Thursday, September 26, 2013

Human Race

On the Earth
Under the sky

While time 
continues to past by

In the air
above the sea

even in the water
we continue to be

No matter what

No matter 
what creed

Whether we are 

Or whether
we lead

Regardless of the year 
of our birth

Or our family name

Whether we are rich 
in spirit

Or we've amass
a bit of fame

No matter the 

or the look 
of our face

We are one people
We are one, human race


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


They say memory is kin to the truth
But the two are not the same

for recollection is different
depending on the story
and the teller's name

History, her story, 
written or orally told

are impressions that 
shape our lives
and images that we

But keep in mind, good 
people, these aren't
just tales we conceive

The past  
 we remember, is the 
one we want to believe


Monday, September 23, 2013

Your Thoughts

If u think it, u'll become it
I know it sounds cliche

But the mind is a portal
delivering us to present day

Just observe what u tend
to gravitate towards

For the mind has magnetic pull
and is as sharp as a sword

It's the ultimate weapon, or tool, or force

The mind determines who u are
and your thoughts are the source


Sunday, September 22, 2013


Look past
your problems, cause they won't last forever

Look to 
your intellect, cause you are so very clever

Look me
in the eye, when you're baring your soul

Look upon 
each moment, like it's worth more than gold

Look around
cause life, is happening as we speak

Look inside
for strength, when your motives seem sorta' weak

Look not,
with just your eyes, if you wanna see everything

Look with
deep awareness and with your very being


I Like

I Like

talking face to face
Cause I think texting
is so impersonal

I Like

seeing your mood change 
Cause it shows that 
you're so versatile

I Like

watching you do your
Cause you seem so passionate

I Like

undoing your dress for fun
and watch you try to 
refasten it:)

I Like 

experiencing your independence
Cause you are so driven

I Like 

hearing your optimism
Cause you make life 
worth living

I Like!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Poser

The Poser

I came to class, I suppose
to learn to master a pose

My athleticism gives me a chance
to always feel "advance"

and mesmerize everyone, on my mat

I'm a Poser

Who worries 'bout that mental, mumble jumble
In my line of work, I can't afford to be humble

So I bring my A- game
And all the cool peeps know my name

It's like high school and I'm the cool cat

I'm a Poser

See, I approach Yoga like I do everything else
 Forget self realization, I'm absorbed with myself

So like a rooster, I strut
Cause everyone in class knows, what's up

I'm the hunk with the sweet, ass, tatts

I'm a Poser

Yeah, I'll do this, Yoga stuff, until I get bored
Then I'll find another way to show off my "sword"

I guess, that's just my life
constant stress and strife

for after the conquest 
I always feel flat


 I'm a Poser


End of Summer kinda' Day

The wonderful, sunshine 
 makes me 
feel so fine

The gentle, wind 
at my back
keeps me going

 The picturesque, blue 
with just a few clouds 
passing by

 lets me know in its
own way

That this is a beautiful,
end of summer, kinda' day


Monday, September 16, 2013


Beyond the surface
there is substance

Beyond the clouds
there is the sun

Beyond every choice
there is a chance

Beyond death
life's just begun

Beyond the question
there is the answer

Beyond the answer
there's a reason

Beyond what's seen
there is the truth

Beyond the weather
there's the season

Beyond the limits of comprehension
Beyond our reach
till we grow

Is the essence of understanding
Beyond  the depths, is the soul


Sunday, September 15, 2013


As unique as a star
You are


One of a kind
like each second in time


Never before or again
More rare than straight-line winds


Exclusive. The only one ever
So wonderful, talented and clever


you are
The best of your kind 
by far


Thursday, September 12, 2013

It'll be Alright 

Sometimes life can be scary
The unknown can come in a hurry

and make you second guess
what would be best 

Confusing you and making you uptight
But go ahead and get good sleep tonight

Have faith and trust you'll be alright

Cause you weighed your options, not once but twice
instead of just randomly rolling the dice 


