Sunday, April 30, 2017

As She Sleeps

Let the rain fall down as she sleeps
 I will kiss her on the cheek

As I quietly leave the bed
Dealing with life issues in my head

Sitting at the piano or strumming the guitar
Thinking about my sleepy little superstar

How she always has my back
And stands by my side when the world attacks

 How she falls out on my chest
Whenever she puts my skills to the test

Her encouraging words and her arousing touch
How she looks in my eyes like she loves me so much

Even when I fall from grace
She's in my hair and kissing my face

How she affectionately invites me in
to bury my frustrations in her skin

She settles me down with her sighs
 Steals my heart with the tears in her eyes

And then she falls into slumber deep
So, let the rain fall down as she sleeps


Iam Tim Clark All Rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Your masterpiece
create it

Outstanding artistry

Mother, father, sister, brother

You do what you do
like no other

So make home, 
family, work,

The only inspiration you
need is to start

Your Magnum Opus

Your Chef d'oeuvre 

With alacrity 
With fervor

What peaks your

What turns you 

It's the reason
you were born

so do your thang
and don't you dare

Go ahead and 
create your


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017

Echoes For Eternity

Through time 
Through the years
Listen close
Can't you hear

It's here,
In your face like

Influencing generations
cultures, creeds

It's in the air that we breathe

and the moves we make

It's in the way we sleep and how we wake
And, the bond will never break

Everlasting, timeless, infinite 
basking in the sun's glow

In the change of the wind
A new incarnation of the same ol'

Or blessing

whether in denial 
or confessing

It's the same as it ever was 

We know this cause it was 

And in folklore
tested by science

Our surrenders
 our defiance

What we do echoes
and the ages can't let go

Fame or infamy 

What we do, today
Echoes for


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Person

Positivity doesn't always live with me
Sometimes I'm sleeping with the enemy

Anger, doubt, anxiety, stress
Plenty of ish to get off my chest

But I chant my mantra
pray on my knees
read affirmations
save lucky pennies

All in hopes of gaining that edge

With minutes to spare 
talked off the ledge

 Cause I don't wanna jump
I really want to live

But at times it seems I have no more
to give

Some how, some way
 I wanna stand tall

Be the person who gets up after the fall

Be the person
who works

Be the person
that I strive
to be

 Through struggle 
  gaining strength

 Over time
 making sense

of  life

Cause I don't have to be
the hero or
the genius

just the person
to overcome

of weakness


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Today (is a new day)

Leave each day behind
Like water that flowed during ancient times

Be free of misery, sadness,
 regrets of the past
Even the good times don't last

Those stories have already been told
Today is new,
bright, bold

Today can bring new opportunity
If from yesterday,
 you're free


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


No matter how bad it may seem

Wake each day
from the dream

Nightmare, illusion

medicating, druggin', boozin'

Cause you can't be woke
until you're awake

Reality TV is fake

You're not what you've been
taught to believe

And trust, your freedom wasn't free

or given to you way back

by a bearded lawyer in a top hat

Fairy tales are fake

You can't be woke
until you are awake

So, wake up and embrace your brilliance
Your ingenuity and resilience

You rock the world with your style
Make the meaningless worthwhile

So to doubt your talent would be a big mistake
Cause you can't be woke 
until you're awake


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Why don't we help 

instead of blaming the victims

Bring some compassion 
to a cold and callous 

Give direction to the 
troubled and lost

An ounce of prevention
is surely worth the cost



Sunday, April 23, 2017

Get Back On The Grind

Get back on the grind
use the meditation mind

your body's a temple
that thoughts can

From extremely simple
to more complex

From Martial arts
to Tantric sex 

Living, moving, breathing, creating

The gifts are abundant
why are you waiting

Come dazzle the world with
brilliant feats

For the soul is revealed
mind/ body


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Your Presence

I do not own this pic

Be here in full
with no bull

No half assin'
on this watch

Give it everything you got

Your attendance is required
Your excuses have expired

Don't shrink in the moment

 Never be cocky
But you've gotta own it

Once the effort is put in

We'll have your back,
again and again

But, in order to
 live up to your potential

I gotta tell ya,
presence is essential


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017


I went to visit LaNae, today

She was upbeat despite overcast skies  
She had something dangerously sexy on her mind
stated by the gleam in her eyes

Her kiss was bliss

or hypnotic, I guess
Cause I fell into her room

The lights went out and another voice whispered,
"Welcome to your doom"

I woke to handcuffs and stuff

Our wrists were latched 
and she screamed in a very high pitch

"Succumb to my feminine wiles" 
I thought, 
"The girl must be a witch"

