Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year 2021


Well 2020 has come and gone

Like a dejected lover or a played out song

I hope your vision is clearer now

And you see you never needed half that stuff any how

I hope, now, you see it's not just about you

That we were put here to take care of one another too

And that we can't do that with selfishness and lies

I hope that part of the lesson opened your eyes

Cause although we have no control over how we got here,

when we'll leave, the time of day, or even the weather

One thing we can control is whether or not we'll work together

You know, cause that's how we evolved

Built civilizations, and problem solved

And that's how we'll conquer the disease

 of hatred, Covid, and stupidity

Yeah, I hope 2020 has made it all so clear

Anyway, much success and Happy New Year!



Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Proud Of You

We're proud of you

It's been a helluva year but you made it through

Sometimes broken hearted, frustrated, or in tears

Through hatred, division, famine, lies, fear

You found courage, hope, a reason to go on 

A heartfelt word, an uplifting song

Even at times, when you felt really scared

You lifted us all with the stories you shared

Yeah, we're proud of you, and grateful too

For who you are, and what you do

In the face of chaos, confusion, pain

 ignorance, racism, unfounded claims

You gave us space to vent and a sympathetic ear

A shoulder to lean, a kind word to hear

A good laugh, when we needed it most

 Humility, never, ever did you boast

Yeah, we're proud of you and appreciate all you've done

And we wish you abundance, health and happiness in 2021


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

We Have The Power (2020)

 Joy to the world 

Death to division 

We have the power 

to heal 

in this season of giving

And into the New Year

if we band together 

We can lift one another 

We can make this world better 

But it's up to us to decide 

in what type of world we wanna live

The contributions we will make 

 the effort we will give

Unity or discord, it's our decision

So, let's bring joy to the world

and death to division


Sunday, December 27, 2020

We Won't Be Broken



We weren't made and we won't be broken by a privileged man

The difficulties of this year should have brought to our knees, but by grace we still stand

We distanced ourselves. We sacrificed, lost loved ones, endured hate

But by reacquainting ourselves with the fight, the protest, the vote

once again we're masters of our fate

So even though the struggle is real

and some leaders have let us down

God bless the everyday hero, frontline workers, and first responders, on the ground

 For fear is a treacherous enemy wishing to devour all who stumble near it

But it has never, ever, been a match for the resilience of the human spirit


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Your Final Days

This is reality not a T.V show

Playing the hero won't make it so

Nor will posturing, bullying or causing grief

 The people don't need a performance

They need some relief

From the hate and hurt

they've been feeling all year

From the unfounded claims based on fear

So no more political stunts at the final hour 

No more feigning goodness while wielding

fleeting power

No more vengeful acts or underhanded schemes 

 No more executive decrees by a wannabe king

For public servants aren't ruler 

and crumbling countries aren't great

Besides the people have already spoken

 you know your fate

So instead of causing more pain and misery

Serve your final days with a little bit of dignity


Thursday, December 17, 2020

I'm Rooting For You

 I see you

 And I'm rooting for you, my friend

As this catastrophic shift in our world finally seems to be sinking in

And, Yes, the unknown can be scary 

Especially, in the form of a life threatening disease

But, hate and cynicism isn't the answer

Nor is denial or make believe

We must lift each other in love

We must work together in kind

 It doesn't take a science to see

An eye for an eye will leave us all blind

Dazed, confused, believing theories that make no sense

Stressed, depressed, angry, tense

So, take a step back, refocus, breathe

Remember, the enemy was sent to destroy, and deceive

But, you're better than that, so let the healing begin

And, I'll be right here by your side

Cause I'm rooting for you, my friend


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Practice What I Preach

May I

Practice what I preach

Not just lecture when I teach

 Be above and not beneath

And my actions mirror my beliefs

Only then will I be 

An agent of joy, not of grief

Bring comfort to a world that needs relief 

Be a shining example for all humanity 

Dear Lord,

May I practice what I preach



Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Be A Blessing

Be a Blessing

In this time of uncertainty 

Where just interacting with others can be scary

Be a blessing

In these streets when you hear someone cry

I can't breathe, officer, before they die

Be a blessing

In these days where our loved ones have to pass away alone

And employment and assurance seem to be gone

Be a blessing

For the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy

To leave us defeated, fearful, annoyed

To strip away our compassion, our empathy

Make us hate and become enemies

But the truth is, we all want the same thing 

To live, love, laugh, rejoice, sing

So in this moment of challenge, may we learn the lessons

of caring for one another and being a blessing


iamtimclark 2020