Monday, March 11, 2013

Move on

As the storm raged on 
I realized my umbrella was not enough

to hold back the drenching rain
and howling winds

My bones feel the chill of
water seeping in

But, I move forward 
Each step swallowed in a pool of mud and debris

As the elements boom with thunder
the lightning blinds my eyes

This, is my reality

There's no time to ponder 
my fate

feel sorry for myself

Or wonder why I'm here on this particular date

I must move on

Down the path I chose I'll
carry on

Not because I'm 
stubborn and just wrong

but the storm I weather now
will make me strong

So  I just move on
got to move on

 When the storm subsides
and all is around is calm

I'll wipe my eyelids 
clean with my palms

 night will cease and
 yield unto the dawn

I will know my inner strength
cause I moved on


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