Our Past
To me blindly believing history
has always been a mystery
I don't need his interpretation of how
I came to be
Strong, Black, and free
I've been that since my birth
As were my ancestors
no matter who questioned
their worth
See chains can't hold
powerful spirits & divine souls
Nor may our story be untold
Cause he can't lessen
my message
Nor can he kill
my will
Or yours
for our minds they soar
beyond the holocaust of being dragged to these shores
or the lies written in his books
that would have me question
my looks
and my intellect
No! He will respect
That I cannot be defined
by those who choose
to be unkind
or hateful
cause I am grateful
to the warrior that stood fast
and from them I accept
the task
of rejecting history.
And will tell the truth
about our past
We know that history implys 'his story'! xo