Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quotes for Feb. 27

To judge and ridicule someone, 
about their habits,
 proves one thing
You have too much time on your hands

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quote for Feb. 26

For every person that has come into
my life, Thank you!
For you have help 
me realize the person 
that I was born to be

Timothy Clark

Quote for Feb. 25

It's time to celebrate the culture
of LOVE 
for without 
we would not exist

Timothy Clark

Monday, February 24, 2014

Quote for Feb. 24

And just like the classic
tales from the storybooks,
after overcoming adversity,
we realized 
we had everything we 
needed all along

 Timothy Clark

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Quote for Feb.23

Go for it
 You have nothing  
to lose except

Timothy Clark

A little while longer

Your smile lights my world like the sun
may I bathe in it a little while longer

Timothy Clark

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Quote for Feb.22

Whether you call it, "God's will", karma
 or one of the laws of the universe
one thing's for sure
you get what you give

Timothy Clark

Friday, February 21, 2014

I am Tim Clark 2014

I say, "I am Tim Clark"
not as a narcissistic proclamation,
but as a reminder that my self worth
is not determined by the views
of others


Quote for Feb. 21

There's only one way to
be when making your way through life.

Timothy Clark

Quote for Feb. 20

For the grace that allowed me
to open my eyes, again this morn.
I smile and give thanks.

Timothy Clark

Quote for Feb. 19

Never let another's callous behavior
effect your mood

Timothy Clark

Quote for Feb. 18

Those who truly have strength 
never prey on the vulnerable

Timothy Clark

Monday, February 17, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 17)

Love inspires
but sacrifice is required

Timothy Clark

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 16)

I was sent to move mountains for you
all you have to do is ask

Timothy Clark

Quote of the day (Feb. 15)

 makes clear
 the murky waters of the unknown

Timothy Clark

Friday, February 14, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 14)

Instead of seeking out
search within

Timothy Clark

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 13)

Your reflection in the mirror
A mere copy of a masterpiece

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb.12)

The only time I use the word "can't"
is before fail


Quote of the day (Feb. 11)

In your head
it's a dream

but in your hands
you can bring it

into being

Timothy Clark

Quote of the day (Feb. 10)

Yes! This man is a dogs

Cause if you have my
heart, I'm a trust worthy friends
if someone means you harm
I'll be vicious to the end

Timothy Clark

Monday, February 10, 2014

Look At Me

Look at me what do you see
my hair, my skin, my ethnicity

Which I wear with pride
For my ancestor fought and died

So I could be free
Not a piece of property

Or less than I am
This warrior, this man

More than flesh and bone
Not a boy but a grown

Who can

Make his own way through life
Love his woman or his wife

with his soul,

 So don't underestimate
or sleep
on the full weight

of the blessings that were

By my creator
Yes his prophesy

Is the rise 
of  the being 
I am inside


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb 9)

It is the actions,
not the words,
that speak
the truth

Timothy Clark

Friday, February 7, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 7 )

An idea
is a fantasy

Timothy Clark

Quote of the day (Feb. 6)

Be it,
 arrogance or humility,

compassion or callous

Feed it and it will grow

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 4)

When you look in the mirror   
do you see what you claim
to be

Timothy Clark

Quote of the day (Feb. 3)

Not once, not twice
but for as long as it 
Never, ever put on the

Timothy Clark

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Quote of the day (Feb. 2)

I'm presently working on the future
before it becomes my past

Timothy Clark

Quote of the day (Feb. 1)

Future, present, past,
are like one in the same, 
cause they happen
so fast

Timothy Clark