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Path

The path begins
 with Ten

The first two limbs

Ethical precepts
Philosophical gems

Then the physical pose
as heat grows

Aligned and steady
getting mind/body ready

For breath control
Prana 'o' the soul

Then comes Pratyahara
withdrawing from the imprints of samskara

Yet keenly aware
of the stresses we bare

On the body and the senses

Once under control
Intense concentration plays its role

Moving to a single point
Blissful tranquility

And ease of joints

and muscle, and breath, and way of being
Then, and only then, true liberation 

Reigns supreme


Monday, September 9, 2013

Be Beautiful

(For 7-year-old, Tiana Parker)

You are beautiful, from your feet to your hair
and people who dare to mock you, show their jealousy 
in their stare

You are wonderful, from your skin to your smile
and your features are reminiscent of the queens who ruled the Nile

Your are spectacular, like the stars in the night
that shine down from heaven and spread their glorious light

You are loved 
and embraced by those who care

So be that beautiful, young, princess 
With the stunning bow in her hair


Hear, See, Speak and Do, No Evil

Did you hear
They rule by fear

Breaking your spirit down
spinning your head around

Can't you see
It was never about we

It was always about them
crushing your world at a whim

So what is it, that I speak
Just a glimpse, maybe a peak

Of a cautionary tale
that makes you wanna holler, and even yell

So be careful with whom you do what you do
Cause not everyones intentions are honest and true

Sometimes they only know evil
So stay on your path and clear of the upheaval


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rally 'round the family 

In times of celebration
In times of need

Rally 'round the family 
in god speed

If there's been distance
or if there's a fight

Rally 'round the family and make it 

Be them consanguineous 
or forged with time

Rally 'round the family
with heart and mind

Through thick and thin
or the hell of life

Rally 'round the family
day and night

If you're always on the up
and you always got my 

I rally 'round the family
cause that's our pact


Friday, September 6, 2013

Life, Love, Joy, Peace

Life begins
 when you embrace the skin you're in

Love is defined
when you choose to be kind

Joy unfurls
When you show your true self to the world

Peace resides
when your intellect guides


Happiness is forever
when you bring all these elements together


What You Were Born To Do

Each day presents a

for you
to share
what is rare

and unique
about you 
your truth

to the world
Your jewels, your pearls

are treasures
beyond measure

or critic
You're not a
oddball or a freak

You are a masterpiece

An original
at your peak
or pinnacle

No need to shrink
or be cynical

Do the math
all you need do
is stay on your

No matter how rocky
the road
 simply laugh 

in the face of
adverse conditions

For you are on
the sacred

to see this through
and do in life 
what you were born to do


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Do it now

Do it now

Don't waste another second

You already know how

Initiate your plan

follow it through

 The time is at hand

God bless the child, so do your thang

No more  hesitation

Cause, the fat lady sang

Her tune, her line, her swan song

The stage is set

Before the curtain is drawn

Do it now


Sh*t Talk Is Lame

You can voice your opinion 
but there's no need to complain

The constantly cranky 
spew their words in vain

And are rarely taken seriously
by the object of their disdain

It never resolves conflict
just causes more pain

So instead of wasting energy
casting aspersions and blame

Focus on a solution
Cause shit talk is lame


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Your View

It not your situation
or your status in life

Whether your single
or have a husband or wife

It not your upbringing
or college degree 

Its not about if you're cursed
or any other mystery

What determines how well
you do

My friend, its only one  thing
Its your point of view


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Enter September

As September blows in
Classrooms fill up again

Apple orchards and hayrides
Cardigan days and leather nights

Fall creeping in the air
Cool kids stress over what to wear

Summer sun fades to the rear
As we kiss it good bye, till next year


Sunday, September 1, 2013

(The Yogic journey)


Take a little break 
from the norm


Meditation strengthens
the mind


Share your gifts
and don't hesitate


Be open to 
grow life, not