Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Are We So Different

We come from diverse cultures and different upbringings
Some listen to Hip Hop others straight up country singing

But don't we all want peace of mind, a brighter future
  and to spend more time

with the ones we love, and the things we like
We want food in our bellies and a warm bed at night

I don't know, maybe I missed it
But my question is,
Are we so different

I mean, I know our politics make us scream and shout
And all the ish we're fed, we use to call each other out

But don't we deserve to live a life that's free,
from religious persecution and demagoguery

I don't know, maybe I'm twisted
but the question still remains
Are we so different

So different that we are willing to justify
 innocent people being accused of an insidious lie

So different because we don't share the same views 
on every little thing, so we fall for a ruse

I don't know, maybe our values have shifted 
but, seriously, people
Are we really that ( F*cking ) different


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017

A Family's Story Of Courage

A boy asked his daddy, "When will I be brave?"

His dad smiled, looked in his eyes, and
here's the advice that he gave

Courage doesn't mean
 that fear will disappear
 Courage is standing tall
 despite what you fear

Say it ever night and live it everyday 
Then you will never ever let fear get in your way

Many years passed the boy became a man
He had an ambitious daughter
 Her vision was wonderfully grand

While studying for her doctorate, she feared her dream would cave
Her father listened to her concerns and here's the advice that he gave

Courage doesn't mean
 that fear will disappear
 Courage is standing tall
 despite what you fear

Say it ever night and live it everyday
Then you will never ever let fear get in your way

She went on to make her mark and raised young men of her own
By then the country was at a crossroads and pessimism was the tone

While visiting, the youngest told her,  He feared the future was quite grave.
She said, "Fear not, my beautiful son". And some advice is what she gave.

Courage doesn't mean
 that fear will disappear
 Courage is standing tall
despite what you fear

Say it ever night and live it in every way
That's how our family has conquered fear each and everyday


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Every Step Of The Way

I'm proud of the way you stepped up, my friend
And we will fight this battle through thick and thin

Just like our heroes from the past
We have been assigned a crucial task

Steeped in tradition, in legacy 
That highlights the worst and best of our history

Of segregation, persecution and the like
to protest and strategies to win our rights

We fight to save this country's soul
from an underbelly that is hateful and cold

But our victory is assured, I'm confident to say
Because our ancestors are guiding us every step of the way


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday's Stand ( No Ban)

We are not a country of fear
Fear has no place here

We're not a country of hate
Persecuting the innocent will
never be our fate

We are the land of the free
(Home of the brave)
Say can't you see

So to the oppressors we say, "No ban!"
And with the victimized we will stand

No Ban

Together we will stand 

No Ban

This isn't about politics, it's about principle
Vilifying all Muslim is nonsensical 

We won't tolerate this on our shores
America is freedom and liberty at its core

So bring us your tired, your poor and huddle masses
Cause we won't allow cowards to harass them

To the oppressors we say, "No ban!"
And with the victimized we will stand

No Ban

Together we will stand 

No Ban


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017

(No Way) We Should Cool It Now - Inspired by the members of New Edition -

I do not own this pic

Can you stand the rain
 I know lately it's been insane

But we knew when we started down this path
That we wouldn't let bad times poison what we have

Remember every little step we take
creates a bond the world can't break

So, don't ever count me out
and your love I will never doubt

Because if this isn't love, I don't know what is
Knew it from the very first kiss

You said, "do me, baby" and spent the night
My candy girl, I loved all night

Rest in my arms and your heart I'll mend 
Then, tell me when will I see you smile again

Boo, I'm for real, so don't be cruel
And I promise I will rock witcha

Forever and ever, my baby doll
Cause, there's no way in hell,
 we should cool it now


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Resist! (Protest Song)

Don't we deserve it
 decency and respect

But we don't get what we deserve
we get what we let

happen to each other 
without a fight or fuss

And once they have their way
they'll come after all of us

Justice we insist
In solidarity raise your fist

We the people of good conscious
are gathered here today

Diversity is our background
united in what we say

We won't sit by quietly 
While they put our lives at risk

The attempt to divide 
helped us organize
from this day forward 
we shall resist

Justice we insist
In solidarity raise your fist


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfect  Perfect

Perfectly imperfect
A wonder to behold

No need to put your best foot forward
You lead with your soul

Open and warm or vulnerable and shy
Beautifully broken, perfect in my eyes

Flaunt your flaws
Seduce with your scars

You're a remarkable woman and my misfit superstar

Unapologetically real 
A sweet thang but still tough

Not afraid to fall on your ass
and get right back up

So whether blamed and accused 
 misunderstood or attacked

I'm right here by your side,
 always got your back

And in case you're wondering, why I'm raving over you

It's because you accept me for who I am
which is imperfect too


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Strange Love Song

Pulling us closer, passion burns deep
Feel it in our bones, blood, skins it seeps

Threshold of lust, endlessly
Immersed in science of sexuality 

Fire……...  rapacious 
Yearning……... salacious
Drive……….. it takes us
Heat ……….  can break us

Feeding the hunger   Desire so strong
Quenching our thirst    The affection, is it wrong?

