Tuesday, December 13, 2016

As Unstoppable As Water

As Unstoppable As Water

Salt water combined with air
crashing, calm, unfavorable or fair

Storms or sun are an inevitable fate
But, no dominion over the natural state

Pure, powerful, as vast as the sea
plunging like waterfalls in love with gravity

Supremely designed like ripples to wave
Rhythmically hypnotic 
Captivating the gaze

Imperfectly perfect
no judgement or fuss

The greatest wonders of the world
are people like us

Flawed and foolish
filled with promise unfulfilled

But unstoppable as water
flowing down a hill


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Remedy

The Remedy

Rise, from the silent mind
Rediscover. It's healing time

Breathe, into complexity
For what ails, it's the remedy

Feel ,the body moving through
painful barriers of old and new

Stay, though you feel unsure
patience is how you find the cure

to be 
The remedy
The remedy

Sweat, running down your brow
You're on the path, the way, the tao

Expand, evolve, grow
For Egotism is a formidable foe

Create, with a will and a plan
Destiny in the palm of your hand

 Treatment, to get you on track
Unfolding while you're on the mat

You'll see,
 it's the remedy
Yoga therapy
 Is the remedy


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016

Be Quiet (The practice of meditation)

Old way of thinking
never let you be

Open to the realm
of possibility 

Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet

Head full of yolk
 judgement of words

Disastrous Chances
Vision blurred

Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet

Afraid not of greatness
Tame the mind

Educated fools
  dozens for a dime

Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet

Deluge of words
come spilling out

The intellect whispers
just shut your mouth

And, be quiet, be quiet, be quiet


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Once More

Once More

Voice says shun, evade, shirk
Body says not ready to put in the work

Mind says over think this and that
Routine says just drag your ass on the mat

Path says I'm rocky, vague and unclear
Soul says warriors are never detoured by fear

Journey says upon faltering feet
we still endure

Practice says yoga has seduce me once more


I am Tim Clark  all rights reserved c. 2016