Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wore Thin

I rose to the rhythm of the rain

Beating down upon the earth, furiously, 
the sky was in pain.

Like, something I couldn't explain

Thunder booming, lightning crashing
Who knows if this storm is just passing 


But it made me think of you.

The way you kissed, and the way we loved
the way we swore to God above

that this was it

And that was enough
At least we thought that corny stuff

But it turned out

 in the end

It was only lust 

and it wore 



Iam Tim clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Shining from within
skin drenched in melanin

Dragged across the sea
Stacked in a ship of filth and misery

Forced to face unspeakable horror
Bondage, whips, chains, you wore

But what lives in you
taught you to endure
For the souls of black folks were made to soar

Fought for your freedom
in exchange for lynching and beatings

Trapped in the Jim Crow system
Legalized segregation,
true motive hidden

But through stealth, strength and stamina 
you worked to be more

For the soul of black folks were made to soar



Sunday, February 26, 2017

Be Encouraged

Be encouraged, not discouraged
by the turmoil and strife

The future promised is your karma 
so don't be scared of this life

I know you feel the world will steal
your happiness and joy

But what you encounter are surmountable situations,
 don't be annoyed

As we rise to reach the prize
adversity is inevitable, you know

For opposition creates the conditions

that are conducive to growth


Iam Tim clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Yin And Yang

March 26, 1964 was a historical date
The Civil Rights Movement was gifted by fate

A tall, cooper, brother stepped in the path
of his one time rival, a nonviolent man

It took congress's debate on civil rights to finally bring    
the iconic meeting of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King

Fighting for equality and respect from different perspectives
Made it that much more interesting that these two connected

Though the meeting was brief, it was clearly a sign
Of a shifting of attitudes, a melding of the minds

Martin more militant, Malcolm less stern
For true spiritual beings are open to learn

and grow, and restructure, revamp and plan
To bring down the unjust and oppressive system of the man.

But because of their assassinations, we can only lament
The yin and yang

The soul of American's of African descent


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Living Legend

John Lewis, living legend
John Lewis, his fate was destined

From  Detroit to Montgomery 
The state of the country was extremely ugly

Bloody, bad, violent, sad
But the young people of SNCC (Snic)
weren't going to stand for it

They marched in the streets 
often jailed and beat

To end racial segregation
A reprehensible stain that haunted the nation

(Snic)SNCC' s chairman John Lewis was always there
Front and center with energy to spare

Coordinating thousands of students to march and protest
 Chanting for their freedom in the name of progress

A young man then, now a living legend
John Lewis, his fate was destined

From Bloody Sunday to sit ins
To the Mississippi Freedom Summer
to the march on Washington

And now, as a U.S Rep.
Heroism follows his every step

John Lewis, living legend
John Lewis, his fate was destined


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

"The Mother Of The Civil Rights Movement"

Born in Alabama,
In parts, backwoods and rural

Walked great distances cause black folks were prohibited
to ride the bus to school

Dropped out to take care of a sick ma and gram

Married at 19, finished school, and found her path

 But, December of 1955 is when it all hit the fan

Thrown off the bus and into jail
 for not giving up
her seat to a white man.

Her quiet strength and grace helped to mobilize a movement
And, an economic boycott's might would most certainly be proven

382 days, thousands walked and refused to ride
Hitting the city in it's pockets and also turning the tide

For soon after was a victory to savor
The Supreme Court ruled in black folk's favor

Slowly chipping away at the cancer of this nation
Discrimination was finally outlawed on public transportation

giving this country a much needed improvement

Thank you Rosa Parks, for being, "The Mother Of The Civil Rights Movement"


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I feel your beat, man
Syncopated like Jazz
Revolutionary on their ass

Born in Newark
to a working class fam
ended up doin' yo' thang for uncle sam

I give you credit, though, for serving in those times
Double V for victory always on black airman's mind

But you would survive
Hell, you thrived
Onward to Greenwich Village 
LeRoi Jones had arrived

Beat Poetry,
 founding of journal yugen
Publishing Jack Kerouac, Ginsberg and the rest

But after Cuba 
you left that scene
Penning "Black Art", a poetic manifesto
That joint was mean

Then after X's assassination, the country was torn
Power to the people, rise up
 Amiri Baraka was born

Poet, Writer, Teacher, Political Activist
Plainspoken, controversial, revolutionary, strategist

Jazzy, bluesy, rhythm moves me
Power of the pen with a voice that
gets in to yo soul
and goes
and flows
and lord only knows
fo sho
there's no comparison

to the Poet Laureate of activist
that dared ask, " Why is we Americans"


I am Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Find A Way

Gordon Parks - Photographer, filmaker, composer (musician), writer

As sure as breathe, live and one day die
In your path you will encounter obstacles 
that you must some how survive