Leather, lace and another face

The bed was simply on fire
In a trance my soul was hitched
 as she 
"You've gotta take me higher"

When I came down
She wasn't around

On her merry little way

She left a note that spoke 
about our night

and thanked me
for helping her

  Prince day


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, April 20, 2017

I am not what you want me to be
That fact that you don't understand that makes no difference to me

For great things are thrust upon the woman or man
Who listens with the intent to understand

not to control, manipulate or guilt into submission


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

We Are

The moving force
ignites healing light

Breath inspired 
 full moon night

Take her higher
Till space and stars

are just a reflection 
of who we are

Inner voice
Soothing sound

Vibrating rhythm
Take her down 

To the depth of the ocean
upon it's floors

A mirror image of
at our core

For we are earth, dark matter,

The Fiery sun

cloaked in humanity


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

On The Mat (2017)

Yoga's like music
don't lose it

It bring rhythm
to body's

Helps you regain

It's there
if you dare
Become aware

Yoga creates 
So don't wait

that steady mind

through space and time

 It can be rough
Hang tough

Forged in fire
Drenched in sweat

The spirit of a warrior 
has no regrets

as he/she works through 
muscle and bone

Repairing the only home
 ever known

 Years of wear
some disrepair
Strength lies inside, if you dare

Work through the obstacles, distractions and cracks
To regain the true self
  on the mat


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, April 17, 2017

The ultimate goal of yoga is to create a powerful sense of ease
Mind/body, chakra, bandhas locks and the breath is the key


Sunday, April 16, 2017

True Power Of Yoga

Accustomed to searching outside ourselves for gratification
Most of us exist in a world preoccupation

Though we know, in our hearts, nothing external can satiate the hunger within
We fall into the same trap over and over again

Doing rather than being
Focus sabotaged by fleeing

Caught in the world of the unsteady mind
Where worry and negativity haunts us most of the time

But, beloved, there's a peaceful power that lies within 
Flowing like a river of equanimity, dive right in

Delve deep into the subtle layers of the soul
Where dynamic perceptions of awareness are ready to unfold

But, we must get beyond the superficial stimulation seen by the eyes
Because that's where the true power of  yoga lies


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nubian Queen

I do not own this pic

Nubian from dark to light

You're the star of my dreams every night

You started our world 

with your hips

Lucy's discovery on
 everyone's lips

You reigned as queen
in the motherland 

From the Egyptian niles
to South Africa
forest sands

Gorgeous diva, street and well read

Straight or kinky hair
on your head

Shapely hips
Beautiful mind

Soul of the family
A love defined

Underrated by the ignorant,
 hating, class

Praised by me
my dying last

Nubian Queen,

 I sing praise and admiration
for your life


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, April 14, 2017

A Blueprint To Grow

Who are we
We must accept who we are

When we accept our limits
We'll undoubtedly go far

Our limits aren't barriers
They're guideline of a sort

They guide us through intuition
and give life support

Cause there's limitless freedom
once we know the rules

Wide open airspace
And we're provided plenty of fuel

It's immeasurable,
the great distance we're
 able to go

If we know our
limits and use them 
as a blueprint
to grow


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Your Beautiful Lips

I do not own this pic

The way they kiss, and feel, and part
The way they say my name
excites my heart

The way they sigh
 when we love
That devilish grin
when you can't get enough

The way they touch my ear 
when you let a secret slip

Everything about them
I love

Your lips

The way they smack
when you doubt my

The way they frown
when your words aren't 

The way they 
when you
speak your mind

Or the knowledge
they spit
 that's impresses
me every time 

The way they smear lipstick
on the cup
you sip

Makes me dig everything
about them

I love
your lips

So come close and
touch me,

And in the night we
will lay

You in my arms
Me in your hips

And I will
love everything
about your


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Doing What You Do

You made 'em laugh, Charlie
Doing what you do

The spirit of your life was raw and true

The connection we felt
was from your honest display

of life's absurdities during our day

And,  we all needed that therapy 
That cathartic release

That deep belly laugh

 Thank you, man

Rest in Peace


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The moon is shining in the morning dark
5 AM is when I start

In the quiet of dawn, before the sun's rays
I see the world with new eyes, everyday

