Sunday, March 31, 2013

Great day to be alive

 Great day to be alive
whether Easter, passover or on the grind

Open your mind to all that's true
Resurrecting spirits of things a new

Spring forward don't fall back
Forget all the stuff that you lack

warm weather has reared it's head
No matter the temperature, winter's dead

And as the flowers break through the earth
Our love for life has a rebirth


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sitting Here

Sitting here waiting with my phone

Thought you said you were gonna call me 
when you got home

Sitting here just thinking bout when 
we first met

How I wanted to kiss you but 
I said not yet

When you're not here the 
skies are grey

 but just the 
thought of you can
make my day

You're my heartbeat now 
in my head and all around

Sitting here just wanting you to
feel my lips

all over you right now
I can barely

or just to hold you while we 

Right here in my arms girl
wrapped like a gift

Just have you here I'd do anything
and every little thing you say

your my heartbeat now
 in my
head and all around


Friday, March 29, 2013

Mr. Mandela

Mr. Mandela get well soon

I pray on my knees 
under the light of the moon

your influence is unmatchable
Your spirit is the drive 

for all who resist injustice
in their lives

You led a struggle for freedom 
for years

and because of your bravery
apartheid disappeared

Mr. Mandela, I wish you your strength renewed

equivalent to what you used to change
a nation's mood

Or even the world
with the power you possessed

So with all my heart I wish you the best

Yes, speedy recovery Mr. M

And thanks for your decades of sacrifice 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

You make the world a better place

Your thoughts create
So take time to meditate

Your words inspire
So choose words that lift people higher

Your presence is felt
So work with the hand you're dealt

Your actions impact
So use finesse and tact

You influence all that's around
with your movement, look and sound

You possess powers that persuade
 permeating everything you have made

And, the world is better for it


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You Inspire

You inspire
set my soul on fire
take me mentally higher

You are a queen
  My love supreme
Center of all my dreams

 The star 
that inspires songs on my guitar
I love you baby, just the way you are

Let me bathe in your beauty 
make love to you like it's my duty

over and over again
you are the sweetest sen-
sation. My motivation.  My love, 
you are my inspiration.

Forever and ever
 come rain or sunny weather
Leave you baby, never

 cause you inspire 
set my soul on fire
and of your love I will
never tire


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Everything must Change

Change is in the air
everyday, everywhere

except in the 
closed mind

where progress
 is very hard to find

See nothing ever stays
the same

but to resist  it
is what
we were trained

Cause sometime change requires pain
but the pain will hardly ever remains

See what we are doing is breaking through
To the inner vision we once knew

The place that we were meant to go
where change really shows us how to grow


Monday, March 25, 2013

I am Free

I am free
I am free

I know you don't 

but that's just me

Connecting with my
higher self

my life force energy

Thanking my God
 or  The Creator of the world, 
as I see

Yes, even in my

I am free

I am free
I am free

Respectful of who 
you are

and who
you choose to be

Never, ever inhibiting

or your creativity

whether I agree with you
 adamantly disagree

of individuality is 
the key

for mutual respect is a component of being free

I am free
I am free

I am free, eternally 

Connecting with all 

and all that will ever be

with reverence, homage and perspicuity

While unique in my
I embrace
all reality

With an open mind or better yet
a universal mentality

From the trivial to the Theory of Relativity

I am heaven, I am earth, I am all the galaxies

Thank God almighty,  I am free


Sunday, March 24, 2013

21 Century Detroit I

Celebratory marching to cast out an evil gnome
on the eve of protest marchers protecting Detroit, their home

Separated by realistic and mythical affairs
Longing for unity but unaware on how to get there

Maybe it started years ago with mass suburban flight
Or maybe political corruption has caused the city's plight

but divided we all fall
into the same pit

of us versus them
we all take the hit

Detroiters are black and white 
yellow, red and brown

And until we stand united
we won't turn the city around


Saturday, March 23, 2013


It has power that it pulls from the past 
It has rhythm so go on shake your ass

It what's happening if you ain't in the know
It's what you feel during and after a show