Much like learning on the job
You gain more knowledge with each day
Testing the mettle of mind and body 

In order to find a way

Frustrating and unnerving
you just feel spent
and many times for your effort 
you don't receive a cent

But beloved don't be weary
and get up if you should fall
for persistence erodes obstacles 
like water seeps through walls

Little by little
The barrier will crumble and decay
creating a path which will assist you
Because you dared to
Find a way


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

Fear Is A Disease

Fear is a disease 
that disguises itself as strength
and when used to bully and intimidate
 the proof evident

It eats away at reason and doesn't make much sense
An illusion fed by delusional thoughts, at sanity's expense

Promoting hatred and cruelty towards 
 "those who don't look like us"

For the disease of fear is fueled by hate 
and hate
 is born of ignorance


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Spiritual Revolution ( Ch. 1)

I do not own this pic

A spiritual revolution is the solution
Our state of mind, enlightens or blinds
us to the process of happiness, or distress

See thoughts and emotions rise and fall
It's quite natural after all
But, left unexamined or unchecked, 
may lead to disastrous effects 

Set backs or stunted growth,
 quite possibly both
On the other hand, meditation is medicine for the mind
It helps us to analyze and find


A temple with a solid foundation 
which is quite a revelation in these tumultuous times
thus the importance of the yogic paradigm 

Created to quiet the incessant mental chatter
that causes stress and our energy to scatter
Meditation is the solution to the pollution 


the catalyst for a spiritual revolution


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017

"All Power To The People" (Saturday's Story)

Migrating from the racist, south,
to find a better life

Black families moved to the north and west
only to face a different strife

High unemployment, substandard housing,
and police brutality

So, protecting the community and creating 
their own became the mentality

After routine police intimidation, ruthlessness 
and scorn

Huey and Bobby formed a community resistance
group and the Black Panthers were born

A list of demands were created, as well as a strategy,
to monitor the boys in blue

 As the people across the country embraced
the concept, the membership in the party grew

There were alliances with other groups
of all colors and creeds

"Power to the people" became the became the mantra
and the marginalized began to believe

Community programs were enacted
that fed children
and provided clinics for health

But the FBI, under Hoover, moved against them
The tactics were vicious and the mode was stealth

The members were harassed and assassinated
 infiltrated, and criticized

Effectively dismantled,

However, the community knows the truth
and will never ever forget

"All power to the people" because of the
Black Panther Party of Self Defense


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Gone Too Soon (Dedicated to Lorraine Vivian Hansberry)

Young, beautiful and gifted
Her literature lifted

My soul to heights that reached the sun
Scorched my wings till I came undone

Unraveled, uncertain, unsure but surely stirred
Lest I dry in the sun like a dream deferred

But I won't shrivel in the face of the struggle
For she spoke the black experience and 
country in trouble

With its dirty secret, its fatal flaw
of separate not equal being practice as the law

But her truth to power was unflinching and persistent
helped advanced the dialogue on civil rights and the negro resistance

A revolutionary thinker with a mind finely tuned
and a star that shined brightly
 but gone too soon.


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I had a dream in the middle of the night 
of nappy hair in powder blue light

I was at a party, or maybe the mall
Or someplace that made no sense at all

But any way, she wore kinky hair, 
an inked nightgown,
and her pet snake's name was Honey Brown

We spoke of healing, and getting issues resolved
While we turned up on air not on alcohol

(This poem is unfinished
Will complete in a few hours)


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Black Genius (Pt. 1 - Inventors)

I do not own this pic

Early on, there were no records kept
For a people who were stolen, chained and oppressed

So a Harvard grad found a way
To give recognition to the people of his race

Risking harm as well as his position
He collected info on their inventions

archiving for the world the mental keenness

and scientific history of

Black Genius 

From Astronomer/Mathematician
to surgeons, entrepreneur, and physicians

these minds of science persevered

Sending a message loud and clear

Discrimination will never deny

the great achievements
of beautiful minds

And, for those who find this truth inconvenient

Remember there's no stopping the realization
Black Genius


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Roses For You ( Ode to Woman)

Roses for you and all that you do
Feelin' may pass
But admiration will last

I couldn't respect you more
for all that you have been

A lover, sister, mother and more
and always a best friend

It's more apparent everyday 
the world revolves around you

But you personality would say
For you what can I do

That's why say

Roses for you and all that you do
Feelin' may pass
But respect it will last

For you diamonds and pearls
For you who populated the world

For you who gives everything
For you these words I sing

Roses for you and all that you do
Feelin' may pass
But admiration will last

I know that world can be cold
But your warmth is from within

and if you ever need a hand to hold
It's my love you can depend

You are a gift to the man
And we never had to pray

By you side I will always stand
That's why these words I say

(Chorus out)
Roses for you and all that you do
Feelin' may pass
But admiration will last


