Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My mind comes alive under the night sky
Fixed luminous points fill my eyes.

Artistic gifts of thought fill the air
Expression of gratitude like prayer


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The World Stage

All the world's a stage
Whether blessed with a fortune
or hustlin' for wage

Men, women, workers, players
Entrances, exits, sins and prayers

All play many parts
Star struck lovers to broken hearts
Prologues and curtain calls since we were born

Scenes, lines and encores
Cause, the show must go on

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved. c 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A Deep Conviction

Affirm it, claim it, name it

Yours, make it yours

If you want it, hunt it

Not like prey
Let cupid have his way

Aim for the heart
The mission:

Stake your claim
 with plenty of repetition

Take action
Use phraseology, diction

Achieve what you want
with clarity and conviction

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved. c 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

It's not over, she said, as she looked in my eye's
The conviction in her voice neither doubted or denied.

She said, "Chin up, my son".
Be bold, little lion

Wipe the tears from your face
Cease your crying

For one day you'll be a man
and face many defeats

Lessons learned making
victory sweet

But until that glorious day
lick your wounds, of war
 Cause, we are winning

Our opponents think
we're finished

But their end is our

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved. c 2018

Monday, September 3, 2018

A Good Life

A good life is what i aim to live
Not bargaining my shortcomings
with the tithes that i can give

But, my words be not judgment
More corporeal substance than

More virtues of a just God than
ancients ever told

Still what do i know, like you,
I walk through valleys dark as death

However, before i get to deep
let me pause and take a breath

I pray to live a noble life
till quietus calmly comes

And, kiss my dear on her lips
living on in memories of loved ones

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All right reserved c 2018

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Brings into being

A spark
A flame

An idea ignites

And although it's clear
And very bright

A dream at no time
will come true

Without the labor
to see it through

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c. 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018

 Sublime Love

The sun never sets
The moon doesn't light

Perceptions shifts from left to right
Limited by experience

Superficial but so serious
Your views, my dear, aren't like mine

Yet the love we make is still sublime

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c. 2018