Wednesday, July 28, 2021


I know you wanna, but don't look away

You're tired but you must endure, stay

 And, yes, you've been through a lot  It's been rough

At times it has seemed to be way too much

But, you're a survivor, a thriver, and stronger than you know

So get up, dust off, cause you have more in you, for sho'

Through heartache, happiness, disappointment, hope

The times you feel at the end of your rope

Your successes will far out weigh your fails

And you will inspire us 

and lead by example

as well


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Up To US

Whether we rise or fall 

Make this worse for some or a better place for all

Should not be in the hands of the powerful few

who let "corporate sponsors" tell them what to do


Why take a chance at destiny when we can choose

Why believe for us to succeed someone has to lose

Why not learn from our shortcomings and blaze a new trail

Be above not beneath   The head not the tail

Not through dogma or through, so called, leaders who demand blind trust

But by realizing the fate of humanity

 is totally up to us


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Were You There

 Were you there 

When the eyes of the world seemed to care

When people of all creeds caught a glimpse

And we heard those agonizing words from his lips

I Can't Breathe

Were you in disbelief, staring at your screen

Did your humanity rise up, holla'  Did it scream


In that summer of soul was your voice heard 

Did you take action, write a letter, say a gawddamn word

When the streets were alive with protest, and statues of hate were destroyed

When the Pandemic raged and hard working folk were suddenly unemployed

 When corporations falsely claimed they would do their part

And a fascist leader, of privilege, lead with a hateful heart

When people of goodwill united and justice was in the air

Do you remember, my friend, 

Were you there


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Avoid Like The Plague


 Southern surge in the summer sun

Folks are sick of restrictions but Covid ain't done

It's a pandemic, ya'll, not an unwanted opinion

 That will just go away because some folk are offended

Naw! We're in this together   Whether you believe it or not

And the science of prevention is all we got

Instead of fighting and making this a political debate

Realize we alone are the masters of our fate

Which is intertwined through breath and blood

Destroyed by hate, restored by love

Not just love of self , but of fellow (Wo) man

Wake up, folks, we must do what we can

"To get back to those good ol' days"

We must avoid this ish like it's the plague



Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Billionaires' In Space

Billionaires' in space!  Look at 'em go!

One small step for man, that's fo sho'!

I mean space exploration brings benefits, no doubt

But it's time we use that money, brain power, to figure more urgent things out

Call me old fashion or even naive

But, shouldn't we eradicate the problems on Mother Earth before we leave

Off into space!  The final frontier!

If you got enough money, of course

Other than that, they're gonna leave yo ass here



Monday, July 19, 2021


 They say that we're living in difficult times

In a society that's divided 

But opportunity rides on a dangerous wind

To the clear eyed and open-minded

They say there's a wave of infection bringing death and disease

But angels among us, faithfully, put our welfare before individual needs

For we aren't just witnesses, but authors, to certainty or confusion

We, the source of what's wrong with the world 


We, the innovators of solution