Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blue Lemonade

Blue lemonade
Sure taste good

I think you'd agree 
if you understood

How hectic my day
 was, so when I 
got home

I needed something delicious
so the kitchen I roamed

Found the perfect glass
and filled it with ice

Grab some lemonade from the 
fridge and shook it real

Went to to the freezer
and got the Stoli

left by this cutie
 I think her name was Carrie

I think, I guess 
Well, whatever

Whatever kind of Stoli
I would never say 

So I sat back down 
and wrote this poem

Drinking Blue Lemonade
Yeah, there's no place like home


Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Work

Sometimes it ain't pretty
Sometimes it ain't fun

It's always time consuming
but it gets the job done

It takes your concentration
and plenty of errors from trial

But when you get it to a science
You develop your own style

Not to be cool
or even start a trend

But to fulfill your life's mission
with your back to the wind


Friday, June 28, 2013

Our Time

Our bodies sweat
Yeah, they get wet

In the room
where you assume 

the position

and it's my 

to get you there

where you bare

your soul
and your heart 

with love

We reach 
As I teach

you, nice and slow
I love the way you 

and do your thing
your bodies twist, turns and swings

to the rhythm of your breath
but what else is left 
in you

when we're 

So you lay
in your beautiful way

And I say,



Thursday, June 27, 2013


 Gradually growing
Understanding, knowing

Developing, forming
Cooling the warming

of an expanding universe
and descendants of the first

Woman or Man 
coincidence or a  plan

As we advance forward
Moving toward

The future

of our species
To AD from BC

 from whence we came

Will, we end the same

Returning back to perfection
or emerging new from a resurrection

This we ponder. Our evolution
We Excogitate the solution

or formula

that created who we are
From galaxies to shooting stars

Things progress Things improve
Things flourish, as we move 

through time  
where we find

The resolved 


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

 The Supreme Court

Robbing Peter to pay Paul
The conservative judges need to fall


(Had to get that out of my system)

Find a way
 (to have a great day)

Find a way to make it a great day
No matter what the weather brings your way

Despite the foul things people might say
Shine like the fulgent light rays

Be hopeful like the blessing that we pray
Be optimistic about life come what may

I tell myself this at night when I lay
And in the morning when the skies are dark and gray

But it's not easy when the blues want to stay
And bills pile up faster than you can pay

But you'll feel much better so don't delay
Find a way to have a great day


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Court Jester's
(cause I didn't have enough time to write, "Clarence Thomas is a soulless sell-out!")

The Jester's of the court
have something to report
from high upon their hill

This country has changed
or magically rearranged
and discrimination is no longer real

That sounds so cool 
Thanks, partisan fools
I don't know why we couldn't see

That Zimmerman and Dean
Mitt Romney and the Fox team
are all just an anomaly

That the statistics on home loans
And lack of my skin tone
as CEO's are all valid

That poll tax and tests
states rights and the ID mess
doesn't disenfranchise me at the ballot

But I guess my people are just more lustful
Rather than grateful and trustful
and should learn to kneel, not stand tall 

  Cause if we had any sense
one look at the supreme bench 
And we'd see how well your make up represents all


Nobody's Perfect

Everyone wants to be perfect
And criticize what's wrong

But all us fall short of glory
And still we must stand strong

 Strong in our convictions
but less judgmental in our tone

See only if you're sin free
Should you be throwing any stones

And why be that destructive 
For we need bridges for the borders

And more people to lead by example
and get their own houses in order


Monday, June 24, 2013


While planning is a must
Admits the chaos and fuss


Though there's bill to pay
And worries from yesterday


When your all bogged down
And your head starts to pound


Despite the roller coaster of our lives
When relief is slow to arrive

In the throws of the storm
When the answer hasn't yet formed

There's always beauty before your eyes
A reason every morning to rise

For opportunity opens wide
To those who spirit hasn't died

So with everything you got, you have to give
 You were blessed with life 
so while you 
have it 



