Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thieves In the Temple

Thieves in the temple
Devils at the door

Giving to the rich
Robbing the poor

Claiming to work for you
while robbing you blind

They say no more free lunch
and lavishly dine on your dime

They stick you up for your healthcare
You pay more and get less

But your tax dollars
assure their insurance is the 

Perfidy presented,
not even with a smile

Good ol' boys backroom
all the while

So, I say it again 
all our sakes

It's not enough for 
our eyes to be open

We must be awake

For these villains are 
filled with selfishness
and greed

What I'm saying is good people
we need to purge the temple
of these thieves

So, the next time they f*** you over,
let them know that's all she wrote

And use your power,

Use the power of organization, 
unity and the


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

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