Wednesday, January 8, 2020

War Whores

War Whores

War Whores, War Whores
Take advantage of the poor

They gather them in masses
Whip em up in frenzied passion

Dazzle their minds with ballistics
Pledge their allegiance to jingoistics

Prove their power through pain
And, through the ages
it ain't changed

It's the hypnotic folklore
of the predatory
War Whore

War Whores, War Whores
Take advantage of the poor

They herd em up like cattle
Send off to fight their battles

Singing our country tis of thee
Where the rich create the enemy

And line their filthy pockets
Selling red flares from bloody rockets

When will we demand NO MORE

SERVITUDE to the war whore

Copyright 2020 
All Rights Reserved

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