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

Avant-Garde (Jazz)

I do not own this pic

New music 
unusually lucid
Dreamlike  method
Ideas perfected 

In a word


Progressive crusader
Free Jazz
Pioneer of the past

 Cutting edge showman
 Ornette Coleman

Intensity extreme
Love supreme
Bebop redefined
Modal expressive mind


Forward thinking

Trend setting

The radical heart


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Play Your Voice, Al ( In memory of Al Jarreau )

Album cover from Warner Bros. c 1986

Play your voice, Al

Like the beautiful notes 
of a piano clearly articulating 
melodic sound

Play your voice, Al

Like the soulful blues
of a jazz guitar smoothly
moving modes around

Play your voice, Al

Like the deep, dark, frequency 
of an upright bass 

Low end theory
booming as you
contort your face

Play your voice, Al

Like the syncopated rhythms
of a percussive drum

Flurry of beats, 
that crash and thump


Defying genres

Play your voice, Al

Play your voice

So magnificently rich
Truly one of a kind

Play your voice, Al


Just one more time


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017

It's Saturday Night ( What do you wanna do)

What do you wanna do 
It's Saturday Night

and I know that political circus
got you all uptight

But, we could go out to dinner
that would be a good time

 laugh, tell stories
and drink a bottle of wine

Or maybe go to the movies
you could even pick

A little action and adventure
or maybe a chick flick;)

So tell me, cute little boo
Cause it's Saturday night 
what do you wanna do

We could go downstairs 
and shoot some pool

You know, you can, 
as you say, take me to school

Or maybe we could go out tonight
Turn up for the club till the ugly lights

Or, yea, that's a good idea
We could just stay in the house

Wrapped in each other
while lying on the couch


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

On The Run (Inspired by Chic songs)

I do not own this pic

It was our first date
I remember it well

We were out hangin'
  Now, I hate to kiss and tell

but, we had good times
In that dark, secluded 

You know, around the corner
from that English Pub

Anyway, I was chatting her up
she was being real sweet
then they played that old joint, "Le Freak"

She was watching everybody dance 
when I pulled her out on the floor

We dance(d), dance(d), dance(d) 
till our feet were sore

It was so much fun
we could hardly get enough

Then she looked in my eyes
and said, "I want your love"

So I kissed her lips 
And I pulled her real close

She said, My feet keep dancing
but, I think i'm ready to go

So I flagged the waitress
threw her some cash

Grabbed  bae's hand 
and we made a mad dash

That was the beginning of 
a summer like no other

And, although, I was advised to leave her alone
She remained my forbidden lover

Until, of course, 
she got stage fright

She left me a note
one cool september night

It read, 
  "After all that we've been through
I doubt this is suitable.

But I'm on the run.
Can't explain:(
Just know, you are beautiful"


Iam Tim Clark All rights Reserved c 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

She Persisted

I do not own this pic

Bloodhounds in the distance 
people filled with fright

Following the conductor
who risked her life every night

See she escaped from the bondage of true american sin
just to return to the scene of the crime over and over again

Where black bodies hanged lifeless in the stench of the night
Where she kept their eyes focused on the promise of northern light

Through the treacherous woodland trails, she whispered,  "Never look back"
As she guided them through the undergound railroad tracks

Freeing hundreds of enslaved people, even though some resisted
For this "Peculiar Institutions" was very powerful, nevertheless 

She Persisted 

She Persisted

The end of slavery ushered in Ol' Jim Crow
Klansman, beatings, lynchings, and, for entertainment, minstrel shows

One women fought fearlessly to end this persecution
Exposing the u.s to the world, would be her ingenious solution

So with dogged determination, she revealed the "Southern Horrors"
Uncloaking the underbelly of a nation and displaying its evil aura

 With her life in constant danger, she continued to risk it
A debt of gratitude is owed to our heroine because 

She persisted

She persisted

Through the centuries there have been countless samples
Tenacious women facing their fears and leading by example

From voters rights to senate fights ladies have taken a stand
From all walks of life, through untold strife, they've improved this land

So the next time stuff is rough and you doubt you can fix it
 think about the message in this poem
and remember 

She persisted

She persisted


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Renaissance Man

Paul Robeson, the Renaissance man
Proclaimed to the world, "Here I Stand"

Singer, athlete, lawyer, actor
Activist, polyglot, genius, master

Booming voice
Keen mind

Incredible stature 
Ahead of his time

On film, Stage,
at home or abroad

He seduced the world
and was loved by all

(That is)

Until he spoke out against segregation
And racism, the backbone of our nation

Until he was embraced by countries overseas
and praised them for treating him with dignity