I want it, I need it 
I love it, got to have it

It will open all the doors that are closed
It goes in your mouth and out of your nose

It ain't over till the black ladies "sangs"
It don't mean a thang if it ain't got that swing

I want it, I need it 
I love it, got to have it


Thursday, March 21, 2013

March Madness 

March brings a frenzy
It's every where

You can feel it's thick, it's in the air

 see it in the face of passing peeps
 bringing a bit of anxiety to the streets

 Anticipation, yeah, it's such a trip
 you hear it whispered from folks lips

Cause it's been a long winter
and they're ready to revive

Wishing and hoping for spring to arrive


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Old man winter

Old man winter hit the road
Don't you know It's time to go

You had your reign, now It's done
We need some warmth, the spring time sun

It was really cool early on 
But the season is so gone

 So, pack your bags and move along
We want brown skin, not wan

Hanging around is so very wrong
It's time my friend for your "Swan Song"


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It is what u make it

It is what it is

Some people 
like to say

But that expression's
tired now

so lets just put it

We decide what we

So, Lets tell it
like it is

No my friend,

It is what u make it

See we create our world
by everything we do

The high, the lows
It's really up to u

The energy of thought 
and action
created in the mind

requires mental focus
and, of course, ample time

So next time u 
hear someone 
say that silly shit

Say no my friend,
It is what you make it


Monday, March 18, 2013

The Rebirth

Get ready for deep, structural change.
Though,  becoming the master may seem a lil strange

 You're tearing down the old and building the new
It's amazing uncovering the power of you

Pealing away the layers that have weighed you down so long
Death to oppression "Rebirth" is your song

Irreversible change. Transforming your being
To the majesty reserved for a Queen or a King

No longer in fear, your totally aligned
You finally realize it's all in your mind

Committed to faith and work that you love
Your mind meets your spirit and you rise above

The fray, the obstacles, the self imposed limits
You boldly go forth, no need to be timid

For you possess a gift and through work it grows strong
Cause you're transforming your being and "Rebirth" is your song


Sunday, March 17, 2013

You turn me on

Touch me with your fingers 
Rub me down

Kiss me with your mouth
and move around

Hold me in your arms
and squeeze me tight

Love my naked body
through the night

You got a thing that's great bout you
One look in your eyes and it shines right through

You got a thing that is special bout you
One look in your face and I see what you do

You turn me on

Whisper in my ear, lady 
what you love

Wrap yourself around me
Hand in glove

Fill me with your passion
burning hot 

Ooh girl, do you lust me
or lust me not

You got a thing that's great bout you
One look in your eyes and it shines right through

You got a thing that is special bout you
One look in your face and I see what you do

You turn me on

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A purposeful life

I wanna live from truth. A purposeful life
Never allowing myself to wallow in pain or in strife

Always giving much love and sincere understanding
And whenever I slip, on my feet is where I'm landing

Not because I'm better or more agile than you
But I'm determined with a  purpose and you can be too

It's really simple, but some how we make it seem so hard
But, we where all dealt a hand. We gotta work with our cards.

 Our hearts create the beats that emanate from our souls
So staying in tune to the rhythm of our lives should be the goal

Offering perspectives that are unique and a service to the world
 Hidden treasures that are much more valuable than just diamonds and pearls

So let's dig deep for our gifts and bring them to the surface
And let them shine as we share them, and lets live with purpose


Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ides of March

There's a foul odor
in the air

So the Ides of March
 you better beware

An ill will has come 
and about it lurks

Bringing devastating decrees
like' Right to Work"

