Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Poem for June 24 ( Just be you)

"I'm not flexible,"
She said, 

as she 
the room

I said, "I'm glad 
that you told me"

"Cause I don't 
like to assume"

She looked 
kind of nervous

So, I gave her a smile

And, before I could
say another word

She asked me, "What style"

"What style of yoga
are we gonna do"

I looked her in

and just said,

Then she unrolled
her mat

and kinda' looked

As I started the

 on the 
for the day

By the end of the

I saw relief on her

And she thanked
me for the message

"Move at your 
own pace"

And, how our
bodies will tell
us how we
should move

and about the clutter of the
mind that inhibits
our groove

Then with a grin
she said, 

"I get it now,"


"Yoga's not about 

"It's about
just being


Monday, June 23, 2014

Poem for June 23 (Let Me Help)

Let Me Help

Don't worry bout falling
I've got your back

In my words and actions
and that's a fact

So no matter what's your 
days been
or your occupation

I'll help get you through
whatever, you're facing
With a little wit 
and love

we'll unchain you 
from fear

So you can rise

To the sacred moment
of the present

But your presence
is required

Don't forget our

Right here
on the mat

In this space
with me

Lets return 
  you to

and set you 


Quote from June 22

The great thing about working 
hard at your craft

Is, you become an expert

and there's nothing more valuable
then expertise 


Saturday, June 21, 2014

For June 21 (She's Back)

She's back 
The most beautiful of them all


With pretty legs and standing tall

She gets the most attention

And, she's always the one we mention

When we reminisce 
on a good time

With attributes nice
she blows our mind

year after year

And, her name so sweet 
upon our ears

that we pray 

she never goes 

The wild child

with the pretty

that lights up the 

and always seems to
to soon


Friday, June 20, 2014

For June 20 ( I hear you calling)

I Hear You Calling

I hear you calling 
tribal queen

I'll be back 
real soon to hear
you sing

Your song of passion 
in your pleasing tone

That's why I'm never gone
too long

from you

cause what we

is real
and how it feels

is so nice

an earthly paradise

for you

and me

when we

can be 


My queen,


all you ever need 
to do is call

out for your warrior, king,
that's all


And once again
I'll make your love rain ,

And blow your
mind, again 
and again


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Poem for June 19 - The Dance

The Dance

On the bound
You felt alone

In your wounded heart
remained a stone

Pretty of face
but sad of eyes

And when ours met
you came alive

It made me smile
That meeting of chance

For it was the night

when we first 

Timothy A. Clark

Poem from June 18 -In the breeze

In the breeze

Top down in the breeze
Here one minute then she leaves

Sunsets when she's gone
In the distance 
I hear her song

Care free days
and late night fun

The beautiful lady
 on the run

Timothy A. Clark

Poem from June 17 -The Broken Heart

The Broken Heart

How does it start
A broken heart

In the head
 maybe the bed

Cold, cold

Or in the eyes
they never lie

Unless she's skilled
Then contempt is willed

And without words spoken
The heart is broken

Timothy A. Clark

Monday, June 16, 2014

Poem for June 16 (Be)

Be encourage
cause you can
be you woman or man

Be inspired 
cause you will
See your dreams fulfilled

Be on fire
cause the flames
makes sure your passion remains


Timothy Clark

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Poem for June 15 (Happy Father's day)

Happy Father's Day

Hey Mr. C
when I was young,
 you intimidated me

 Your walk,
your talk 
and the power it

I grew to realize, later
on, that shit
was smoothest

A man's man, 
that's what you really were

About handling your business
no matter what would occur

A rational thinker
from finish 
to start

And though our
words were

I remember them,
Mr. Clark

You'd say, "It's all about
how it affects you"

And, though people 
may not get it 
 "To thine own self 
be true"

And, although, Ma 
taught me how to be a little 
more caring

For your business acumen,
I thank you, for sharing

For being a
self made man
who gave it 
all he had

And even with a
 strained relationship, 
you were still my hero,
my dad

your wisdom
and those
never cease

 Happy Father's day, 
to you
and may you 
Rest in peace

Timothy Clark

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Poem from June 14 (Front lines)

