Thursday, May 29, 2014

Poem for May 29 (Storms Will Come)

Storms Will Come

Sometimes it's best to just be still
When storms come along, and they will

Come into our lives and across our path
but they won't stay, none ever have

They just wreak havoc for a period of time
enough to knock us off balance and unsettle our minds

But, if we hunker down and weather the worst
We'll witness the blessing from what seemed to be a curse

 The skies will clear and the streets will wash anew
And more importantly, we'll gain wisdom of what to do

The next time the clouds fade to black
And our lives seems to be under attack

Timothy A. Clark

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Poem for May 28 ( As yet untitled)

You knew why the caged bird sang
I know not that
But I know why I do my thang

Cause life is fleeting
and rather than pretending
I'm good
my heart is bleeding

I'm gonna do what I
can feel

Not to impress
 the rest

but to know what's

For it shows me
what I'm made 

Power, purpose
and pure

Timothy Clark

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quote for May 27

Pledge to no longer
feed fear
Let it starve


Quote for May 26

Trust the spirit that has lead you
to this place, in your life
For it will navigate you
through fear
and guide you to 
your next


Quote from May 25

I'd rather be grateful 
for what was than
 bitter for what is


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Decided to float on more quote

Sometimes saying less is best
In fact, most of the time it is


Quote for May 24

The true measure of growth
in your Yoga practice is
seen less in your poses
and more in your personality


Friday, May 23, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Quote for May 22

Study is the sacrifice
that pleases the gods 
of accomplishment


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Quote for May 21

Speak it, expect it
 watch the universe, reflect it


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Quote for May 20

May mean spirited comments
and discouragement always fall on deaf


Monday, May 19, 2014

Quote for May 19

Think of the the highest manifestation of yourself
and repeat it daily


Poem from May 18 (My back is Strong)

In the rare times that
you feel like you can't go on
just lean on me, cause
my back is 

Timothy Clark

Quote from May 17

Never, ever, ever
let others define your


Quote from May 16

Try being there
when someone really needs you
and experience a joy that cannot be measured


Quote form May 15

When what you do 
fills your heart full
of joy
you are answering the 
call of your soul


Quote from May 14

May your low points
always inspire you to aim 


Quote from May 13

Just like a flower 
needs both the sun and the rain
life is a product of pleasure,
and pain


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Quote form May 12

Speak it and expect it
and the universe will reflect it


Poem from May 11 (Sleeker, leaner, meaner)

 Sleeker, leaner meaner
The baptism of sweat makes me feel cleaner
and clearer, with a more focused mind
Able to see through all your bullshit
and all of mine
An exercise in fasting 
intentions devout
Pass worry, and hatred, fear and doubt
A renewal in the mind, of a once feverish dreamer
To a state of well being, Sleeker, leaner, meaner

Timothy Clark

Poem from May 10 (universal soul)

I dreamt of u last night 
your powers were super your presence was great
and when I realized It was getting  very late
I reached for you but, you went right through my hands
more like air, than grains of sand
Then an epiphany hit and it took hold
No need to reach for stars, when you're a universal soul

Timothy Clark

Poem from May 9 (Mind on a trip)

Lying naked in a pool of sweat
body glistening, body wet
Mind on a trip through inner space
longing for a touch, a warm embrace
to stop these chills upon my skin
As I lie sweaty in the bed again

Timothy Clark

From May 8 ( Health's Spirit awaits)

Mending in the bed but longing to be on the mat
a cauldron is brewing in my belly, as I lay on my back
But in the distance, I can see health's spirit, as she waits
But It's up to me to reconnect and be the architect of my fate

Timothy Clark

From May 7 (The feverish state)

Although during the day I think I'm fine
at night fever takes control of my body and mind
creating dreams, visions and distorted thought
as I fight poison, toxins and things I have caught. An inner battle, the transforming kind. Filled with message and mystery's and foreboding signs 

Timothy Clark

Poem from May 6 (Clearing Clutter)

The world around me is moving fast
But my mind is fixed on the task at hand

Sitting still in lotus strengthening the mind
Moving in and out of distractions and time

Clearing clutter for only seconds at a time
yes the work is hard and very rarely kind

But the fruits of the labor, taste so sweet
 and daily execution of the discipline, makes it complete

Timothy Clark

Poem from May 5 (Cause it's for real)

I bet you forgot, how I make
you feel
Though a distant memory, that shit is for real
The power you witness, when you lay beneath me
Comes forth in my eyes, when you look in deep
It's in my kiss, that you taste in your mouth
It's in your being, when you can't help but shout
It's in your bones, which time cannot erase
It's felt when we loved, cause it shows on your face
Yea, I bet you forgot, how I make feels
Till it stop you in your tracks, cause that shit is for real

Timothy Clark

Poem from May 4 (Warrior Workout)

Warrior workout hitting the bag
Kick, punch, elbow, jab

exhilarating, exciting, super bad
And then 50 min. in I'm straight out of gas

Timothy Clark

Quote from May 3

Life's bumps and bruises
 Where them proudly
for they are badges of success


Quote from May 2

No need to worry about a 
day that no longer exist
or even worst 
one that is yet to be
Just be present


Quote from May 1

Life is unpredictable
it is daring and full
of adventure and, most importantly,
life, is to be lived