Caught in the throes of want for so long
We can't escape this,  a strange love song


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017

She (saved me) Revised version of a song by Tim Clark

She stepped to me with mysterious eyes
On a rainy day and overcast skies 

She spoke to me in deep dark tones
In bold beautiful colors for my soul

I asked how she was so lit

In a world as cold as this

She pulled me in real tight

This femme fatale changed my life

 She saved me

Her new perspective blew my mind
Thoughts of revolution in our time

The way we loved set me free
Passion replaced anger in me

I asked her if she knew

We'd live, love, lust for what is true

She sat upon me and said
To the resistance we are wed

 She saved me


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

No Such Thing

I do not own this pic

There's no such thing as an alternative fact
For facts, my friend, are exact

Not partisan, hazy or abstract
They're indisputable and can be backed

by details, specifics, and a little thing called proof
Based in reality, you know, the truth

So if the evidence reveals it can't be denied 
the alternative fact is really just a lie:)


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Open Your Eyes, It's Saturday

The sun burns away the fog they say
Open your eyes it's Saturday

Filled with new spirit, passion and hope
People marching from coast to coast

We need to get moving and be on our way
Open your eyes it's Saturday

The sling will slay the giant they say
Open your eyes it's Saturday

Filled with danger, the hour is late
Oppressor dividing through deception and hate

We need to unite, for many are astray
So tell the black lives and all who are wise,
to open their eyes,
 it's Saturday


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

Fight The Power ( Inspired by P.E )

I do not own the rights to this pic

2017,  a winter, fog gonna try to getcha

Brother gonna work it out, cause you know we got soul

(Brotha's and sista's)

Rebel without a pause 

Swingin' while I'm singing'

Don't believe the hype
A' ight

This thang was stolen' 
but u b knowin'
That we gotta keep rollin'

They gotta give us what we want
They gotta give us what we need

For freedom of speech, we'll fight to the death
Hell, yes! 
Fight the Power

We gonna fight the power that be

Welcome to the Terrordome 
You're not alone
So don't you dare bitch or moan

We gotta do the stuff 
that may be tough

Louder than a bomb but calm,
to the point
We gonna rock this funky joint

So one percent 
we won't relent 
Till the message is sent

Fight the power
Fight the power that be

 Bring the noise and then employ
some strategy

Fight the power

Fight the power that be

We gonna shut 'em down, if they clown
You know the deal

Black steel in the hour of chaos
This ish for real

Public enemy no.1
to get the job done

So, "We The People" won't be sheeple
 Listen, son

We gonna fight the power
We gonna fight the power that be

Boycott a lot 
 And, protest in the street

Fight the power

Fight the power that be


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

44 ( A lyrical poem)

44, 44,44

He brought hope on the scene for all to see
after years of working in the community

A lawyer by trade, constitutionally wise
and his partner in life, from Chicago's South Side

Through diligence they rose and sharpened their skills
Doing work that changed lives, you know, the people's will

Cause when you aim from the heart, you reap what you sow
Such is the lesson from Barack's journey to 44

44, 44, 44

Change would come slowly, from the mosques to the church steeples
But the citizens started to believe in the creed, We The People

Though always legit, the haters demanded he prove it
But there was no stopping the will of a grassroots movement

Because as a collective we can open any door
The voters made history and elected  44


So remember when the days are ugly and grey
and it seems like hate has corrupted the American way

"Yes we can" bring justice to all the people of this land
If we just reclaim the tenets taught by this man

We can live our dreams and so much more
We the people of the United States elected  44

44, 44, 44


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

We The People 2017

We the people of the United States
Must not be divided by those spewing hate

And in order to form a more perfect union
We must respect the rights of every human

Establish justice and domestic peace
Not just for the have lots but for the have least

For we the people of the United States 
must be the authors of our own fate

We must provide for our own defense
Promote general welfare and common sense

Secure the blessings of liberty
always respect our cultures diversity

Do ordain and establish this constitution
For we the collective are the solution

We the people of the Untied States
Must rise above the destruction of hate


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

On A Bed Of Roses

Beautiful flower in full bloom
Perfectly imperfect as you enter the room

Color, scent, appearance, allure
Feminine, seductive, passive yet sure

Your body should be touched, your mind engaged
your lips kissed  Please don't say……

another word   Just look in my eyes
and we'll fill the room with sweet love sighs

My beautiful flower, my woman  It's clear
on a bed of roses, I shall love you my dear.


