Monday, January 30, 2017

A Family's Story Of Courage

A boy asked his daddy, "When will I be brave?"

His dad smiled, looked in his eyes, and
here's the advice that he gave

Courage doesn't mean
 that fear will disappear
 Courage is standing tall
 despite what you fear

Say it ever night and live it everyday 
Then you will never ever let fear get in your way

Many years passed the boy became a man
He had an ambitious daughter
 Her vision was wonderfully grand

While studying for her doctorate, she feared her dream would cave
Her father listened to her concerns and here's the advice that he gave

Courage doesn't mean
 that fear will disappear
 Courage is standing tall
 despite what you fear

Say it ever night and live it everyday
Then you will never ever let fear get in your way

She went on to make her mark and raised young men of her own
By then the country was at a crossroads and pessimism was the tone

While visiting, the youngest told her,  He feared the future was quite grave.
She said, "Fear not, my beautiful son". And some advice is what she gave.

Courage doesn't mean
 that fear will disappear
 Courage is standing tall
despite what you fear

Say it ever night and live it in every way
That's how our family has conquered fear each and everyday


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

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