Saturday, October 6, 2018

Built On Double Standards

Built on double standards
But u don't understand me
Rich frat boys steal and rape
While sayin' yo testimony is too damn late

But say didn't u see
The Black Bodies lying n the streets
Now aftr the fact, u wanna take a knee
Oh the irony

Sponsored by the shell game flim flam
The 3rd party voting scam
The ol' divide and conquer
While u wine 4 lunch b4 soccer

Mom,  u didn't see the harm
N good ol'boy rule
N rich old men drool

N districts gerrymandered
N the land built on double standards

Tim Clark
iamtimclark © all rights reserved

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My mind comes alive under the night sky
Fixed luminous points fill my eyes.

Artistic gifts of thought fill the air
Expression of gratitude like prayer


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The World Stage

All the world's a stage
Whether blessed with a fortune
or hustlin' for wage

Men, women, workers, players
Entrances, exits, sins and prayers

All play many parts
Star struck lovers to broken hearts
Prologues and curtain calls since we were born

Scenes, lines and encores
Cause, the show must go on

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved. c 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A Deep Conviction

Affirm it, claim it, name it

Yours, make it yours

If you want it, hunt it

Not like prey
Let cupid have his way

Aim for the heart
The mission:

Stake your claim
 with plenty of repetition

Take action
Use phraseology, diction

Achieve what you want
with clarity and conviction

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved. c 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

It's not over, she said, as she looked in my eye's
The conviction in her voice neither doubted or denied.

She said, "Chin up, my son".
Be bold, little lion

Wipe the tears from your face
Cease your crying

For one day you'll be a man
and face many defeats

Lessons learned making
victory sweet

But until that glorious day
lick your wounds, of war
 Cause, we are winning

Our opponents think
we're finished

But their end is our

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved. c 2018

Monday, September 3, 2018

A Good Life

A good life is what i aim to live
Not bargaining my shortcomings
with the tithes that i can give

But, my words be not judgment
More corporeal substance than

More virtues of a just God than
ancients ever told

Still what do i know, like you,
I walk through valleys dark as death

However, before i get to deep
let me pause and take a breath

I pray to live a noble life
till quietus calmly comes

And, kiss my dear on her lips
living on in memories of loved ones

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All right reserved c 2018

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Brings into being

A spark
A flame

An idea ignites

And although it's clear
And very bright

A dream at no time
will come true

Without the labor
to see it through

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c. 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018

 Sublime Love

The sun never sets
The moon doesn't light

Perceptions shifts from left to right
Limited by experience

Superficial but so serious
Your views, my dear, aren't like mine

Yet the love we make is still sublime

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c. 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

It's on the horizon
But without sound

The Eerie inevitability
of the showdown

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Watch them she said
Their ways reveal

What's in their hearts
How they really feel

Insecurities display
Self centered and hateful ways

Not evil
For they know not what
they do

Hubris snuck (sneaked :) in
disguise as the truth

Watch them she said
Their ways reveal

Monday, August 20, 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

Mystery of Existence

Lovely as life itself
Beautiful as the breath we breathe
Precious as the moments of the day
As faithful as what we believe

Magnificent as the waves of the sea
Vital as the sun in the sky
Powerful as the force of the wind
As inevitable as the day we die

As passionate as when we make love
Disconnected as when we're distant
Euphoric as a spiritual high
We embrace the mystery of existence

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Long Live The Queen

Long live the queen
Soul Sister supreme

Voice of angel
Your subjects are grateful

For your reign

Through trial and tribulations
Your songs uplifted nations

Regal and divine
 Shine diva shine

as the heavens sang

Universal respects
for the magnificent effect

of your rule

For that Detroit cool

For that spiritual gold

For the Queen of Soul

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Fog

The fog was thick
Couldn't see my hand
in front of my eyes

Obstacles like land mines
laid in disguise

What was this challenge
Was there danger ahead

Couldn't see clearly
Was i being mislead

The tension was palpable
Mystery was in the air

But me, undaunted,
into the murk did stare

Executed my strategy
and couldn't believe

The mirror beyond the fog
Proved the obstacle was me

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018

Sparkle, beautiful lady
Touch r hearts with ur song

Give us something we can feel
Help us right the wrongs

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Know from whence you came
Know the worth beyond your name

