Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday's Stand ( No Ban)

We are not a country of fear
Fear has no place here

We're not a country of hate
Persecuting the innocent will
never be our fate

We are the land of the free
(Home of the brave)
Say can't you see

So to the oppressors we say, "No ban!"
And with the victimized we will stand

No Ban

Together we will stand 

No Ban

This isn't about politics, it's about principle
Vilifying all Muslim is nonsensical 

We won't tolerate this on our shores
America is freedom and liberty at its core

So bring us your tired, your poor and huddle masses
Cause we won't allow cowards to harass them

To the oppressors we say, "No ban!"
And with the victimized we will stand

No Ban

Together we will stand 

No Ban


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

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