Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year 2021


Well 2020 has come and gone

Like a dejected lover or a played out song

I hope your vision is clearer now

And you see you never needed half that stuff any how

I hope, now, you see it's not just about you

That we were put here to take care of one another too

And that we can't do that with selfishness and lies

I hope that part of the lesson opened your eyes

Cause although we have no control over how we got here,

when we'll leave, the time of day, or even the weather

One thing we can control is whether or not we'll work together

You know, cause that's how we evolved

Built civilizations, and problem solved

And that's how we'll conquer the disease

 of hatred, Covid, and stupidity

Yeah, I hope 2020 has made it all so clear

Anyway, much success and Happy New Year!



Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Proud Of You

We're proud of you

It's been a helluva year but you made it through

Sometimes broken hearted, frustrated, or in tears

Through hatred, division, famine, lies, fear

You found courage, hope, a reason to go on 

A heartfelt word, an uplifting song

Even at times, when you felt really scared

You lifted us all with the stories you shared

Yeah, we're proud of you, and grateful too

For who you are, and what you do

In the face of chaos, confusion, pain

 ignorance, racism, unfounded claims

You gave us space to vent and a sympathetic ear

A shoulder to lean, a kind word to hear

A good laugh, when we needed it most

 Humility, never, ever did you boast

Yeah, we're proud of you and appreciate all you've done

And we wish you abundance, health and happiness in 2021


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

We Have The Power (2020)

 Joy to the world 

Death to division 

We have the power 

to heal 

in this season of giving

And into the New Year

if we band together 

We can lift one another 

We can make this world better 

But it's up to us to decide 

in what type of world we wanna live

The contributions we will make 

 the effort we will give

Unity or discord, it's our decision

So, let's bring joy to the world

and death to division


Sunday, December 27, 2020

We Won't Be Broken



We weren't made and we won't be broken by a privileged man

The difficulties of this year should have brought to our knees, but by grace we still stand

We distanced ourselves. We sacrificed, lost loved ones, endured hate

But by reacquainting ourselves with the fight, the protest, the vote

once again we're masters of our fate

So even though the struggle is real

and some leaders have let us down

God bless the everyday hero, frontline workers, and first responders, on the ground