You are more than what you've learned
And too strong to be reduced by derogatory terms

You are greatness
A miracle
One of a kind

Here in this moment
this space, this time

Inspire, uplift, teach,

Learn, be a student, support
what's right

For your power is incredible
You needn't dull your shine

You are greatness
A miracle
One of a kind

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Up from slavery
Down with fear

The futures calling
Can't you hear

The time is now
don't you know

Bamboozled was a minstrel show

No shuckin', jivin'
It's time to fight

No blackface yelling, "dynomite"

No pastors feasting on a
 golden goose,
that strangely resembled faith
base loot

Just intelligent, fearless,
folks in the fold

That for selfish gains
won't sell their soul

Cause, the future calling
Can you hear

Up from slavery
Down with fear

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018

Friday, August 10, 2018

Our Destiny Ourselves

We can wish upon the stars
Hitch are dreams to the moons of Mars

Keep our heads to the sky
 Rain dance on mountains way up high

Check our horoscope everyday
Worship the sun in everyway

Acknowledge without any fuss
That we truly are created from star dust

But one thing is certain without fail
No one holds our destiny but ourselves

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


If i were a poet
I'd arouse ur emotions
 meter, rhyme & stanzaic potions

If i were a lyricist
I'd write u a tune
Sung by the angels under the moonlight n june

& if i were a writer
I'd pen myriad stories
Fascinating literature
Praise ur glory

But i am just a man
Who wishes that he could

A man that will be there for u
like a good man should.

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Tantric Love

Your spiritual force
Your Tantric love

Speaks to my essence
What i dream of

Intensity, purpose
The embrace of life

Ebb and flow
Tranquility, strife

Your scintillating charm
Conjures my vitality

Fire, concupiscence,
Passionate sexuality

You're my calm seas, my wind, my storms above
You're my spiritual force,
My Tantric Love

Tim Clark
Iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Born to Inspire

Nomadic, Free spirit
with eyes of fire
Heart of a lioness
you were born to

all who enter your auric glow
or open chakras where
energy flows

Kiss me with your lips
Wake my spiritual being

Lay hands upon me, beautiful lady
Do your thing

Express your true nature
and kindle mine
Individuations of Love Divine

Tim Clark
iamtimclark. All rights reserved c 2018.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Without words

Words only say so much
 Endless streams of chatter,
 such a crutch

Look in my eyes
Peer into my soul

Attraction is created
It doesn't have to be told

Or seduced by the tongue
with sweet nothings to say

So communicate with me, woman
Without words today

Tim Clark

Iamtimclark. All rights reserved 2018

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Pretty Mama

We could run away
Pretty Mama

And fill the warmth of day
Pretty Mama

Lying in my arms girl
You never will be harmed

Oh my baby

Come with me
We'll make love tenderly
Under the stars and the quasars
Pretty Mama

O o o o o yeah
O o o o o yeah

Your kisses are so sweet
Pretty Mama

As we dance to our own beat
Pretty Mama

Suspended space and time girl
Forever you'll be mine
O my baby

Come with me
We'll make love tenderly
Beyond the stars
and the quasars

Pretty Mama

Tim Clark

Iamtimclark. All rights reserved 2018.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Blue Falls

Fallen down on my face
You call with memories
I can't erase

Of a love that felt so good
Over you mu body stood
for love

Rays gold falling down on our face
Secrets told of things we wanted to taste

And your love felt so good
Under me your body shade is love

And i wish it would have last forever
How come we didn't stay together

Cause our love it was so good
Sometimes things don't work as they should
In love.

