Friday, January 3, 2020

New Perspective

New Perspective

In a deep gravity well
On a terrestrial planet

We can marvel at the miracle
or take our existence for granted

Orbiting around a fireball
that's millions of miles away

We can worry about the precarious nature
or make lasting memories everyday

Vantage Point is everything
Perspective bares our soul

Do we ascend to the highest mountains
or dwell in the valleys low

Not being Pollyannaish
But attempting to be adult

I think Einstein said, 'Insanity is
doing the same thing and expecting
different results"

We need a new persecutive
A breaking of the binds

A belief in the passion of our hearts
rather than the enslavement of our minds

Study yields approval
Like 2 Timothy demands of thee

Our perspective fuels the revolution
So let's set ourselves free


iamtimclak c 2020 All rights reserved

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