This giant of men was vilified
Blacklisted, cast to the side

Stripped of his passport
and his livelihood

But he never wavered 
for on principles he stood

This man of the people, always there
for the struggling, working class everywhere

Was not forgotten
so in unity

the world demanded
the u.s
set him free

 Eventually he was able
to tour once more

Inspiring people from
shore to shore

And, just like he sang
in that Ol' River song

(He taught us)
No matter what happens
just keep rolling along


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Voice Of The People Will Ring

Each one, teach one 
We rise and fall together

When we choose analysis 
over blind faith we all do 

When we choose action over words
we learn to stand up for what we believe

Education brings confidence
And we're open to receive

Meeting of the minds
motives explained

Progressive thinking
breaking away from 
mental chains

Clarity and focus is 
what this planning brings

Putting all who oppose us
on notice

The voice of the people
 will ring

Ring out for justice, equality 
and freedom from persecution

For a seat at the table
for only through mutual 
respect can we craft 

Creating a government for the people,
 by the people, that won't perish 
or fall

But if government tries to 
rule through tyranny
we will oust them all


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Rastaman

I do not own this pic

Oh sing your song of redemption
And cast a spell with your sound

Soulful groove rocking steady
The very heartbeat of Trench town

Natty Dread, the prophet, the orator 
We will never get enough

 Emancipating all the people 
 with your message of love

Generations will embrace the music
 centuries after your flight

Inspiration expressed deeply
manifesting spiritual light

With your sun shining brightly
 beyond the finite world

 I gift of heavenly proportion 
To this earth miraculously hurled

Like a meteorite from space
made of nickel iron
Roaring through the wind, like the majesty of a lion

Positive vibrations
a glorious, mystical, sound

Honoring the one and only



Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Making America Great Again

Freedom Riders
Inequality Fighters
Challenging hate
You're what made America great

Separate not equal 
And we refuse to live the sequel

So we follow the trial blazed 
by those who raised

The bar for these states
For when equality is at stake

The people must organize
Sit ins, protest, Freedom rides

For justice

Non violent crusaders
who must get

the message across
 cause we're willing to die
So future generations won't be denied

our basic human rights
Persistence creates might

For a people who will no longer be oppressed
and certainly will not rest

Until all are equal
Just like the heroes in our prequel

The Freedom Riders
Inequality Fighters
Challenging hate
Once again we will make America great


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, February 3, 2017

Till The Fire Next Time (Inspired by the words of James Baldwin)

I do not own this pic

 " It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have."  I looked up, with a blank expression.
She laughed

" James A. Baldwin", she said,
then close her book and got in bed.

Kissing me over and over again,
and quoting Baldwin
 She whispered, "Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." 

I asked, if this was the evidence of things not seen?
Bae said, " Either that or a love supreme."

Well, perhaps, I should go tell it on the mountain, I exclaimed.
 It doesn't matter, she said.
 "No one knows my name"

Just then, I smiled at her and thought,
 If Beale street could talk

We, would be infamous 
But this talk, there's no sense in it

So lets kiss, and love, and drink some wine.
Then go our separate ways till the fire next time.


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mr. Civil Rights

Mr. Civil Rights

Raised for the fight or reared as they said
back in the day before the word "negro" was dead

Studious, smart and liked to party a bit
You said, "You intended to wear life like a loose garment"

But make no mistake your destiny would not be denied
Dismantling the institutional wall of american apartheid

Teamed with the NAACP
litigiously chipping away at the ugly side of america's personality

You were determined, strong, boisterous, true 
And now the world owes a debt of gratitude to you

Judge Thurgood Marshall,
Mr. Civil rights as you were called

Because of you, the" Separate But Equal" fallacy would fall

No longer would the color of ones skin, cause them to be banned
And you, distinguished sir, would ascend to the highest
court in the land


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Passionate And Brave (Ida B. Wells)

Passionate, brave, descendant of slaves, she was defiant
Brought about change for the people, so she was a giant

Dropped out of school to feed her sibling, when her parents passed
Separate not equal was the law, so she grew up fast

Civil rights, suffrage
Black people suffering

Injustice, beating
lynching, meetings

kkk, mob mentality
Black bodies swinging from the trees

She was their voice, an activist, journalist, editor, suffragist
A radical, informing the world till they had enough of this

Strange secret done in plain sight
Ida B Wells was equipped for the fight

Intelligent, persuasive, relentless, prepared
A truth seeking warrior, never, ever, scared

Exposing injustice in a language that was bold
Fighting for equality and to save her country's soul

From inner demons that would leave us torn 
Ida B Wells, thank god you were born


Iam Tim ClarkAll Rights Reserved 2017