Tim Clark

Iamtimclark. All rights reserved. 2018

Friday, August 3, 2018

Till another day

Hold me now
'for tomorrow comes

And we leave away
For another day
Till the morning comes

Kiss me sweet
Whisper in my ear

And will do the thangs
That make our bodies swang
Till the morning sun

And i will live without you
And you will live without me

And the good times will cease to be
Until we meet another day

Spill the wine
Upon my lips

And we'll laugh and play
Till gently lay between your hips

Hold me so
So slow

Never let me go
Till moon sets and our
Only regret is that we have to go

And i will live without you
And you will live without me

And the good times will cease to be
Until we meet another day

Tim Clark

Iamtimclark all rights reserved

Thursday, August 2, 2018

One Tribe

One Tribe, One people, one planet, unite
For glory and purpose

We gotta' wake minds
Do do do do do, do, do, do, One Tribe
Do do do do do do do do, One Tribe

Our tribe, our culture, our motto
is unite

Be selfless, not selfish
My people, it's time

Do, do, do, do, do, do, One Tribe
Do, do, do, do, do, do, One Tribe

Tim Clark
Iamtimclark All rights reserved 2018.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

 Snowy Summer

Snow in my eyes
Chills on warm nights

All these summer days
Seem to melt away

After rain and thunder
Comes a snowy summer

Snowy Summer

Wind to the bones
No calls from your phone

Thought these summer days
Would find you my way

Guess i'll have to wonder
What caused a snowy summer

Snowy Summer

Tim Clark

Iamtimclark all rights reserved 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


You always were 
With a subtle elegance that whispered
look at her.

And, everyone did, but you had no time
Too busy cultivating the intellect of a beautiful mind

And that wonderful spirit that took you far away
That is until I bumped into you, earlier today

Same angelic smile
Same gleam in your eye

So I asked you out for dinner
Thought at least, I'd try

But your suggestion was dinner at your place
So, I did concur

Cause you're sensible
You always were.


I AM Tim Clark all rights reserved 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Drawn To Bliss

Adrenaline rising
Heartbeat racing

Mouth watering,
Sweet tasting

Dopamine, Oxytocin
Sensual, sexy, words

Intimate fragrance
Call of desire

Yearning fed
by passions fire

Face to face
Drawn to bliss

Enthralled by the mystic 
art of the kiss

iamtimclark all rights reserved 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Warm, Winter rain

Warm winter rain
Some how it ain't the same

As the stormy summer nights
When i would hold u tight

And our room would fill with luv
The rhythmic sky from above

Would be our love song
Be it right or being wrong

The good times that we had
The heat of passion,
and bad

Sends memories rushing through
So the warm winter rain will have to do

Iamtimclark  all rights reserved 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Miss Your Pretty Face

Miss Your Pretty Face

Miss your pretty face
It's been a long time

Miss your pretty face
Loved your inquisitive mind

Miss your pretty face
Straight forward and clear

Miss your pretty face
The way you smiled, my dear

Miss your pretty face
How the moon shined upon it from above

Miss your pretty face
The night I felt your sweet love

Miss your pretty face
No longer distracted by the why's

Miss your pretty face
Poetically reaching out
to say,

Iamtimclark all rights reserved 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Hate in the Heart

We collect it
Collect it like shards of glass

Shattered from from our past
Too painful to be thrown away

Broken images that reflects the agony
of yesterday

But it must be
Can't you see

It must be swept up, disposed
Cause hate in the heart
damages your the soul

All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Gifts of effort

Ominous, fire breathing, flying overhead
Should i face the dragon or cower instead

Or should i dare believe i can tame the beast
And, receive the gifts of my efforts
laid at my feet

All rights reserved

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Earth Star

Made of earth, humble but sound
Solid, stable, feet on the ground.

Created from stars, Luminous, bright
Noble, radiant, powerful

Born near, travelled far
The universally reknown,
Earth Star


All rights reserved.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Become the light

Become the light
Luminous, bright
Morning or night
In or out of plain sight
Become the light