Thursday, June 13, 2013

I Left My Cell Phone Home, Today

I left my cell phone at home, today
and after 10 min. of  tripping
I thought, "Hey!"

The stars didn't fall from the sky to the earth
Not checking it during a conversation didn't decrease my worth

I didn't feel lonely walking down the street
I wasn't out of touch cause I couldn't send a tweet

I notice my surrounding in great detail
My pocket wasn't vibrating every 5 min. with an email

I actually said, "thank you" when a lady held a door
I didn't ignore the cashier as she rang me up at the store

I daydreamed and relaxed as I drank tea
I was perfectly alright just hanging out with me

I noticed all this and more
and I just have to say

It's all because
I left my cell phone home, today


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