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

It's Time We Did The Same

Magazine cover Time/Life copyright 1965

Challenging norns
Exorcising storms

Through fire and intention 
a movement
was born

Barriers broken 
The unconscious woken

Justice, equality 
acted on, spoken

United in cause
Bullshit on pause

The collective brought death
the oppressors laws

Led by John Lewis
and guided by a King

Sending shock waves to the 

Still pulsing in our veins 
The legacy remains

Our ancestors
 stood up for what they believed in
Now it's time we did the same


Iam Tim Clark  2017

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Those who bless

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the seeds I sow are reaped

By those who may not have their own
And by that example they are shown

 What we do for others is life's true test
For blessings are bestowed on those who bless


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, January 14, 2017

A different kind of Saturday Nite

Baby called me up early Saturday morn
Whispering naughty ifiwastherewithyou cellie kinda' porn

Half asleep, I laughed, then, I asked her when
She said, I'll see you at 8, tonight, when my flight gets in

Got up and hit that mat,  get that mind/body right
Cause putting in the work, makes for a more enjoyable Saturday night

 (humming to an EWF song) Saturday Night,  Tonight's the night ………..

Shower felt so good, stayed a long while 
Even got some money off some jeans by flashing a little smile

Some days just go your way, some days are just so right
especially when your heading for a feel good Saturday night

 (humming to an EWF song)   Saturday nite,  Tonight's the night………..

Grabbed some food and wine, at 8 are paths did meet
But, while sipping and lounging on the couch, baby fell fast asleep

Carried her to the bed, tuck her real tight 
Laughed and enjoyed watching baby sleep away our Saturday Night

 (humming to an EWF song) Saturday Nite,  Tonight's the night……….


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved  c 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

When You Were MIne (Mature subject matter)

When you were mine
we had a ball

Dance, music sex, romance
we did it all

In the little red corvette
or my king sized bed

You were an irresistible bitch
hot thang with head

You'd say, Let's go crazy
You'd say, Let's get off

When I was with you
I would get lost

In your kiss, your moon drop eyes
Pretty lil peach in shockadelica thighs

Remember, 17 days on Alphabet Street
and that lady cab driver we had the pleasure to meet

Such a dirty mind. Such a love bizarre
My lil nasty girl. My lovesexy star

I guess what I'm saying is, I miss you
And, if you come this way again
Take me with you


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved  c 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Like topaz your goodness is stimulating and divine
Purifying like a bloodstone, lips ruby red like wine

Your eyes sparkle like diamonds, piercing my soul
Your face is of onyx, dark and bold

But, soft as sapphire with a peaceful glow
Set in emeralds, which heal, you know

You flash with color, shine with light
Dazzle like a gem, iridescent and bright

 Polished as a pearl. Beautiful, lovely tone
You're a cherished work of perfection and more precious than any gemstone


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved  c 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Lead By Example

Lead by example
is what my daddy used to say

If you're yelling to get your point across
you haven't made one anyway

The pulpit ain't for bullies 
The admired don't show their ass

And, if you have to brag about yourself
respect ain't gonna last

Thin skin is not a virtue
Arrogance lacks leaderships mantle

He said a boy just can't be man
unless he leads by his example


iam Tim Clark all rights reserved  c 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

(Together) Responsible For All

I haven't traveled in your skin or even your shoes
I don't know why you don't or do what you do

I'm not here to pass judgement, like I'm holier than thou
Or give you ancient rebukes from the Gita or Tao

Not here to criticize, or cast any stones
 The only thing I'm an expert in is shit of my own

My own problems, phobias, hates, and fears
And by pointing the finger at you won't make my issues disappear

So I work to save my soul from the clutches of doubt
With every action i display I hope the example helps you out

Cause, we're in this together, each responsible for all
So, if we are not lifting each other up
the whole race will fall


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

You've Got What It Takes

The day was long, the task was hard
But you always play what's dealt on the cards

You faced obstacles and even fear
for trials have taught you how to persevere 

You've learned great lessons, made big mistakes
  your'e living proof of bend not break

So why do you doubt your worthiness
allow your passion and purpose to be suppressed

Hear your inner strength as it calls to say
Don't let it's voice just fade away

Don't allowed it to be buried or pushed aside
weakened by those who misguide

For it is truth, your guiding light
an inner vision, a powerful birthright

 See your accomplishments are no lucky break 
For you are determined and diligent, oh yeah, and you've got what it takes:)