It says one thing and does another

The will of the people
it continues to smother

Divide and conquer
it loves to do

But you'll side with it 
till it comes for you

And while its corporate buddies
get more tax breaks

The one's set aside for you it'll take

Cause its band of bullies
 have all the clout

 So they'll in act
laws that you can't vote out

And while it winks at you
with it's suburban grin

it's condescending tone
gets under my skin

It's a snake in geeks clothing
 feigning to

So the Ides of March 
you better beware


Thursday, March 14, 2013


I'm the music 
Face it 

Favorite flavor
Taste it

I'm the rhythm

I'm the slang 
you're talking

I was once known as

Always bringing you 
something new

Take my hand and 
I'm sure you will find 

for body and mind


Dress in skin a black


Dress in skin a black

I'm your lover

I'm the voice that will 
drive you

I'm that ROCK 
that you count

And the melody 
of your 

I was once known as

Always bringing you 

something new

Take my hand and 

I'm sure you will find 


for body and mind


Dress in skin a black


Dress in skin a black


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Love for the 313

I'm showing my love for the 313
cause the 313 is a part of me

I'm showing my love for the 313
cause the 313 is a part of me

I'm showing my love for the 313
every block of the city cause we're family

If you're down with me fam 
be u black, brown or white

We are one detroit 
rising to new heights

The creative class 
old to new

Standing side by side
collars white and blue

Be it metro detroit or the city proper
we're moving forward now 
and there ain't
no stopping us


I'm showing my love for the 313
cause the 313 is a part of me

I'm showing my love for the 313
cause the 313 is a part of me

I'm showing my love for the 313
Cause we can make a difference
Yeah, u and me

So let's organize, share a plan
put it in motion,
lend a hand

And built it up street by street
block clubs and businesses
working together
yeah, sweet

Cause united we stand 
so let's stand up 

and recite the chorus
and sing out loud

I'm showing my love for the 313
cause the 313 is a part of me

I'm showing my love for the 313
cause the 313 is a part of me


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Your Love

Your love is amazing
Your love got me saying

Baby please do it again
Baby please do it again

Your love brings desire
Your love burns with fire

Higher than I've ever seen
Taking me to the extreme

your Love

Your love got me craving
for you my favorite flavor

So wrapped in devotion
I drown in the potion
Your Love

And in the presence of your love
the heavens open in up above

And in devotion, to your kiss 
I live my life in eternal bliss

Your Love
Your Love


Monday, March 11, 2013

Move on

As the storm raged on 
I realized my umbrella was not enough

to hold back the drenching rain
and howling winds

My bones feel the chill of
water seeping in

But, I move forward 
Each step swallowed in a pool of mud and debris

As the elements boom with thunder
the lightning blinds my eyes

This, is my reality

There's no time to ponder 
my fate

feel sorry for myself

Or wonder why I'm here on this particular date

I must move on

Down the path I chose I'll
carry on

Not because I'm 
stubborn and just wrong

but the storm I weather now
will make me strong

So  I just move on
got to move on

 When the storm subsides
and all is around is calm

I'll wipe my eyelids 
clean with my palms

 night will cease and
 yield unto the dawn

I will know my inner strength
cause I moved on


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beauty at 22

Mind full of everything
Young girl with a look
in her eyes

Shines like a diamond ring
She was born to make the young boys

Dreams of a brighter day
Where the oceans shine so blue

Walks cross the sand they say
There's a woman who found something to do in her life

And in her eyes you see she's alive 
and with her 
strength you know she'll survive

A woman searching for something that's true 
and her destiny
leads her to you

Beauty at 22

Soft as the month of May
Sweet smells as she enters the room

Special as a holiday
Better days will be coming real soon

What does her reflection say
A woman that's so 
much a woman to

Walks cross the sand they say
There's a woman who found something to do in her life

And in her eyes you see she's alive
and with her
strength you know she'll survive

A woman searching for something that's true
and her destiny
leads her to you

Beauty at 22


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Till Another Day

Hold me now for tomorrow comes
and we leave away 
For another day 

in the morning 

Kiss me sweet 
Whisper in my ear

and we'll do the 
make our body 

till the morning dear

And I must live without
And you must live without

and the good times 
will cease to be 

Until we meet another day

Spill the wine 
upon my lips 

and we'll laugh 
and play
 until I 
gently lay

between your 
tender hips

Love me slow so slow
never let me go

Until the moon sets 
our only regret 

is that 
we have to go

And I must live without
And you must live without

and the good times 

will cease to be 

Until we meet another day