Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Enough (viewer discretion advised: some of the content is graphic in nature)

(viewer discretion advised: some of the content is graphic in nature)

Hiding behind his sense of entitlement, the hunter stalked his prey
Get them young and defenseless, to him, that's the only way

So he calls the gaming authority to tell them what he sees
 He claims the young, buck is dangerous but they tell him," Let it be!"

So he ignores that cause he knows, the value of the species he has found
It's a young, black, male, so the hunter will claim to "Stand his Ground"

LIke Emmet Till or Diallo or the many that have been done in
The hateful hunter knows to blame it on the color of their skin

So he catches the youngster off guard, and when he shoots him down
He feels justified cause the boy, was on the wrong side of town

Another unarmed, teen, boy hunted down, shot or lynched
And another less than great, white, hunter cowardly crying, "self defense"

Now this isn't a commentary on a race, a color or a creed
But it is a condemnation of a practice that had castrated bodies hanging from trees

Enough of the senseless killing of innocent victims because of lies

and hatred and immorality, and prejudices that are unwise

Enough of the lame excuses and the hateful speech that has been allowed to pass

from the talking heads in media with their heads squarely up their ass

Enough of the double standards and the stereotypes
all rooted in fear

and ignorance and malice and words too foul for
descent folks ears

Enough with blaming the victims clothes or jewelry or style of their hair
If someone is minding their own business why in the fuck should you care

Enough of mothers crying cause their babies won't ever come back home
or go to college or raise a family or simply say, I love you, ma, over the phone

Enough of the cowardly hunter and his asinine, destructive ways
cause he's the true menace to society and his crimes must stop today


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