Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lunar Silhouette

The moon photobombed the sun yesterday
And instead of the sun yelling,
"Get out of the way"

It encouraged the moon,
"Stay out front
 Take bow"

Then the sun beamed with pride
and the people were wowed

By the lunar silhouette
dressed up beautifully
in black

 Inspired by the sun,
 at its


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Thursday, August 17, 2017

One Ends, Another Begins

The beauty of life is as one paths ends
another begins

One door closes and another
opens again

Friends, family, experiences, come and go
Things move much faster than most of us

So savor the moment while it's in

Because soon that will end
and another will begin


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Power Of Us All

The question is
 what are you gonna do

Follow a lie or elevate the truth

Will you stand up for love
or cower in fear

Will you be part of the solution
or just disappear

The purveyors of hate
want you silent and scared 😨

But as my dad used to say,
Be stealthily and prepared

You're powerful, smart, strong,

Organize, strategize, be brilliant

For united we stand and divided we fall

Defeating the devil
is gonna take the power
of us all


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Pact

Divide and conquer
That's what they said

Then they sent a baffoon
to get in our heads

An old man with backwards ideas

Sent to stir up hate and fear

But the resistance was strong
and made a pact

The majority,
 would bring sanity back

So we put our differences aside
and flexed our might

Exposed the hate mongers
 and brought truth to light

Then in 2018,  
we elevated our stance

Voted in record numbers and took
 back the legislative branch


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, August 14, 2017

Let's Hang Out

With all that's happening all about
We should get together and just hang out

No cell phones or talk of daily grind
No self imposed curfews on our mind

Just two people out to play
Or laugh and dance the night away

Making memories
That's Whatsup

A night when we can turn it up

Finding a way to work it out
A night that we can just hang out

Now i'm not saying we should pretend
That a bunch of crazy ish is not going on in the world,
my friend

But just a break from what drives us nuts
To enjoy a life
that we only live once

Under the warm, summer night
We can wander all about

When we get together and just hang out


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Tiki torch carrying nazis
whining in the streets

Throwing a tantrum about wanting their country back
 as if they were native peeps

Pretending to be oppressed
on the basis of nothing

Other than 
not being able
to terrorize "others" without
facing repercussions

"upstanding" khaki wearing klansmen
future lawmakers, judges and CEO's

The Governor of Virginia says pack
your ish and go

For you're not our future
Your face of fear is not our

You're just selfish, little, whiners
fixated on making america hate


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Familiarity breeds contempt
No matter the status
no one exempt


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

You Love

You love
 You love

You love
You love

When you're laying so close to me
I love the feelin' of ecstasy

Do it to me
all of the time

Love your open mind

Lay your head on top of me
Your kiss will set me free

Sweet sounds of symphony
In harmony

You love
You love

You love
You love

You love this feelin' divine
Rhythmic melodies taste like wine

Intoxicating your mind
Gonna love you blind

So, when you're laying so close to me
The love we share is so deep

I pray our souls I will keep
As you fall asleep

You love
You love

You love
You love


I am Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Soulless Curse


Walking dead 
Bit by the cursed

Follow the message 
verse by verse

It must be real 
cause it's on the screen

Social media 

Zombie people love to act
Programed by phones that click to distract 

Dazed and confused
Tortured fate

Your master can't get 
the story straight

But it's what's trending
What's in

Reality T.V
Got ya hypnotized again

Walking dead
Nothing worse 

than being manipulated 
by the soulless curse


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

Big Work

We have to step away from the fake sh*t
You know, break this

It's psycho

How complacent we've become

But, there's no limits, just plateaus
So move

Strength increases where the energy flows

Like water, my friend, be unstoppable
And, on top of yo

Even when the work seems tedious and lame

Stick and stay
Keep moving forward, 
and say

I'm gonna see this through

 Cause, my dreams are great 
So, I've got big work to do


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Why do you obsess over me
From your minstrel shows
to your reverse racism pleas

Obsessing, dressing, trying to
 impress, me

Hatred and jealousy is your disease

Can't find a moment of peace.
Be free
Stop feeding it
That's the key
Cause it's weird how you obsess over me


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Next To You (from August Heat)

Next to you is where I wanne be
Here for all eternity

Till the stars are buried in the sea
And water falls up a tree

Till the earth revolves around the moon
Till an ice storm warms the month of June

Next to you is where I'll be
Loving on you, passionately 


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, July 31, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Entitled

Don't let them treat you any ol' kinda' way

Robbing you blind, in the name of the god they pray

Erasing your image from the city you call home

Seeing a brighter future
 but with your ass long gone

Taking away your healthcare 
 while you pay for theirs.

