Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Brief Moment In Time (2020)

Listen with the intent to hear what's in my soul
Not with the intent to respond with that talking point 
you've been sold

Talk to me with respect and I will listen to your message
Don't bark at me with your lecture that is both passive and aggressive

See me as a fellow human 
who with you, share this land
Not as part of some ungrateful group of folks you view as lesser than

Then we can converse, dialogue, coexist
Without all the malice, ill will and clenched fist

Cause this ain't about the media or some hateful politician
This is about what lives beneath the surface 
You know, when you think that I'm just 

This is about life 
about livin', loving, laughin'
pleasure, persistence and powerful passions

It's about you, me, and who we aspire to be
Our hopes and dreams, our family

Our existence on this earth as humankind
And, what we plan to do with this blessing 
of our brief moment in time


IamTimClark 2020

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