Saturday, March 16, 2013

A purposeful life

I wanna live from truth. A purposeful life
Never allowing myself to wallow in pain or in strife

Always giving much love and sincere understanding
And whenever I slip, on my feet is where I'm landing

Not because I'm better or more agile than you
But I'm determined with a  purpose and you can be too

It's really simple, but some how we make it seem so hard
But, we where all dealt a hand. We gotta work with our cards.

 Our hearts create the beats that emanate from our souls
So staying in tune to the rhythm of our lives should be the goal

Offering perspectives that are unique and a service to the world
 Hidden treasures that are much more valuable than just diamonds and pearls

So let's dig deep for our gifts and bring them to the surface
And let them shine as we share them, and lets live with purpose


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