 For fear is a treacherous enemy wishing to devour all who stumble near it

But it has never, ever, been a match for the resilience of the human spirit


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Your Final Days

This is reality not a T.V show

Playing the hero won't make it so

Nor will posturing, bullying or causing grief

 The people don't need a performance

They need some relief

From the hate and hurt

they've been feeling all year

From the unfounded claims based on fear

So no more political stunts at the final hour 

No more feigning goodness while wielding

fleeting power

No more vengeful acts or underhanded schemes 

 No more executive decrees by a wannabe king

For public servants aren't ruler 

and crumbling countries aren't great

Besides the people have already spoken

 you know your fate

So instead of causing more pain and misery

Serve your final days with a little bit of dignity


Thursday, December 17, 2020

I'm Rooting For You

 I see you

 And I'm rooting for you, my friend

As this catastrophic shift in our world finally seems to be sinking in

And, Yes, the unknown can be scary 

Especially, in the form of a life threatening disease

But, hate and cynicism isn't the answer

Nor is denial or make believe

We must lift each other in love

We must work together in kind

 It doesn't take a science to see

An eye for an eye will leave us all blind

Dazed, confused, believing theories that make no sense

Stressed, depressed, angry, tense

So, take a step back, refocus, breathe

Remember, the enemy was sent to destroy, and deceive

But, you're better than that, so let the healing begin

And, I'll be right here by your side

Cause I'm rooting for you, my friend


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Practice What I Preach

May I

Practice what I preach

Not just lecture when I teach

 Be above and not beneath

And my actions mirror my beliefs

Only then will I be 

An agent of joy, not of grief

Bring comfort to a world that needs relief 

Be a shining example for all humanity 

Dear Lord,

May I practice what I preach



Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Be A Blessing

Be a Blessing

In this time of uncertainty 

Where just interacting with others can be scary

Be a blessing

In these streets when you hear someone cry

I can't breathe, officer, before they die

Be a blessing

In these days where our loved ones have to pass away alone

And employment and assurance seem to be gone

Be a blessing

For the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy

To leave us defeated, fearful, annoyed

To strip away our compassion, our empathy

Make us hate and become enemies

But the truth is, we all want the same thing 

To live, love, laugh, rejoice, sing

So in this moment of challenge, may we learn the lessons

of caring for one another and being a blessing


iamtimclark 2020


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Faith without Works


 Faith without works is dead

Just taking up space in your head

Yes, you can repeat what the good book said

And imagine that your soul has been fed

But until the practice of hypocrisy has been shed

faith without works is just dead


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What We Believe

What We Believe

 Brothers and Sisters

Cynicism and fear have no place here

They only serve the oppressor's plan

Suppressing the the voice of the common man/woman

Creating chaos and doubt to weigh on us down

Placing blinders on us so we don't look around 

And once the independent spirit we touted

no longer exists

  Our, so called, "exceptionalism" gives way to narcissism and selfishness

Beloved, can't you see

 We're only as good as what we believe

  Now, I'm not suggesting we become "hopefully naive"

But that we strive to live our whole life long

Faithful, courageous, willing and strong


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

May We Open Our Eyes

May We Open Our Eyes 


may we open our eyes

regardless of religious beliefs or political sides

May we view the trials, tribulations and many tests

as opportunities to accomplish achievements with honor and selflessness

May we supplement faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge

May we build on this foundation and be sure that it's solid

For the commandment that's greater than all the world's wealth

Is to simply love our neighbor as we love ourself

T. C

Monday, November 23, 2020

Right And Wrong


I'm less concerned about Left and Right 

and more about right and wrong

So to the question, whether we'll ever again get along

I say, 

If the truth will set you free,

 good deeds make you strong

And to truly get the peace on earth

 we sing about in that feel good song

We must be honest about what's right

and what we damn well know is wrong



Friday, November 20, 2020

Worth Fighting For

Worth Fighting For

No weapon formed against us shall prosper

God bless the Frontline workers

 from clerks to doctors

Nurses, fire, police, emergency techs

And my people of good conscience 

let us not forget

Life is happening as we speak

Bitter, indifferent, and sometimes, sweet

But through it all may we have the wisdom 

to remain 

Steadfast, courageous, empathetic, humane 

As well as, selfless and decent to the core

Because, there's good in this world

and it's worth fighting for


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Reality Check (The spirit of the fable)

REALITY CHECK (The spirit of the fable)

While Rome burns from famine and disease

An offbeat Nero dances at rallies, and privately seethes

But this ain't about him, nazi's, proud boys or sheeple

2020 is about us, "We the People"

Who set out to form a more perfect union

But consume symbols of hate 

like they're holy communion

Reality check  Check one, check two

The fire is raging and the state is being consumed

distracted and dismantle by pettiness and lies

Beloved it's time we open our eyes

our hearts, our minds 

And honestly assessed how we're living

Or at least live up to the spirit of the fable of our



Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Take Your Power Back


Life is filled with ups and downs, heartbreak and tears

But you were born with a resilient spirit, so beloved, have no fear

And if you believe in what your people fought for, bled, died, and got

Then you won't let them steal your inheritance  No way,  not on your watch

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Even when you're discouraged, because chaos seems to rule

Persistence shifts heavenly favor   So don't allow yourself to be fooled

For you are a descendant of a powerful people, who have and shall overcome  

The oppressor has no control over your life, unless you give him some

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Remember, love conquers hate, but only when good people don't dismiss

the power we all possess to change the world   Courage warriors raise your fist   And

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Take Your Power Back. Take Your Power Back. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Check the Source

Check the Source

It's the internet, folks
We're all familiar

Where we can find
support for any theory tht even remotely
 thrill ya

But there's fake doctors, fake experts
and even fake news

Hell, there's probably
even a site tht 
argues that red is really blue

But like with research papers
from back in the day

We shouldn't believe what just anybody say

So like back then
 when it was about passing our courses
 let's do ourselves a favor,
Check the Sources

 We all know, and get it
We want to support our views

And can't wait for the sheeple 
to see what we already knew

Conveniently placed on our feed 
to remove any doubt

About that mind blowing conspiracy
that only us and our friends figured out

But before we post, let's take a breath
Allow critical thinking to be our next step