My Aurora ritual gives me a sense of routine

But even that,
 I freshen up
every now and in between

Cause life reconstructs
in myriad ways

So, I see the world with
new eyes, everyday

Now, family and friends
 say this way of thinking is 
a little over the top

But I say, 
life gonna change all 
of us whether we like it 
or not

For better or for worse
We determine the way

That's why I see the world with new eyes, 
every single day



Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Evidence Of Your Character

Your attitude is reflected
in your behavior

In other words, you are the creator
of your flavor

What flavor you got

There's really no future in pretending that it is what it's not

At least not for long
Cause it comes off all wrong

So, be truthful in how you feel
For everyones sake learn to keep it real

Cause the mental becomes motion
and the motion won't have potion

unless it's settled into your  thinking

So set your intentions
No flinching or shrinking

You only lack
 what you can't back
that's just a fact

 Behavior mirrors

That's just reality

Or if you prefer

It's evidence of your


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Come Out And Play

I do not own this pic

Warm night

Got your text
Phone sex

 Your flirtatious style
made me smile

Now can bae
come out and play

Springtime air
is everywhere

Setting the mood
for what we like to do

A night of fun
is overdue, hun

What do you say
 will you come out and play

They say that life is quite brief
Kinda' bittersweet

So while we can 
let's make a plan

That when it's warm
Moonlight or storm

You'll find a way,
come what may,
to accept my invitation
and come out and play


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

A Healing Allure

Burn like the sun
 You'll get it done

 The spark will blaze
Spirits are raised

 Energy becomes light
What's dim turns bright

And, it happens
 Something fantastic 


A healing allure

Strong as the fire above
As magnificent as a mother's love

A wondrous high
Of god and sky

Created not by fret
But, by the intention
you set


I am Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

If you truly want greatness to be your lot
stop trying to be what you are not


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Torrential Rain

Storm clouds have rolled in again
Foreboding torrential rain

As an apprehensive citizenry
 quickly starts to feel the pain

Such is the lot of a people
mesmerized by fortune 
and fame 

 They end up with a impatiently peevish
emperor who only wishes to 
glorify his name

But we have no time to play the blame game,
For the emperor is diabolically strange

And if we don't restore sanity
our precious lives will never be the same


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

You Don't Need Approval ( From Anyone)

Pic from Daily Mail Online

Be your beautiful self
You don't need approval 
from anyone else

Your skin, your curves
your lips, your nose

Be in love with all 
of those

Then love them over again

Over and over until it sinks in

There's spiritual wealth in
being yourself

So, be your beautiful self
You don't need approval 
from anyone

Be your beautiful self
You don't need approval 
from anyone else

Your walk, your style,
the way you speak
are as wonderful
to behold as they
are unique

So don't feel daunted,
just go ahead, flaunt it

It's spiritual wealth

Go  ahead
be your beautiful

Be your beautiful self
You don't need approval 
from anyone else

At home, on the go,
or hanging with a crowd

You're one of a kind
be proud,
say it loud

Then say over and over

Let the realization
grow from

 Say it in the mirror,
 every day

In the morning
when you rise
and at night before you pray

Even now
just say

I gonna be my beautiful self
I don't need approval 
from anyone else


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Grey Day

Grey day
She wants to play

Work days are overrated any way

She brings the munchies
I got the wine

Rainfall is an 
auspicious sign

Pluviophiles Love the 

Thunderstorms are even

Got us feeling like stardom 
and fame

As the room flashes
with lightning

We love each other with
all our might 

Loud enough for 
neighbors to hear

But we don't  care
Nor do we fear

What anyone thinks about our

Or even what they have to

Cause it's a grey day
And she wants 
to play


Iam Tim Clark All rights c. 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Share Your Light

Flickering lil candlelight
dreaming of the day 
you'll shine 

Bright enough to burn like stars
So you'll be wished upon
wherever you are 

Bright enough to be a 
beacon of light

To guide lost souls
on dark, foggy nights

Bright enough to make the sky 

Like a lightning strike
in the middle of
a storm

But don't be envious
lil candlelight 

You must be doing
 something right

For a thousand candle
your flame
has lit

And your shine 
hasn't dulled


Iam Tim Clark All reserved c 2017

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Inspired By Fire

Inspired by fire
Rising fearlessly

In a trance like state
I mean, seriously

Accomplishing goals 
with alacrity

Her passion 
materializing from fantasy

It shows on her face
and it's felt in her vibe

Her presence is power
She won't be denied

The choice to live out
her wildest dreams

Inspired by fire
And that's a wonderful thing


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Is Here

It's the first day of spring
at least it is to me

April first is here, finally

Showers rain down instead
of snow

and winter coats gotta go

Warmer weather in the air

 Lunchtime picnics
aren't so rare

Weekend excursions or 
northern hikes

Ditching the car 
for the bike

Pick up games
in the park to play

NFL Draft and Opening Day

 Lovers emotions
begin to bloom

 Long walks to the
light of the moon

Yeah, the first day of spring
is here, finally

Or at least it's the
first day of spring
to me


Iam Tim Clark All rights reserved c 2017