell's ringing, good cheer

Warm cups of coffee are in every hand
and in our minds, we dream, of warm weather and white sand

Winter storms strike around us almost every day
And we listen for reports on whether it's heading our way

Planning sleigh rides and bonfires, and snowball fights, for fun
While hot toddies warm our bodies like the rays of the sun

Yes, It's December, 9 days in
and we make the best of our 
through thick and 


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Share the Experience

We come on to the mat to get our bodies tone. Perfectly, imperfect, beings of breath, body and bone.

 Energies by our consciousness, we journey within. 

 Creating a unique experience from beginning to end.  

Heightening our senses, focusing our minds.  

 Empowering our beings, in space and time. 

For when we come together, the healing begins. 

So lets share the experience with our family and friends. 

December 8 

December 8 
and I can't wait
To gather with friends and celebrate

another great year
another great time

In these days of cyber space 
roses and wine

Where we are all so busy, it's nice to slow down
And old friends and acquaintances are back in town

It's December 8
 and man it's great
To come together and celebrate


Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7

December 7

College football heaven


entertaining me

ACC, Big 10

Guess, I'm staying in

No Noel night

Even though I'm sure
that sh*t is gonna be tight

Just a Man Cave day

So, tonight
 I'm in to stay



Friday, December 6, 2013

It's December 6

It's December 6
and I'm looking over 

of the event last night
 And how it felt so right

See cause walking the Yogic path 
is less about diaphanous pants

And is more about living our truth
Because we are, what we do

Not what we claim, or what we say
Not how we pose on the mat, today

But how choose to live our lives
not always perfect, but where we strive

To help a fellow, woman or man
 Day by day, doing what we can

To give a little, cause we have so much
Not just in money, but time or touch

Or any kindness that we may have
Sometime just sharing smile or a laugh

Karma Yoga is what it's called
And it doesn't require a pose at all

Just a imperfect, caring, soul 
and willingness to play a role

in something good
For if everybody could

It would be like in these pics

And make me proud 

like today,

December 6


Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5. 2013

December 5. 2013, his mission was done

And, we will forever be in debt to 

"Nelson Mandela", the great one!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's December 4
 (so listen up)

It's December 4, so listen up
Detroit's not dead, it's bankrupt

At least that what they say, in a court of law
In a ruling that rubbed city pensioners raw

But that's another story
for another time

But the bashing of the city, is what's on my mind

Ruin Porn showed to tell a tale
Of an earthly incarnation of the depths of hell

With pitiful people
barely hanging on

Tatterdemalions, weathered and worn

But like reality TV
It's a scripted lie

Yea, we have our problems, no one can deny

But for many major cities, this is true
I've seen it all over the country, I'm sure you have too

So for those determined to continually bash our Town

I got a message for your ass
You'll never hold us down

No matter what you say, 
no matter what you show

Right under your nose
we'll continue to grow

And live, and love 
and back the 

Cause of the spirit
we possess, 
and our 

Oh yea, and our grit
something the weak 
don't have

So why your gloating the fictitious
I just have to laugh

Cause you believe 
we're dead, ruined and bankrupt

But it's December 4, and Detroit is rising up


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3 2013

December 3 2013

She was wearing 
her crown
 like a lil' beauty queen

Precious lil' one in black

rocking her jordans
and a hello kitty 
back pack

mocha skin, cute lil' smile

The world ain't ready, lil' baby,
for your wonderful style

So they'll mock you, and hate you
and kick you out of school

They'll say it's your hair,
but they'll know it's your cool

Blended , with your intellect 
and you'll always go far 

Smashing stereotypes
Shining like a star

The likes, the world has never

Just keep the
confidence you had

December 3 2013


Just What I Need

It was a rough morn'
My head was pounding
and my body felt torn

or broken
Any way,
with barely a word 

I entered the room

Didn't know what
to expect
Didn't wanna assume

the journey would be the answer
But I started on my way

Greeted by the barriers and 
blockades of yesterday

 The road of blood and bone
presents many a test

But to travel the path,
earnestly, is truly the best

I'm challenged with uphill battles
I'm brought to my knees

I'm assaulted by the onslaught 
of what my mind sees

Sweat, persistance, dedication 

This exploration on the mat
is a stimulating ride

and demanding and mysterious
and powerful, indeed

But what I find most 
is its
 just what I need


Monday, December 2, 2013

The Second of December

It's the second of December
and I'm trying to remember

What the old folks use to say
about cherishing everyday

And appreciating ever night
We got to sleep in our beds, tight

Yeah, this time of year
I wish they all were here

The Elders of the Clan
The Parents and the Grands

The wisdom of their words
Family secrets over heard

 Forever frozen in time
 Still etched, firmly, in my mind

Holiday traditions
Mama switchin' in the kitchen

The food just right
The music and Christmas lights

It's all so great to remember
On this second day of December


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Give It Away

Give it away
Each and every day

When its under your thumb
how in the world can you keep mum

Everything you eat 
Every person you meet

Every emotion you feel
Every quote you steal

Give it away
What's your comment today

Is that your new, luxury, toy

Did you have
 a girl or is it a boy

Every place you've been
Every achievement, or sin

Every selfie you take
 you know the world can't wait

For you to
give it away

We need to hear from you today

And tomorrow, and the day after
Lets see every tear, you shed, and all the laughter

Like a set of old, encyclopedias

Give it away,
all your business, 
to social media


December 1

December 1

December 1, the beginning of the end

of the month, fall colors and this year's trends

A time when family, comes and goes

more often than Jack nipping at your nose

But it's all good, cause it's a festive time

With plenty of food, hugs, kisses and wine

Spirits are bright, for a month of days 

Although the children still worry, Christmas is too far away

But I guess it's all perspective, cause depression is high 

anxiety, stress and our brains seem fried

from work, home and holiday crowds

From Christmas music too frequent and load

With so much, sometimes, it seems as if we'll burst

But hang on, and hold strong, cause it's just December 1