Thursday, June 20, 2013

Twas the Night Before Summer

Twas the night before summer
and all through the sky

The star light alone was making me

The touch of the wind 
felt good on my skin

And the summer solstice 
was luring me in

Her sex appeal and playful ways
Made me lustfully long for her endless days

Yeah, endless days and reckless nights 
where lovers tryst out of sight

And pretty girls are everywhere
choosing bad boys without a care

Where cycles ride wild and free
and happy people are all you see

Laughing, playing, partying late
Twas the night before summer
and I can't wait


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Wish You Well

I wish you plenty of energy to take on your day
And your hours of work feel like play

That the people you meet become lifelong friends
That your face feels the sun and your backs to the wind

That everything you touch turns into gold
and when you're faced with a challenge you feel really bold

That you have your favorite song stuck in your head
and that you always find favor and your never misled

I wish you well

I wish you a comfortable temperature 
to take a nap

A cute little puppy to lay in your lap

A big cozy chair for your favorite read

And plenty of love so you're never in need

I wish you well

I wish you well, my friend 
and a long life too

And most importantly the courage 
and foresight to make your dreams
come true


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Never Give In

You arrived to be alive
And live a life that conquers strife

To make a mark before you depart
create legacy from your destiny

But sometime you feel like you can't endure, 
Like you're insignificant, you're insecure

But passing thoughts aren't always real
Sometimes they come to rob and steal

They confuse the mind and leave you torn
But through conflict, see, opportunity's born

So honor yourself and the spirit within
 Strive to be your best and never give in


Monday, June 17, 2013

The Mirror

The mirror is a great tool
for when I'm acting like a fool

And judging someone else's journey
the reflections says that I should learn me

It teaches comfort in my skin
and where the agitation begins

 The image reflected does its part
To reveal the heaviness of my heart

Or when my minds the enemy
I see the physiognomy

That shapes my face and creates the mood
You know that funky ass attitude 

which does me more harm than good
that before I never understood

Yes, meditation, when its deep
Becomes the the mirror of which I speak


Thursday, June 13, 2013

I Left My Cell Phone Home, Today

I left my cell phone at home, today
and after 10 min. of  tripping
I thought, "Hey!"

The stars didn't fall from the sky to the earth
Not checking it during a conversation didn't decrease my worth

I didn't feel lonely walking down the street
I wasn't out of touch cause I couldn't send a tweet

I notice my surrounding in great detail
My pocket wasn't vibrating every 5 min. with an email

I actually said, "thank you" when a lady held a door
I didn't ignore the cashier as she rang me up at the store

I daydreamed and relaxed as I drank tea
I was perfectly alright just hanging out with me

I noticed all this and more
and I just have to say

It's all because
I left my cell phone home, today


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lets Get Together
(adapted from Tim Clark's "The Force Of Sound")

Lets get together and create a groove
invite some folks over and they can move

To rhythm that's shared, in the air
under our feet, and everywhere

Created in our hearts to stimulates minds
Sounds of passion moving in time

and space, and measures and notes
from keys

The universal language from sea,
to sea

Yeah, lets get together and create a

The bands ready
What about you?


Monday, June 10, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain pouring down


soaking into my skin
watering the earth 
and then

helping the 

 the rivers
and lakes flow

into the ocean

where the motion

entertains us by 
land or sea

Rain fall free

As we dance with you
all around

As we make love
 to your rhythmic

As you continue to
cleanse mother earth

I hope some day we're realize your worth

and how you compliment
  sunny days

Yet we curse you
and selfishly say

Rain, rain go away

But since you help
me sleep, tonight,
for a while, 
you may


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Have A Great Life

Every breath becomes seconds
on the clock

Seconds add up to
minutes with
every tick and tock

The minutes become
hours that
we use to strive

to reach the goals
that fill
 the days of our lives

The days are absorbed
by weeks that go by
so fast

And by the time we
look up
months have passed

Months create years
where wisdom is born

Years to decades
and things may become worn

Not worn out but worn well
if we do it just right

So make the most of your 
time and have a great 


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Life Is Precious

When we can accept the cloudy skies
And stop judging the splinter in others eyes

We will be open to find 
The beauty of life in time

and space 
on this place

We call Mother Earth
Yes, open to the majesty and worth

of every precious breath
The gifts we can receive before our death

We would see the forest beyond the trees
The droplets of rain that created all the seas
And know all of these