U and me r on the front lines

I've had to fight for a long time
and you know, war is hell on the mind

battles won and some loss 
but it never seemed worth
what it cost

devastation has brought some clarity
It's gotta be me for you and you for me

Together we'll bring in better times
Cause it's you and me on the frontline

So much taking and hating, who plays fair
and casualties are littered everywhere

Chaos and turmoil has become the norm
but we crave the calm, not the storm

We stand for peace, peace is love
Of that we can never get enough

Together through the best and worst of times
U and me are on the front lines


Friday, June 13, 2014

Poem from June 13 ( People in Detroit)

People in Detroit

I live in Detroit
not by default
but by design

Don't judge me
for what other's
say about me

but respect me for 
my mind

and, there's many like
of all races, colors and creeds

See Detroit's not
just where  
we live

but it's the 
color we

Hard nosed, tough
and our backs
are very strong

But a more loyal

never meet 
your whole life

So if you find
in our area
by chance or by choice

Just remember you
always say I have people


Quote for June 12 ( Warrior Spirit)

Listen to my heartbeat
and you will 
hear it
A man born with
a warrior 


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Poem for June 11 (Burn It)

Burn it
Burn the midnight oil

Earn it
To your passion be loyal

Every second, minute and day
after day

You'll form a union
that will 
never go away

skill, expertise, 
a gift for the craft

Is what people say
as they see you
on the path

But all you know
is you have so much 
more to learn

So stay on your grind
and let the 
midnight oil


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Poem for June 10 (I am a Mountain)

I am a Mountain

I am part of the earth but I rise to the sky
for I realize the advantages in both

So in an instant I'm able to discern 
 just what I need the most

I am strong indeed all you need to do 
is view my structor and terrain

A mountain I am, and a mountain I will always remain
 not domineering but humble

For I am vulnerable to erosion and 
parts of me may crumble 

from harshness
and storms

But they come in the eve.
and are gone in the morn.

Where's, I still stand

For I am a mountain

and I stand

 Born of flesh and bone

so I stand

Strong as earth and stone

So, I must stand

Far from invincible

but yes, I stand

Sometimes less than sensible

but I must stand

Angry and broken

and you know, I still stand

Gestured or spoken

Doesn't matter, I stand

Through all my 
actions and

watch me stand

through hurt,
hard work,
not for glory
or perks

I will always stand

not for pride
or to impress
any woman or man

 but just like 


Will always stand


I am a Mountain.

Timothy Clark

Poem from June 9 ( My Reality)

Look at me 
listen to me

Then tell me
what you

and remember
you think you

It won't 
change my 

Timothy Clark

Poem from June 8 (life's thing)

Don't stare, it's just hair
and skin

different from yours,
my friend,

But no less valuable 
to the scheme

of this life, doing its 

Timothy Clark

Poem for June 7 ( Make it happen)

Fall down but not back
Up lift, stay on track

Choice a side in which to go
If that doesn't work 
use the other, for sure

Timothy Clark

Quote from June 6

Feet firm, head high
breath deep, focused eye


Quote for June 5

Keep your head to the sky
Root your feet

cause you're soaring high


Quote from June 4

It's always great 
to find out 
friends are really


Quote from June 3

Reconnecting with old friends
can make you face your
past from a new perspective


Poem from June 2 (The Promise)

One more night 
So I can love 
you right

and take you to
the stars again

One more night 
So I can love 
you right

And make you tremble
right out of 
your skin

Timothy Clark

Quote from June 1 CBDay (An inside joke, I mean quote;)

When you need the job done right
you know the choice

send for a Hitman 
from Detroit


Quote from May 31

Some people push you
till you wear

you're other side
with pride


Poem from May 30 (Siren)

Siren, siren 
lure me to 

And when we lay
sing your sweet

all night 
cause our love
is so

Sing your 
sweet passionate
loud and

Timothy Clark