Saturday, February 29, 2020

march forward

For Ensured Victory

Sieg heil

Climate change is a hoax
The emperor's not a joke

Sieg heil

The media is our foe
It's in "2" Corinthians
Don't  you knw

Sieg heil

Dictators are our friends
Our allies live in sin

Sieg heil

Some day we'll have a president  for life
With a plagiarizing  wife

Sieg heil

Denaturalization is our right
Because of our military  might

Sieg heil

A giant wall will keep us safe
The conservative court will stat the case

Sieg heil

There's good people on both sides
Blood and soil our rallying cry

Sieg heil

We don't find ourselves on a slippery slope
Does truth and science matter


Sieg heil


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Denaturalizing citizens
Isn't very Christian

But we know
Your plan
We're hip to your mission

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Master Mind I ( Schemes & Dreams)

Master mind
You knw the kind
Mr. Answers,
all the time

Schemes, Dreams
one step ahead
Mr love to hve his ego fed

Especially at your expense
But if you think about it
it makes a lot of sense

His bravado conceals the broken heart
Of a man who is slowly falling apart.

Tim Clark
Copyright 2020
All rights reserved 

Monday, February 24, 2020

What do you see
How do you feel
What does your Conversation
seem to reveal

Friday, February 21, 2020

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Cage of complacency
Cell of the slave

Don't  you realize
What the ancestors gave

You a gift
Their wildest dreams

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Love you
So don't  be so defensive

Catch you, my sweet thing
With those beautiful  senses.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Keep plugging away
Find the time every single

The duty is the work
The sweat, the toil,
the hurt

Do what you must never cease
  Create your masterpiece

Saturday, February 15, 2020

I love her
Cause she lets 
me be me

Encourages my visions
even the ones 
she can't see

Friday, February 14, 2020

What's wrong with us
Can't we see

Or our we too caught up
in personally misery

Everybody just wants to be

Not that selfish
"You never give me enough"

Attention, time, money, things

But, a love that makes
the angels sing

A love that lifts the vale
to reveal the truth

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Challenges daunt the gifted
and talentless the same

The ultimate game of
complexity, persistence, 

Do I belong here 
can I rise
 above the chorus
of denies

Be the best 
of me

who I yearn to be

When my body is strong
and my mind is free

Defeated or in victory

or advantage

Determined by how I


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All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

In a world of scripted reality
and "fake news"

Be careful of who you "follow"
for many are fools

Monday, February 10, 2020

Realize what's really important
before it's too late

We don't know how it ends
but we all know
our fate

Why get caught up in the
the blandness of life

Like a prisoner of whim, circumstance,
and strife

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bland Land

Bland Land ain't it grand
Barren country for the bigoted

No Mas, no more
Closed the borders
Shut the doors

First we start with Mexico
Then the other colored folks
gotta go

My people we must take a stand
Create a paradise 
A Bland Land

No diversity
No non white neighbors

Just ghettos
for those who do our
hard labor

In the beginning
we'll claim it's just illegals
Then muddy the waters for all
colored people

Lock step, shoulder to shoulder, guns in hand
We'll create our utopia,
A Bland Land

And once our worthy war is won
We'll see our glorious work done

Ridding our soil of the ungrateful others
Then use our differences to turn on one another

Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 8, 2020

America if you're
what you claim to be
why do you revel in hypocrisy

Friday, February 7, 2020

petty princess

Petty princess 
exacting revenge
heart on his sleeve
coming unhinged

Miserable dude
 Can't let it go
Everything personal
Driven by ego 

Supposedly the truth
But trying too hard
Respect's not earned
treating folks with 

Prisoner of position
Not deserved
Temper tantrum diva
Bundle of nerves

 truth ain't nothing
you want to hear
Cowering sycophants
Music to your ears

But "2" Corinthians 
won't save your soul
Nor would firing all the folks 
you think you own

So try a new perspective
Look through a different lens

Or risk
remaining a 
petty princess
consumed with

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All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 6, 2020

You Lack

Is it worth it 
To stoop so low
To lose your honor
Just to put on a show

Steeped in bravado 
You wanna be bad
But you're trying too hard
and It's really kinda' sad

This ain't a movie
So stop playin' a part
You lack realism,
sincerity, heart

And the respect
that's only given to a man
that doesn't abuse his
authority just because
he can

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All rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Credit Where It Is Do

Not a republican
and could nvr be

Even though,
sometimes Dems
come off as

 I lean liberal
and am damn proud

And what is exactly
is being conserved
by that evangelical crowd

Anyway, It's self-evident
and so damn true

That we should gve credit
where credit is do


 You're a privileged, out of touch, gump
but big ups for voting to convict
con artist

Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 3, 2020

My country can't you see
lock step ain't liberty

It's disgusting

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Doing The Work's The Biggest Part (We Shall Overcome)

We Shall Overcome

If we remember where we're

Yeah, it starts in the heart
But doing the work's the biggest part

Since we stand on the shoulders of Kings,
Queens like Rosa and prophetic dreams

It's imperative to reconnect
and give our ancestors their

For the sacrifice and service
they have done

To ensure that


 Shall Overcome

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All Rights Reserved