and more
are manifesting before

our eyes
in these lives

That are flying by
but we wouldn't fret or cry

We would just live
(really live)
before we die


Friday, June 7, 2013

The Definition

I am not your definition of me
and no, I can't be what u want me to be

So respect my decision when I say what I mean

See, I'm not for coercion 
so please, don't lean

or slander my name
and expect me to respond

For a thoroughbred
is focused and has 
blinders on

No I'm not the definition of what u 
want me to be

Actually, defining yourself
is a better 
use of your energy


Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Work of Art

They came together
that starry night

Had a glass of wine
and dimmed the lights

He stroked her hair 
and caressed her face

She joined their 
fingers interlaced

She pulled her body
up real close

He whispered a reminder 
of their toast

She smiled and mouthed,
"That sounds good" 

He laid her body 
where they stood

As he gazed in her eyes
his heart did sing

to see the face
of their offspring

For together they both
will do their part

To create a wonderful
work of art


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Move Toward it

Move toward it
without delay
not with anxiety

But do it today

Because time will tick by
 and you'll look up
to the under flowing
of your cup

To hesitation when
it was near

And to hindsight where
everything is clear

So move forward 
the stage is set

Because who needs 
to live with regret


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Love and War

Touch her softly
until she needs

Hold her up tall
until she wants it on the floor

Fill her with passion
 till she hates when you leave

Keep it just out of reach
until she's begging to receive

Now, you may ask what all 
this is for

It's just me and my  
lover making
Love and War


Monday, June 3, 2013

Sweet Young Angel, Fly
(RIP Paris)

Sweet young angel, fly 
As we shed tears from our eyes

We feel your quiet strength
We wish we had a tenth

of your glow and your shine
You graced this earth for such a short time

but you touched many hearts
and now as you depart 

from this earth we can't help but cry
till we meet again
Sweet young angel, fly


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Breakin' Through

There's a beautiful day on the horizon
the bad moon has set and the sun is risin'

High enough to burn the fog from the sky
And so damn bright that I gotta shade my eyes

Then I ride so free that the wind blows back
 but parts like the sea cause there ain't no turning back

Cause I've been challenge by the streets and tested by the storms
And I've been looking forward to this day since I've been born

I'm breaking through

I've nothing more to lose 

and everything to gain

It's about the path we choose

Be it pleasure or of pain

I'm breaking through

I keep my arms breezy and my eyes clear
I'm heading towards my destiny and it ain't fear

or doubt, so when it hits me I know what to do
I dig deep within and uncover the truth

Cause I've been challenge by the streets and tested by the storms
And I've been looking forward to this day since I've been born

So here I am where experience gives clue to the new

Yea, it's onward and upward
I'm breaking through


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Endless Summer (Lyrics)

Summer Nights creep into day
 Bonfires get washed away

Brown skin bathes in the sun
And lovers clothes seem to come undone

oooh yea

Endless Summer

oooh yea

Like no other

Summer rain flows from the sky
and the moon reflects in your beautiful

Gentle winds blow in the air

An endless summer
seems to be everywhere

oooh yea

Endless Summer

oooh yea

Like no other


And we know seasons change

in the blink of the eye lives can rearrange

But to us, it'll never come to pass

Cause these feeling, for us, will always last

oooh yea

Endless Summer

oooh yea

Like no other