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017

This Miracle Life

Just a stones throw away from the most distant star
lies the answer to the universe near and far

In the depths of the most shallow water, we call sea
hides the existence of earth's many mysteries

Upon the air blowing, through the leaves
is an invisible force that we all can receive

Beaming down from the sun's many rays of light
is the mundane and the majesty of this miracle life


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Tonight's Saturday Night

Pic- Trademarked NBC Saturday Night Live

Saturday night is working out
Music playing all over the house

Football on a couple of screens
Bae on the couch doing her thang

Wine flowing just because
The Queen wants a little love

And, love is what life's all about
When Saturday night is working out


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Friday, January 6, 2017

To A Marvin Gaye Song (1)

album cover- Tamla Records Motown 1973c.

Dancing to let's get it on
we move to a Marvin Gaye song

With your hips in my hands, as we sway
You whisper," Try it, baby!"

 Realizing that it takes two
 And it's sweet ass inner city blues

We do our thang, oh so free
 And I whisper," you're a special part of me"

My one and only, my pride and joy
Sweet like sugar for your mannish boy

Baby, you're all I need to get by
And there ain't no ( Valley low or ) mountain high

Enough to stop this euphoric feeling
Sensual, irresistible, sexual, healing

Yeah, how sweet it is to be loved by you,
especially, after I heard it though the grapevine that we were through.


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Beautiful Black Rose

She rose from her covers that winter morn
The hard cold floor felt like a bed of thorns

Her feet were use to it, at least I assume
This was her daily ritual, to their tiny bathroom

Where she peered into the cracked mirror
and bathed in the sink

Where she enjoyed the quiet of the morning,
a place she could think

Where she planned for her future
and the days of joy

Until reality set in and she had to wake the boys

and make sure they were dressed
and off to school

But, if there was a little cereal left,
for her, that would be cool

Even though, really, she had no time to eat
Cause, once she was done with them
she had to hit the streets

On that rough, tough ass side of town
where the game was thick and always around

Where the billboards advertise the american dream
as a lotto ticket, a forty, and a bottle of Jim beam

She made her way, Backpack in hand
to a frigid little bench at a shot up bus stand 

Where she sat in the cold and occupied her mind
with the answers to the test she stayed up all night to find

And with the hope one day that her ma wouldn't have to be
working twelve hour days to support their family

She bundled up, with a smile, as the wind whipped and swirled
This beautiful black rose in this cold ass world


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Forest

From the edge of the forest we enter in
To mysterious shadows cloaked in sin

Inner fears, dark and involved
symbolizing issues, unresolved

To ominous trees and foreboding skies
Winding paths of disappointments and lies

Scary or sad or a combination of both
Or maybe, just maybe, test ground for growth

Randomly quizzing spirituality 
Rewarded by sunlight just beyond the trees

Discovering the nature of our natural state
Confronting fears, faith and fate

An emerging self from the hidden and untamed
Germinated seeds by soil and soaking rain

Or the soul in pain as we comb the woods
For meaning, purpose or something good

For self discovery is our means to an end
When from the edge of the forest we enter in


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Fiery Horses

Seven Fiery horses run across the winter sky
Heaven's daily ritual unfolding before my eyes

So with alacrity and vigor, coursing through my veins
I yelled out rather brazenly, " Stop! Tell me your name!"

But instead the flames rose higher, their steady pace increased
A trail of possibilities were left smoldering by the beast

This left me quite bewildered, even angry by the slight
But the luminous, lady lunar bend my ear that very night

She assuaged my restless slumber with her lyrical lullaby


"The fiery horses were opportunity, so tomorrow, don't let them just pass on by"


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, January 2, 2017

Blue is

Blue is a calm, soothing, light
That suits my demeanor, day
and night

Blue is as endless as the sky
or the robes of the angels
Who live on high

Blue is as deep as the sea
and oceans of thoughts
that wash over me

Blue is bluesy as a BB King song
It's steadfast, reflective, intelligent
and strong

Blue is lasciviously yearning for 
Divine, hard working and royal in blood

Blue symbolizes happiness and
 an intent to be true

It's a confident , healing, light
the color I favor is blue.


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017

Sunday, January 1, 2017

I Meditate

I sit in the quiet of my mind
Racing thoughts their movements fading with time

I breathe in the rhythm of life

No time for manifestations
of petty squabbles, pain or strife

I am relaxed, in a calm, soothing, flow

The meditative vibrations of my voice
frequency low

I am owner of my space

Where the ease of equanimity
resides all over my face

I am in deep meditation
and it's an amazing revelation


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2017