Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You're (July 30)

Look around you
see the love

Those that make
you smile
no matter what's up

That environment 
in which you 
can thrive

And thank the heavens 
that you're

Look around you
Cause you're 

Or fortunate 
or lucky
or all the rest

Of the things 
we are, cause
we are aware

That your life
is precious, 
and rare


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Come in Close (July 29)

Come in close
whisper in my ear

Tell me, sweetly, what you
like my dear

and in a voice that's soft
 and low

I'll tell you how
it's gonna go

From this moment on,
until we lie

and the little death
brings your passionate

So come in close
and stay a while

and tell me all about 
that secret
I see in your


July 28

Your life is exactly what you
say it is, and it always 
will be


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Let Her Sleep (July 27)

By my side she lies so still
Skin so soft, breath I feel

Upon my neck, ever so faint
To love her once more, I can hardly wait

But that look of tranquility, I will let her keep
For a little while longer,   while I let her sleep

Timothy Clark

In the Scent of Love (July 26)

Her lips are soft
her body warm

I long to wake in the morn

With her wrapped around me tight
in the scent of the love we made
in the night


Speak with me (July 25)

Speak with me alone
In person, not on the phone

Lets share stories, time and touch
Just you and me
That's not asking too much

Timothy Clark

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Universal Love II (July 24)

The universe bows to the one who spreads joy


Universal love I (July 23)

Deposit into the universe what you want to withdraw


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Opportunity Unmasked (July 22)

Opportunity wears a disguise, which is only unmasked by the wise

Finding Strength (July 21)

To find strength in stillness, We must practice patience.

Wisdom of the Ages (July 19)

Shared knowledge of self, creates the wisdom of the ages.

Embrace what you feel (July 17)

When you look into my eyes, don't be afraid to embrace what you feel.

July 16

The building blocks of happiness start with cooperation.

July 15

 Together, we create beautiful structures, of wonder, that will live on forever in our memories.

July 14

Working together, we build friendship, camaraderie, unity and happiness

July 13

We all breathe the same air, live under the same sun and share the same land (earth). So, whether u like it or not, we r one!


July 12

 Maturity: Getting your point across without whining, pouting, arguing or raising your voice

July 11

Although life brings many twist and turns, if we stay rooted in our healing nature,  we'll find ourselves face to face with beauty


July 10

When you need inspiration, the best thing to do is get to work

July 9

Thanks for being the person I call, when I just wanna be 

July 8

Try just being in a good mood, it will change your life.

July 7

A new day brings a new way, to succeed

July 6

Be open to all possibilities, for a lot of what shapes our lives comes from unforeseen circumstances. 

July 5

Trust should be earned not assumed


July 4

Don't confuse contentment with complacency 

July 3

Movement is good, movement with purpose is better.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wide open Sky (July 2)

I choose to live in a open sky
whether walking beneath it
or flying high

On beautiful, sunny days or spectacular, stormy nights
I will remain open to all the possibilities of a well lived life

But that doesn't mean I have it figured out
Or claim to know what it's all about

But, we learn as we go
and we grow through the years

Through good times, celebration
heartache and tears

All the while staying open to finish 
from start

not just observing the grandeur
but actively being a part

Of a wide open sky 
and a wonderful life

Be it beautiful days or stormy nights

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rise from the rubble (July 1)

Arise from thy hollow cell
Let perseverance and determination swell
from the place where fear, once dwelled

Be the beacon, the light
That puts an end to the long dark night
of despair, and blight

Rise from the rubble

then help another
that's in trouble

Detroiters rise 

See what you get 
when you change your mind set

See what you can achieve
when you dare to believe

See what you can create

When we dare control
our own fate

When you dare,

 to rise

City, suburbs, rural town

our future are connected
our fate's are bound

So lets rise


through the good 
times or bad weather

 lets open 
our eyes

and Rise

Timothy Clark

Quote from June 30

True love 
is unconditional.



Quote from June 29

With every breath our bodies move
With every movement, we create
With every creation, we inspire

With every inspiration loves lifted higher


Quote from June 28

I have finally come to the stage of my life
where I realize, adversity is a gift


Quote from June 27

Find a way
even if you don't no 
what to say

a glance and a smile  
can go a long way


Quote from June 26

Change either create it
or get swept up by it


Quote from June 25

If your yoga practice
only consist of 
unrolling a mat and 
doing some 

You're missing the point!