Cause we aren't at the mercy of mysterious forces
We're disseminating info to our community

So let's
Check the Sources

And, hey, we may think, 
what's the harm

It's just entertainment 
no need for alarm

But what's inconsequential to us
In others, may be a powerful force

A deep seeded bias
that needn't be reinforce

Cause what the world needs now
 is truth
So let's set the course

Be conscientious, folks
Check the Source


Monday, July 27, 2020

Our Blueprint

Our Blueprint

There's a collective sigh when an ol' warrior dies
Heavy on the mind
particularly in difficult times

But the ancestors say
Divine is this way

For the warriors story is retold
It becomes our blueprint, our mold

Courage in our time of need
In dormant minds it plants a seed

Reminding the challenges before us
And they won't be our last

So we rise to the occasion
just as generations past


IamTimClark 2020
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Supreme Dream

I had a dream 
A Love Supreme
A "65 Coltrane thing

Intermingled with turbulence
Like the death of our
Black, Shining, Prince

In our winter of discontent

While lovers moaned to the sounds 
of John's

Just wanting to live, love and do
their thing

Like any other 
human being

I had a dream
A Love Supreme
A "65 Coltrane thing

Where I saw our people
fight for rights and 

Against the "man" and police brutality

Like on Bloody Sunday 
in the south

Where "Nigger' dripped
from the mouth

of those who never hid
their hatred for
Black men, women and kids

But, just then, 
the saxophone lifted me again
Washing away the hurt of sin

The likes I've only seen

In my dream
 "65 Coltrane thing

And I heard disdain for our ancestors
Who never backed down

Even after being beaten to the ground
I watched them stand up

Confront laws and a system
that would have made a weak people 
give up

Singing "We Shall Overcome"
While others chanted "Black Power"

Those where the ones that started to sour
on that nonviolent thang

Any way,
 the church bells rang,
 the choir sang

A Love Supreme
A Love Supreme
A Love Supreme
A Love Supreme

All up
in my dream
That "65 Coltrane thing

As my heart swelled for our beloved

and the revolutionary theme
of John and his jazz

Kicking ass

at looong last

Voting rights

And our allies smiled
We did too, for a while

But we knew
the Battle wasn't through

And when
I awakened from my

My head was full of the beat of John's

As hot as the riot's of that 

in my dream

A Love Supreme


When Coltrane was doing his thing


IamTimClark 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Black Love


Black Love is beautiful
In a world filled with ugly thangz

Black Love is lyrical
Makes her pretty lil heart sang

And you know that it matters
everyday, in the fray, 
as we keep the oppressor 
at bay

And you know that we're badder
than they say,
any day
So resilient are our ways

Cause Black Love is wonderful
In a world that does awful thangz

Black Love is powerful
Cause unity is what it brangz

We're climbing life's ladder
everyday, with our bae,
as they try to steal the rung's away

And. you know that we'd rather be
on our way, laugh and play,
But, there's a deeper message to convey

 Black Love is essential

Strong yet gentle

Of greatest importance, 

Intense, mental

Passionate, sensual


in our survival

Indispensable, primal

An ancestral gift

A daily gift
 in times of need

As we pray, overcome, succeed

It's in our DNA  What we bleed

It's our spiritual testimony to sang'


Words and Music by Tim Clark

IamTimClark 2020

All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Brief Moment In Time (2020)

Listen with the intent to hear what's in my soul
Not with the intent to respond with that talking point 
you've been sold

Talk to me with respect and I will listen to your message
Don't bark at me with your lecture that is both passive and aggressive

See me as a fellow human 
who with you, share this land
Not as part of some ungrateful group of folks you view as lesser than

Then we can converse, dialogue, coexist
Without all the malice, ill will and clenched fist

Cause this ain't about the media or some hateful politician
This is about what lives beneath the surface 
You know, when you think that I'm just 

This is about life 
about livin', loving, laughin'
pleasure, persistence and powerful passions

It's about you, me, and who we aspire to be
Our hopes and dreams, our family

Our existence on this earth as humankind
And, what we plan to do with this blessing 
of our brief moment in time


