Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gifts Of Love ( A Messge to my Brother)

Let's lift each other
be a gift to each other

In this time of need
Plant the seeds


Healing, Helpfulness, Honor, Hope

Through our example others learn to cope

Survive, Revive, Strive, and Thrive

Speaking truth to power
We dedicate our lives

To the mission of being all we
can be

For we serve all

It is
our destiny

Like the book of the Bible
for which you were named

Restoration and a new covenant
is our quest, our aim

My brother
Dear Brother

That was our creed

When we were assigned this

with Godspeed

So I speak to you through this humble prayer

On the vision that we created and 
have continued to share

Our duty still remains from
the Highest Above

This work that was christened
"Gifts Of Love"

Cause there's still so much
 we were ordained 
to do 

But, you know this my brother

Heal, well
talk to you 
in a few

When our friends and family
will rejoice in your mend

And thank God for you, brother
See you soon

copyright 2020
All rights reserved 

It all seems so bizarre
With no change insight so far

A faceless killer on the loose
And no one really knowing what to do

Anxiety giving way to pain
frustration, fear 

It's insane

Some stay inside
lock the doors

Others compulsive 
hoard from all the stores

Cut the bullshit
and just lead

You're trying too hard
to be believed

You're not a general
 This ain't a war

So stop calculating
attention whore

This life and death
Not an ego stroke

We need character
Not morally broke

So cut the Chit Chat
It won't help

The only one
who believes tht garbage
is yourself

And even the sycophants
that kiss your ass

know your kingdom
is made of glass

So stop pretending
and tweeting on the can

The media ain't fake
It's you straw man

Mr. words of hate,
untruths and injustice

Looking all around things are getting bad

While the White house withholds
supplies until the governors
kiss orange ass

It's a sign of the times
tht smacks you in the face

Don't this is how we got here 
in the first place

Divided we fall
with selfishness we lose

But here we are the sheeple
led to the slaughter like fools

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sunday, March 22, 2020

laugh or frown
lift us up or upside down
Who knows 
Who'll be around

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Let's turn off our phone
 Enjoy being alone

Locked in together 
Till whenever 

Away from the world
As it whirls

Out of control
God save our souls

While we love dangerously
On a planet thts strangely

fallen apart

I give my soul
you give your

No distance needed
Come close

Feed it

Setting the night
on fire

 we're locked in

Till whenever

Away from the world
As it swirls

Out of control

And our new reality


Friday, March 20, 2020

credit taker in chief
hatemonger and thief

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Who'd a predicted
in 2019
That in 2020 we'd be Quarantined 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

No matter what happens
we have to love one another

Whatever comes against us
we have each other

Cause sometimes we know
the creeks gonna

And uncertainty
can have us fearing
for our

Monday, March 16, 2020

Who Are We

What is it
We Pray

Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of 
death, I will fear
no evil

Is that what we
believe or just
words we retrieve

 From a simpler

When there wasn't
so much stress 

 confusion in our mind

Will we practice what we preach 
or kow tow
 to the times 
cause they are changing

rough, tough, uncertain,

But can we persevere 
or will we be consumed by fear

Who are we

Hateful, petty, fearful,
selfish beings

Who fight over 
toilet paper and
trivial things


are we

Courages, benevolent,
caring, heroes of our

Our actions will show
They're a blaring sign

An example of 
what the next generation 
should be

 Wrapped in resilience or drowned in 

Can't we tell
It's time to 



copyright 2020
All rights reserved

Saturday, March 14, 2020

What you do in times of difficulty and  turbulence, is who you are.

Friday, March 13, 2020

It was Friday the 13th and a scary sight
A couple in Hazmat suits on a date night

and at the bar drinking was a lonely soul
watching a prez struggle with a virus that
he swore was a cold

Meanwhile, across the street at the market stand
christians, jews and gentile's fighting ovr toilet paper
with their fellow man

But just in time comes the delivery man
His bumper sticker reading, Illegals go back home
to your bulls*t land

It's Friday the 13th 2020 and all we've proven
is our reality can be scarier than any horror movie

We fight over money, politricks, religion

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Be prudent
Not careless

Rational not

Think before
you speak

Take action
Never be indecisive

For the world
Need men and women

Of sound mind

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It's the 44 effect
Back when things
Were cool

No obtuse strawman
No glory seeking fool

That's what people
when they backed
Uncle joe

The remembered the brother with the fire
of X but humble like
King tho

Back when we climbed out
of a recession and painted
the White House black

When reason fueled decisions
and information was based on facts

That's what people remembered
as they headed out the door

Uncle Joe found got most of his swagger
by hanging around 44


Monday, March 9, 2020

There's no time for fake news
and games
The time has come to be truthful
a plain
Lead with an honest heart
for the ego taints  the message
before you start
For what the world needs now
is an wise soul
To model the example of
of an admired role

Look to the gifts
That you possess
For you hve forgotten
Their power

Saturday, March 7, 2020

love me and I
promise we will live ib bliss

Friday, March 6, 2020

A beautiful soul
A heart which is bold

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Divide and conquer

That's what they do

Been doing it for years
I thought you knew

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

We foolishly worry
cause more pain

berate loved ones
act insane

embrace instability,
and the unsettled mind

take everything personal
throw temper tantrums,

none of which 
has ever created
the desired effect

of a level headed 
leader who
garners respect


Monday, March 2, 2020

The mantra, today
is rise above the fray

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Ignore misery 

and although

it loves company

the company it keeps
is beneath thee