Monday, June 15, 2020

Black and White

Black vs White 
Who made up that fight 

Nor is it a battle
of Left vs Right

We're human beings
so what's the fuss

Why is it hard to conceive
 we should be treated as such

 No debate by
 "good people on both sides"

Just fellow humans saying we shouldn't 
have to fear for our lives

Because of some preconceived notion

An unconscious bias
A code that's unspoken

But this anger is not directed towards you

For you, my friend,
 have been miseducated too

Deliberately taught the myth of the civilized race 

Who tamed savages to create the united states

  Stories, radio, tv, books read

We've all been
bamboozled, hoodwinked,

So, when you hear the roar of, "Enough Is Enough"

Instead the knee jerk reaction of
"They should get over this stuff"

Remember, "they" is" we", fellow human beings

Born with the same hopes, aspirations, and dreams

slavery,  Jim Crow and now, institutionalized hate

Then, my friend,
 if you really wanna
make this country great

Join the movement, the cause, the fight

Not the smokescreen
narrative of

Black vs White


IamTimClark 2020

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