The entitled,
only looking out for fellow

Divide and conquer is the game they like to play

So they can continue to treat your ass
any ol' kinda' way


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017


There's a force in the air
No need for fear
Just be aware

Watch it as it enters 
your space

It's come to sucker punch 
you right in the face

But you're strategic
So overcome the foe

Go high then low

In the process
get to know thyself

Inner knowledge equals wealth

Focus your energy and your time
Awaken potential hidden in your mind

Then you will discover an important fact
Your strength lies in your ability to act

Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Excuse me, but, we see ourselves as being a lot more diverse
And I needn't go into who was here putting in the work first

Cause the american way of selected truth and might
Predetermines the folks who are seen in a favorable light

But I digress 
Back to the gist of the poem

We won't be Columbused in the 
place we call home

( Unfinished) 


Friday, July 21, 2017

My boat is heading up stream
and you know why

The sun beats down on you
like thunder from the sky


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sweet, Slow, Poetry Show

Sweet, Slow
Poetry Show

Your performance
 is so wonderful

Like priceless works
of Picasso

And naughty words
shade indigo

 Luscious locs
or soulful fro

Your subtle flirtation
strokes ego's

Beautiful as the beaches
of Portugal

Intoxicating as a bottle of the finest vino

Easy Skankin' to
and fro

Your magic is unbelievable

My heart is yours, that's for sho

Sweet, Slow,
Poetry show

When the music stops
 please don't go


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Repeal Your Own

With those seeds you've sown
Why don't you repeal your own

Bet you would change your tone
Your tired ass tune, worn out song

Would that be so wrong
After all, your pocket have grown

 Mighty fat

cause our money you tax

And you have the nerve to poetically wax

Your bullsh*t lies,
your alternative facts

But now it's time we take our country back

Your services are no longer needed
 Go ahead, pack

Cause my vote is going to send you back

Home alone

But before you go
repeal your own


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer Tease

Tell me Summer, why do you
tease me the way you do

Hot, cool, stormy, wet

With you I never know
what I'll get

Intriguing, misleading, slow to commit

Got me wanting to seduce you,
 trying to get fit

Got me staying up late into the night

 you'll see me
in a better light

 The light that will shine
that glorious day

when instead of leaving in

you decide to stay


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

We what we love
Beneath our expectations
or high above

Feeling are mysterious way


Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Rhythm Is Calling

Move to the rhythm
and I see

Why this feeling is rising in me

Whisper to me and I hear

the reason why, some nights,
you shed tears

But, in my arms
you will find

The things I'll do
to ease your mind

So take my hand
and come my way

For the rhythm is calling you to play


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Friday, July 14, 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

You Wear A Crown

Sometimes on grey (gray) days you tend to forget
Simply because it doesn't shine as brightly
 when it's wet

But you wear a crown

Natural hair sportin',
beautiful skin of brown

Sun-Drenched queen
wearing a crown

But hue really doesn't matter
for you are 
many shades

Even back as an afro puff princess
sippin' on Kool Aid

Glorious in nature
Breathtakin' in your way

A magnificent vision of splendor
 each and every day

Upon your head is where
it's found
You wear it well
an opulent  crown

Not a common diadem
like most of them are

But amazingly spectacular
Forged by the
brilliance of the stars

Your crown

Whether hard at work, in jeans
or in an evening gown

Oh lovely lady

You wear a crown

 So no need to search for validation
in the images most are sold

For the heavens declared you a masterpiece
 A wonder to behold

And don't
be fooled by the hateful,
who live to put you down

For your heirloom is royalty
and you, my dear,
 wear a crown


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, July 9, 2017

I'm no longer that
I'm this
I said goodbye with a kiss
No longer living in the past
But appreciating the lesson meant to last
 Evolution into who we are

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Friday, July 7, 2017

Your Laughter

Cleanse the air
Your sweet sound of laughter
is a gift.


