Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 30)

Nothing shows insecurity
more clearly than

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 29)

Without discretion, the gift of gab
is a curse

Timothy Clark

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan.28)

  Be smart enough to stand up
for what you believe in

but never be stupid 
enough to be stubborn

Timothy Clark

Monday, January 27, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 27)

Preconceived notions
are enemies 
to the 

Timothy Clark

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 26)

Don't just scratch the surface 
Delve deeper
That is, if you really 
want the truth

Timothy Clark

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Quote of the day(Jan. 25)

If it feels good,
doesn't hurt you
and it's not at  
the expense of anyone else,
why not

Timothy Clark

Friday, January 24, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 24)

Before we speak of other's
Let us ponder our
own imperfections

Timothy Clark

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 23)

No word, more beautiful
No subject, more important
No creature, more lovely

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 22)

You are and always have been
uniquely suited to 
overcome your challenges

Timothy Clark

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan.21)

Love, compassion, affection and forgiveness
are all wrapped in a warm embrace

Timothy Clark

Monday, January 20, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 20)

When you have to put someone down
in order to validate who you are,
you're a fraud

Timothy Clark

Quote of the day (Jan.19)

There is nothing wrong with you, 
unless being one kind and having unique characteristics
is a bad thing

Timothy Clark

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 18)

We are all searching
for the same thing
But we have to
give it to get it

Timothy Clark

Friday, January 17, 2014

All The Wonderful Possibilities

Lift me with love 
Cause you do it so well

Lift me with love 
and remind me that hell

Is no place for souls
like mine and yours

When we're together
our heart's soar

beyond the stars
 Galaxies, quasars

marvel at our 
beautiful thing

Me your King 
and you my queen


May your warm 
embrace leave me

May I defend
 your honor
for all eternity

and our lives
stay open to 
all the wonderful


Quote of the day (Jan. 17)

When you criticize 
question your motivation

Timothy Clark

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan.16)

Think, to create it 
Speak, to confirm it
Act, to live it

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 15)

Words can only affect you
if you believe them to be true

Timothy Clark

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How it Makes Us Feel

Music soothes
Music heals

Music can change the way we feel

Some like it low
Some like it loud

Some like the way it moves the crowd

It soundtracks our life
It's our swan song

It's our companion in love making, all night long

In our pockets
In our cars

In our dreams, its never far

Beneath the surface
or above the ground

A more potent elixir
has never been found

Cause music soothes
and music heals

We love music and how it makes 
us feel


Quote of the day ( Jan. 14)

A kind word offends
none, but a fool

Timothy Clark

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 13)

If you have to be right, all the time
You're going to be wrong, most of the time

Timothy Clark

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The best thing

It's so good 

i see it on your face

It's so nice

don't let it go to waste

It's so real

you don't have to pinch yourself

Cause inner joy

is the best thing

for your health


Quote of the day (Jan.12)

We can find solace in knowing that
every challenging situation, we encounter, 
has a solution.

And, finding that solution 
helps us
live life to the fullest

Timothy Clark

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan.11)

Sometimes the best way
 is to jump in 
and learn

Timothy Clark

Friday, January 10, 2014


We open 
our eyes to greet the day

We open our hearts
and find a way

With open arms 
we invite people in

We open our mouths
and possibly offend

Some open the door
to things they regret

others wanna open their minds
but haven't done it yet

But, by opening the floor
to different points of view

We open our lives 
to the promise


Thursday, January 9, 2014


Space to breathe
Space to move

Space can heal
Space can soothe

Outer space may never cease
Inner space can lead to peace

Space can be well utilized
Cluttered space just hurts my eyes

Space can be fit in, like a glove
Space that shared, may lead to love

So never let it go to waste
Cause anythings possible
when you're given 


Quote of the day (Jan. 9)

The weight of hate 
is too much to bare,
for any soul

Timothy Clark

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


What the heck's
  a Polar Vortex

And what mysterious force
helped it invade our town

Normally bottled up in the North Pole
Its distorted winds made its way on down

First, through Canada 
the winds set sail

Then it blew 
into the states 
making it 
cold as hell

But that an oxymoron
Cause Hell should be hot

But in Dante's inferno, the ninth circle
is not

It's freezing 
like our temps for the last
few days


I'm rambling
and this poem is 
getting old

I guess my point 
is why is it
so damn cold


Quote of the day (Jan.8)

Words open the negotiations
but actions seal the deal

Timothy Clark

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan. 7)

We have all the tools we need
To succede 
We just have to 
keep them

Timothy Clark

Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow day

Snow day 
Snow day

Why so fast did you go away

There was so many things I
wanted to get done

Personal things that would have been fun

But before I knew it 
you turned to eve

And I swear I 
just couldn't believe

Time got away
It said goodbye

It seemed in just 
a blink of my eyes

My grand plans 
slipped away

I guess until
Snow day


Quote of the day (Jan 6)

Habit disguises itself as a companion
But is often revealed to be a foe

Timothy Clark

In Your Head

I could never compete 
with what you tell yourself

Cause, as I speak 
you here nothing else

But what's in your head
In your head

You look at me and roll your eyes
You turn your back

You judge
You sigh

But it's in your head
In your head

The cynicism is 
in your head

The judgmental thoughts
have you mis lead

If you don't believe me
here's what you do

Observe the thoughts 
you attach to


Sunday, January 5, 2014


Snow white 
snow bright

falling down from day to night

You may come in and make a mess
You may try my patience and be a pest

but you will never,

my progress


Quote of the day (Jan. 5)

Instead of possession or obsession 
Please let my thoughts teach me valuable lessons

Timothy Clark

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Invite It In

Invite in love
Invite in peace

Invite in goodwill
And never cease

Invite it in
Invite it in

Invite in patience
Invite in strength

Invite in clarity
Go to great lengths


Invite it in
Invite it in

Instead of fear
or a cynical view

Invite in power
That works for you

 Invite it in
Invite it in


Quote of the day (Jan 4)

They imprison the mind
by releasing fear in the heart


Friday, January 3, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan 3)

 Listen with the intent to understand
not with the intent to respond


Lover's of Life

Lover's of Life 
Let's celebrate each day

Lover's of Life 
Let our actions guide the way

Lover's of Life 
Lets share our unique gifts

Lover's of Life 
When there are spirits to lift

Lover's of Life 
Lets find the silver lining

Lover's of Life 
And always do what's needed, without the whining

Lover's of Life 
Lets give more than a just sample

Lover's of Life
Lets give our all
and lead by example


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan 2)

A resolution is not
the mere words 
of an unobtainable dream
but it's the faith and resolve to
do all things

Timothy Clark

Find Peace

Find Peace 
 Stop feeding the beast 
Watch the chaos slowly cease

Take time to sit still
quiet your thoughts
 Begin to heal

From the emotional ups and downs
From the things that make your head pound
Shhhhh. Don't make a sound

Just breathe 
unclench your jaw
don't seethe 

Breathe, it's the key
Learn a better way to be
Not for them or for me

But for you
  Set yourself free


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Quote of the day (Jan 1)

Commit, to each day,
the actions you'll be proud of 

Timothy Clark

January 1

January 1, our faith is clear
We believe in our people, and
victory over struggle,


(Happy 2014! Lets make it the best year, the world has ever seen)

December 31

December 31, Creativity day
Assist the community in a beautiful way
Be an asset, a benefit, a gift
Leave the the neighborhood 
better off than we inherited it