IamTimClark 2020

Monday, July 13, 2020

Your Glorious Liberation

Free your Mind
Don't let the old define

Your point of view
It' Ok
I promise you

Take in facts


Stay calm
Be easy

Let your arms move breezy

Growth looks good on you, believe me

You're strong
Have come a long

From the day

of rigidity

So, embrace what's meant to be

Your glorious liberation 
from the unconscious state of miseducation


Iamtimclark 2020
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 11, 2020


I do not own this image


We're in this thing together
Through good, bad, indifferent, whatever

When difficulty emerges we're clever
Cause we're in this thing together

Together we build a new way
Where logic of reason has sway

Allow the ignorance of racism to decay
Cause together we build a new way

Together we build community
A solid base of unity

A true land of equal opportunity
Together we build community

But we can say a whole lot of things
And to our stubborn nature
still cling

It's about the intentions and effort
we bring

Cause together we can do anything


IamTimClark 2020
All Rights Reserved

I think we all knw
it's time to bum rush the show

Fake reality is ending 
revolution's trending 

No more lies
We see with our own eyes

Red pill
Inequality is real

Not Yet Complete

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Black Lives Matter

I claim no rights to this picture

The times they are a changing
Can't you see the racist statues fall

The streets are alive with revolution
We're talking justice for us all

But Black bodies are dying on the

And without a shadow of a doubt
If you don't help us stop this 

We're gonna vote your ass 

Because Black Lives Matter

You say- Black Lives Matter

This ain't no moment
It's a movement

So it's time you figured yourself out
Don't be silent, stand up, prove it

Cause ain't no benefit in doubt

Cause Black body's are yelling 
they can't breathe

and it's the system thats 
the blame

It's time to work in unity
And bring honor to their names

Cause Black Lives Matter

You say- Black Lives Matter

Tim Clark
(Lyrics & Music)

IamTim Clark 2020
All rights reserved

Monday, June 15, 2020

Black and White

Black vs White 
Who made up that fight 

Nor is it a battle
of Left vs Right

We're human beings
so what's the fuss

Why is it hard to conceive
 we should be treated as such

 No debate by
 "good people on both sides"

Just fellow humans saying we shouldn't 
have to fear for our lives

Because of some preconceived notion

An unconscious bias
A code that's unspoken

But this anger is not directed towards you

For you, my friend,
 have been miseducated too

Deliberately taught the myth of the civilized race 

Who tamed savages to create the united states

  Stories, radio, tv, books read

We've all been
bamboozled, hoodwinked,

So, when you hear the roar of, "Enough Is Enough"

Instead the knee jerk reaction of
"They should get over this stuff"

Remember, "they" is" we", fellow human beings

Born with the same hopes, aspirations, and dreams

slavery,  Jim Crow and now, institutionalized hate

Then, my friend,
 if you really wanna
make this country great

Join the movement, the cause, the fight

Not the smokescreen
narrative of

Black vs White


IamTimClark 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Black In Or Black Out

Black in or Black out

While they're playin' like they
can't figure it out

Feigning difficulty until
we shout

Then all up in their feelings
wondering what the 
approach was about

Done giving benefit
to doubt

Black in or Black out

Daddy taught us to use our brains
Mama loved us deeply so we wouldn't go insane

And to our young we do the same

Cause we can't rely on this country to
live up to its claims

Spewing hate and violence while 
casting blame

Trying to strip us of our humanity,
our names

That's out

So miss us with 
that poison you spout

Hands up   Can't breathe
Still tryna' to take us out

Well it ain't never been
benefit in doubt

Black in or Black out

See we come from a tribe of strong folk
 Put pressure on chains until they broke

Fought gallantly in wars
that the country provoked

Over came segregated laws
and plane loads of dope

So don't get mad when
we say "We woke"

For more than 400 years 
the fire has been stoked

Enslavement, torture
lynchings, persecution

Spirit broke


That's out 

To our allies we give a shout

And, in case others haven't figured it out

We ain't giving no benefit to doubt

Black in or Black out


IamTimClark 2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Country In Denial (Revised)

The bullet or the ballot
The sword or the pen

Rage and oppression
Centuries of sin

Self-righteous sermons
Leaders Of lies

Unquenchable fire
Cities baptized 

Harvest destroyers
ill-gotten gain

Reap and
While casting blame

Faith formed by fiction,
bigotry, and weapons

The evolution
of blind acceptance

So far away
but yet so close

How can we heal
if we haven't been diagnosed

A cancer metastasized
A community on trial

A creed delegitimized

A country in denial


IamTimClark 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Detroit Is Crying