Iam Tim Clark All Rights Reserved c 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Victory Is In Sight (tonight is the night)

Tonight is the night,
We lay together until the light
And, plan our strategy for the fight
 For victory is now in sight
Cause, tonight is the night


Iam Tim Clark All Rights Reserved c 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

What She Was Created To Be

A land of equality &
what she was created to be

Not a land of
and tyranny

All who have eyes
say can you see

is not
what she was created to be

She's my home and,
of course,
 precious to me

But I'll never embrace
her dual allegiance
to the confederacy

Statues honoring
white supremacy

Strange fruit still
from her trees

Blood of my ancestors
flowing in her seas

her true

"We the People"
just a

my fellow americans
say can't you see

Until the wrongs

her creed is hypocrisy

All who have voice
repeat after me

We must make america
live up to
what she was created to be


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Post Card

Please forgive me
but we are all searching 
for the life

That we promised ourselves
in our youthful strife

Please understanding me
I meant your life well

But time tells us 
how long we must

Hope you are well

Hope you are well

I'm happy and stronger
than I've ever

For age will 
we let it,
teach our
hearts to mend

So I send this postcard
With this story 
to tell

My dear friend 

I pray
 you are well

 you are well

Life is the great adventure
Inward is the path

But the outside illusions
will easily
complicate the math

Please understand
what we had will
never die

But with every season
comes the time to say

So I send this postcard
Special Delivery
online mail

To say 
Thanks for being 
a part of my life

 I hope
you are

Dear friend,
I wish you well


Iam Tim Clark All Rights Reserved c 2017

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Friday, June 30, 2017


Troll, bad
Toupee, sad

Thin Skin, mad


Troll, mean
Low life scheme

Tweet like a tween


Troll, ill
art of the deal

wealthcare kills


Troll, caged
Set the stage



Troll, fear
Make you disappear

Vote, next year

No more power, here



Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Days turn to night
Night to day

Seasons come and go away

Seconds, minutes, hours pass

We take pics for memories

So kiss her now or take that chance

Make that move, 
Learn to dance

live your 
without fear or doubt

Cause that's what living
is all about


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

(Twinkle, Twinkle) Billions of Souls

Twinkle, twinkle billions of souls
How I wonder what you know

Generations come and go
Then light the skies with fire aglow

Luminous sphere, power light

I wish upon you this very night

For wisdom that shines oh so bright

Giving ancestral knowledge and
and spiritual might


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Monday, June 26, 2017

Music on our Minds

                    Pic from- Do the Right thang. A Spike Lee joint. c -1989

Music, music on my mind
Major, minor, flatted 5

Low notes rumble, high notes soar
Ring tones to film scores

Melodies that satisfy
Intervals that make 'em cry

A more powerful force you're hard pressed to find

Music, music on the mind

Music, music on my mind

Kool aid or a bottle wine

Entertain me for many hours
Changing my mood to sweet from sour

Mysterious as science, complex as math
Simple motifs seem to always last

Stuck in my head till the end of time
Music, music on my mind

Music, music on the mind
You make musicians play
and rappers rhyme

You move the crowd everyday
You're cut and mixed by djs

Creating the party
Becoming the scene

The worlds original time machine

Taking us back to a place and time
When music, music was a on our minds


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c. 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Soft summer night
When winters nowhere in sight

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017

The world is happening now
Face in the phone,
you miss it some how

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Persevere, My Dear

Persevere, my dear
You needn't fear
everything you want is 
surprisingly near

See winter comes
and things look glum but
the road to victory has just 

Take hold 
Be bold
Smoking hot, cold

Platinum, gold

The truth lies beyond
things you've been told

 Stay on path
Troubled times can't last
You and only you 
can complete the task

So, focus, my dear
No need to fear
Dark days will come
but you must


Iam Tim Clark All Rights Reserved c. 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Great Days Of Summer

The power, the sun
beams through space

Reaching our planet
Giving us a taste

Energy, light 
glory, stars

The descendant of the expansion,
the pillars, quasars

But it matters not to us
It's no big deal

We just love
the way it makes us feels

Warm, happy
Erotic, alive

Full of drive

Inviting us to move
to a different

As we plan for fun
and the great days 


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Listen, feel
It's inside 
It's real

 are we all
sirens of wisdom 
eerie call

Ever present
Just beyond the conscience mind

Hidden treasures
Priceless find

for you to start

And, remember
 it always has your best interest
at heart


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

They say he waved a wand and set those
po folks free

But ain't no emancipation proclamation
or presidential decree

gonna sway
"real 'merican'
No way, no how

Just think about the history
and what's been allowed

And, this is ain't about bashing 
of the good ol' u.s.

But my country tis a thee
has always kinda' been a mess

Even after civil war,

While they were saving
the union

The people
 set themselves

Yeah, Granger message

But, ish was in the game

Slaveholders and shady law makers
 feral and

So, years went by 
and the people 
were still being oppressed 

Terrorized by lynchings, tar and feathering

