Thursday, February 29, 2024

As They Jump The Broom

 Leap, spring, jump

The broom

Like our ancestors

Who brought us forth from the womb

Wishing, hoping, praying for the day

That the Lord would move in a mysterious way

And bless the children that they would conceive

To live in a world were they could strive, plan, achieve

For the life they endured was of brutality and hate

Progeny of Kings, Queens and world first great

People.  My people

Open your eyes 

For the enemy scheme is to dismantled and deprive

You and yours of family heirlooms

Gifted by the elder, brides and grooms

Leaping forward with hope

As they jump the broom


Feb. 29, 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024

Mantan, Sleep 'N' Eat and good ol tim scott


Mantan,  Sleep 'N' Eat

tim scott   history repeats

Cause they's luv ya mo than u'se luv ya self

Generations of oppression versus Generational wealth

Bamboozled to believe that DEI

Brings an advantage to colonized

So Ytsplain to me again before I snore

Then my dreams will be colored 

In yo folklore

Of great replacement,  poisoning the blood

Woke indoctrination

Remind this simple mind of the threat

that I'se be facing

I'se be facing them quite often and more than a lot

Just like Mantan,  Sleep 'N' Eat

and good ol'

 tim scott


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

You're more Than A Color

You're more than a color

 A shade or a skin tone

From the original people your roots have grown

The cradle of civilization 

The creation of custom 

All reside in your DNA structure

So open your eyes 

And feel in your heart

You're the descendant

Of Africans 

Not a color that's dark



Monday, February 5, 2024

It's Your History

 Fighting for the right to vote

Voting cause it's your right to fight

Can't you see

It's your history


Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Mystery Of History I

The mystery of history

exists only in the eyes of the ignorant 


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Are You In




are you 




Friday, February 2, 2024




SunGod- Shine like the stars

SunGod - Creation is who you are

SunGod - The master's plan

 SunGod - The original Man 

SunGod - Well versed in day and night

SunGod - Your Goddess created life

SunGod - With promise in your eyes

SunGod - You defeat the devil’s  lies

SunGod - Blessed at birth

SunGod - Leader of planet earth 



Thursday, February 1, 2024

Do We Still Need Black History Month

 Do we still need a Black History month

Or do you think we're just doing too much

 Twenty nine days just to explain

Why we still wear the slave master last name

And is it fair or even right

That we glorify our ancestors for their harrowing fight

Against enslavement, brutality, terrorism, segregation

Separate but equal,  job and housing discrimination

But they say that doesn't exist any more

and that the past is gone

So in the memory of our severely bludgeoned Brother

Can't we all just get along

And get with the program, you know, the banning of our books, 

our history, our culture, our hairstyles, our looks

Melting into the pot that the kettle called "black"

Do we need to continue to tell our own story

Or just let another distort the facts



Wednesday, January 24, 2024

But It Wasn't A Dream

But It wasn't a dream

Malcolm,  Medgar,  Martin Luther King 

And don't forget Fannie and our Civil Rights Queens

They fought the oppressor

And now it's our turn to take out their twisted ass successors

Saying our lives don't matter

 Erasing  history

And repeating a darker chapter

A chapter when racism ruled

And simple minded people where lead by the sadistic and cruel

But not on our watch

 A powerful people with conviction from very strong stock

 Know that it wasn't' just a dream

 It was a blueprint on how to conquer

the extreme "conservative" 



 Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it

You see everything as a nail 

and just wanna hit it

But your thumbs in the way 

and you bout to split it

But, hey, you know everything

so goin and get wit it


Monday, January 15, 2024

To Her Door


Cold and barren 

Winter arrives 

I walk in silence 

On a snowy night 

Strong winds

Stormy skies 

The warmth of my breath 

And the temperature collide 

But I stay the course

 the frigid white 

Guided by a faint moon light 

To her door almost in sight

I arrive to love my baby tonight


Friday, January 12, 2024

Life’s Too Short

 Life’s too short  

It’s too short for the drama 

Seconds, minutes, days, wasted on make believe trauma 

Silliness worn like a badge of honor 

The ego is a lie

Every single one of us will die

None knowing the hour or reason why

Yet we distract ourselves with pettiness and pride

Vengeance, grievances and hatred becomes our guide

All while professing to be blessed by the most high 

Why then won’t we open our eyes 

Open our eyes and gaze upon a 

Life devoid of bullsh*t

and drama


Professing with our mouths 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

We Want Love

 We want love

 Created in our image

No filter

No limit

Strong, extreme

Feral as our wildest dreams

Till I holla'

Till you scream


Leavin' never

We shan't part


rhythms, hearts

Deep down below

as high above

Created in our image

We want love


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Daily Path

To thy own heart by true

 through all the days of your life 

Create the path that is meant for you



Monday, January 8, 2024


Hail to the Victors

Haters wanna whisper

But Hail, Hail

 to Michigan

The victors of them all

Hail to the victors

No need

 you can't resist 'em


Hail Hail

To Michigan

Cause their discipline

Makes them the 

Victors of them



Sunday, January 7, 2024

I missed Jan. 6

I missed Jan. 6 

Didn't do my thing

Didn't finish writing 

"Let Freedom Ring"

Where I touch on the failed coup

And the hate that spread

The virus of fear

and the lies that were said

Anyway, my people, we have a chance to make amends

To decide if we're really a beacon of freedom 

or a pathetic product of our sins


Saturday, January 6, 2024

My Cool


You joke

There's no way you understand

The language of the Nubian

Mired in your land of bland

You can't stand 

My cool

Cause it rules

It's the standard we set

That fills you full of regret


Friday, January 5, 2024

We Better Learn

 Black on Black crime 

Rich bitches moan and whine

About fellow Black folks

Cut that sh*t out and go tell some jokes

Cause it ain't a good look

And we better learn 

By hook or by crook

That united we stand up tall

And divided we assist the enemy 

in our 



Thursday, January 4, 2024



till you can't no mo

Till second nature you just flow

Day after day 

Row by row

But always keep your feet on the floor



Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Compelled To Act

 January 3, 2024 and we wait with baited breath 

for what we perceive is in store

Heartache, struggle, disappointment, pain

We hope for better days yet we're afraid it'll be the same

But fear is only useful when it compels us to act

To move, proceed, even attack

Our next chapter, our new beginning, the next level, our new phase

 A challenge to be overcome rather than a complicated maze


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

 We begin with a blank slate

and the hope that the new year brings

But it's the daily work, the ups and downs

Who's praises we should sing

So day to day, little by little 

focus, stay on track

for we must crawl before we soar

and the wind is at our backs