Detroit is crying
And the streets are bare

There's a family trying
Trying to be there

For the plight we're

 Is hard to define

Searching Silver Linings
In a troubled sky

Most of us know that time is brief,
and flying

Some of us feel our
sanity slowly declining

But. we must see that hope is alive
and rising

Then make a way
Cause, we know the world ain't dying

But, Detroit is crying
And the streets are bare

There's a family trying
Rich politicians don't care

Cause the world is changing
It's a different time

 We must come together
Can't you read the signs

Most of us know that
hope needs help in

And most of us feel
we must do some sacrificing

If we believe that love is
on the horizon

Then we must stop this world we
know from dying

Cause Detroit is crying

Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gifts Of Love ( A Messge to my Brother)

Let's lift each other
be a gift to each other

In this time of need
Plant the seeds


Healing, Helpfulness, Honor, Hope

Through our example others learn to cope

Survive, Revive, Strive, and Thrive

Speaking truth to power
We dedicate our lives

To the mission of being all we
can be

For we serve all

It is
our destiny

Like the book of the Bible
for which you were named

Restoration and a new covenant
is our quest, our aim

My brother
Dear Brother

That was our creed

When we were assigned this

with Godspeed

So I speak to you through this humble prayer

On the vision that we created and 
have continued to share

Our duty still remains from
the Highest Above

This work that was christened
"Gifts Of Love"

Cause there's still so much
 we were ordained 
to do 

But, you know this my brother

Heal, well
talk to you 
in a few

When our friends and family
will rejoice in your mend

And thank God for you, brother
See you soon

copyright 2020
All rights reserved 

It all seems so bizarre
With no change insight so far

A faceless killer on the loose
And no one really knowing what to do

Anxiety giving way to pain
frustration, fear 

It's insane

Some stay inside
lock the doors

Others compulsive 
hoard from all the stores

Cut the bullshit
and just lead

You're trying too hard
to be believed

You're not a general
 This ain't a war

So stop calculating
attention whore

This life and death
Not an ego stroke

We need character
Not morally broke

So cut the Chit Chat
It won't help

The only one
who believes tht garbage
is yourself

And even the sycophants
that kiss your ass

know your kingdom
is made of glass

So stop pretending
and tweeting on the can

The media ain't fake
It's you straw man

Mr. words of hate,
untruths and injustice

Looking all around things are getting bad

While the White house withholds
supplies until the governors
kiss orange ass

It's a sign of the times
tht smacks you in the face

Don't this is how we got here 
in the first place

Divided we fall
with selfishness we lose

But here we are the sheeple
led to the slaughter like fools

Sunday, March 22, 2020

laugh or frown
lift us up or upside down
Who knows 
Who'll be around

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Let's turn off our phone
 Enjoy being alone

Locked in together 
Till whenever 

Away from the world
As it whirls

Out of control
God save our souls

While we love dangerously
On a planet thts strangely

fallen apart

I give my soul
you give your

No distance needed
Come close

Feed it

Setting the night
on fire

 we're locked in

Till whenever

Away from the world
As it swirls

Out of control

And our new reality


Friday, March 20, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

No matter what happens
we have to love one another

Whatever comes against us
we have each other

Cause sometimes we know
the creeks gonna

And uncertainty
can have us fearing
for our

Monday, March 16, 2020

Who Are We

What is it
We Pray

Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of 
death, I will fear
no evil

Is that what we
believe or just
words we retrieve

 From a simpler

When there wasn't
so much stress 

 confusion in our mind

Will we practice what we preach 
or kow tow
 to the times 
cause they are changing

rough, tough, uncertain,

But can we persevere 
or will we be consumed by fear

Who are we

Hateful, petty, fearful,
selfish beings

Who fight over 
toilet paper and
trivial things


are we

Courages, benevolent,
caring, heroes of our

Our actions will show
They're a blaring sign

An example of 
what the next generation 
should be

 Wrapped in resilience or drowned in 

Can't we tell
It's time to 



copyright 2020
All rights reserved