Thursday, January 5, 2017

Beautiful Black Rose

She rose from her covers that winter morn
The hard cold floor felt like a bed of thorns

Her feet were use to it, at least I assume
This was her daily ritual, to their tiny bathroom

Where she peered into the cracked mirror
and bathed in the sink

Where she enjoyed the quiet of the morning,
a place she could think

Where she planned for her future
and the days of joy

Until reality set in and she had to wake the boys

and make sure they were dressed
and off to school

But, if there was a little cereal left,
for her, that would be cool

Even though, really, she had no time to eat
Cause, once she was done with them
she had to hit the streets

On that rough, tough ass side of town
where the game was thick and always around

Where the billboards advertise the american dream
as a lotto ticket, a forty, and a bottle of Jim beam

She made her way, Backpack in hand
to a frigid little bench at a shot up bus stand 

Where she sat in the cold and occupied her mind
with the answers to the test she stayed up all night to find

And with the hope one day that her ma wouldn't have to be
working twelve hour days to support their family

She bundled up, with a smile, as the wind whipped and swirled
This beautiful black rose in this cold ass world


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

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