Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Not Again

Not Again

Free as the wind
is my aim

Beyond your fear and pain

Care free as a

at play

I'll defeat your repressive

High as the sky 
is my plan 

And I will not be damned

by you

As you do

the "feel
sorry for me"

again and again

Always needing 
me to bend

again and again

Blaming me for 

again and again

When the enemy,
is within


Close Your Eyes

Monday, July 29, 2013

Shining Example

Be grateful
for what u have

Take time to play 
and laugh

find ways to show
you care

 Not in an overbearing way
Just be fair

Say words
to lift

Be kind and
 fill the cup

Of those who
may be down 
but not out

Let optimism
replace your doubt

And wake to meet
each day

As a shining

that will lead the 


Saturday, July 27, 2013


Share your talent
share your time

Share your knowledge
and I'll share mine

Share your faith
Share your skill 

Not with arrogance
but with a sense of 

Share your good fortunes
but not like a fool

But looking out for good people
who work hard
is always very cool

 Share your laughter
and a good word or two

but also be understanding
and share some space too

Share your kindness,
 without the intent
to gain

Cause when you Share from a honest space
real love always 


Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Great Adventure

The Great Adventure

With breath of fire
I begin my quest

My mind and body
Put to the test

Through ancient beauty
and modern ways

I face the demons
and the snarls they lay

For peaceful warrior
with vulnerable soul

and pyrrhic victories
are to be avoided on the road

As I bend and stretch 
and I strengthen and move

This inner journey
 is never smooth

But it's worth the effort
and I always come back

To the great adventure
here on the mat


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lay Hands

Lay Hands

Lay hands on me 
Come set me free

Lift my spirit high
Like angelic wings that fly

Give your sweet caress
From there,  you know the rest

A sweet night for the soul
and miracles as they unfold


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Midsummer's Night Breeze

A Midsummer's Night Breeze

A midsummer's night breeze
Somethings stirring in the trees

Riding on the wind tonight
There's something faint, out of sight

But with each minute that passes by
I sense a change in the sky

that alters moods and shifts the view
of those who were tried and true

A midsummer's night breeze, tonight
Disguised by the full moon light

Brings transformations in the air
The question is, am I prepared


Thursday, July 18, 2013

The ascension of the Phoenix

The ascension of the Phoenix 

We hear the words you're talking
But we won't let insults in

See people who get upset over 
such foolishness, 
blood is way too thin

 We don't have time for indecision
The stakes are much too high

It's time to fulfill the mission 
So keep your eyes to the sky

The ascension of the Phoenix 
We're focused and we're wise

The ascension of the Phoenix 
We're determined and we'll rise

We know what you're thinking
That we're in way to deep

And we've been down way too long
And the climb is much too steep

But we've never been weak hearted
Just at times, led astray

But we have a new found clarity
And the emergence starts today

The ascension of the Phoenix 
We're focused and we're wise

The ascension of the Phoenix 

We're determined and we'll rise


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

50 Bodies

Over fifty bodies in my class tonight
Working their asses and making 'em tight

Energized and motivated to be on the mat
People of all colors, races, creeds and tats

Sweating and moving to a rhythm thats hot
Doing their thing, giving all that they got

But the best thing they didn't really expect to find
Is that Yoga tones the body but also strengthens the mind


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Sun

The Sun

I feel the power of the sun as it shines, 
warming the earth inspiring my mind

to think on this star's phenomenal power
that continues to light days even in the midst of showers

that has its own system of planets and moons
That levels our oceans and heats the sand dunes

That tans our body and feels good on our face
that violently burns to light up our space

And with billions much like it, we feel we're not alone
While elements of its power reside in our blood and our bones

Yes, I marvel at the sun, it's pure energy
And I realize its power burns deep within me


Monday, July 15, 2013

Use it

Pain can be destructive and hard to understand
or Pain can be a powerful tool in the right hands

Make a moment a movement
Make a challenge a chance

Let times of great sadness motivate you
to take stance

To stand up for what you believe in
To let the world hear your voice

To take action to right a wrong is clearly 
a good choice

So rather than walking around angry
or finding reasons to complain

Realize that your inaction
will guarantee things 
stay the same

For you are destine for greatness
and born into this time

Use your God given talent
For to waste it, is a crime


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Enjoy Life

Life can be the most beautiful experience you've ever had
or it can be perplexing, hurtful and very sad

It can be laid back, easy, and as cool as white pearl

and then it can tremendously difficult

but I wouldn't change it for the 
anything in the world




Saturday, July 13, 2013

America 2013

America 2013

America 2013
,is unjust, 
and for killing kids and teens!

(Its time to organize and galvanize!)


Thursday, July 11, 2013



First relax and breathe
Feel your space, receive

the gift of life is so
amazing, when we flow

Don't run from who you are
Your epiphany is not very far

from fruition. Don't you know
In the rhythm we learn to flow

The frustration we create when we fight
Can begin to end tonight

If you would just let go
It's your time. Come on, just flow


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Short And Deep

  Short And Deep

feels like sex

When it's deep
 And so sweet

As you lay
in that way

 on the mat
so relax

fade to black


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Enough (viewer discretion advised: some of the content is graphic in nature)

(viewer discretion advised: some of the content is graphic in nature)

Hiding behind his sense of entitlement, the hunter stalked his prey
Get them young and defenseless, to him, that's the only way

So he calls the gaming authority to tell them what he sees
 He claims the young, buck is dangerous but they tell him," Let it be!"

So he ignores that cause he knows, the value of the species he has found
It's a young, black, male, so the hunter will claim to "Stand his Ground"

LIke Emmet Till or Diallo or the many that have been done in
The hateful hunter knows to blame it on the color of their skin

So he catches the youngster off guard, and when he shoots him down
He feels justified cause the boy, was on the wrong side of town

Another unarmed, teen, boy hunted down, shot or lynched
And another less than great, white, hunter cowardly crying, "self defense"

Now this isn't a commentary on a race, a color or a creed
But it is a condemnation of a practice that had castrated bodies hanging from trees

Enough of the senseless killing of innocent victims because of lies

and hatred and immorality, and prejudices that are unwise

Enough of the lame excuses and the hateful speech that has been allowed to pass

from the talking heads in media with their heads squarely up their ass

Enough of the double standards and the stereotypes
all rooted in fear

and ignorance and malice and words too foul for
descent folks ears

Enough with blaming the victims clothes or jewelry or style of their hair
If someone is minding their own business why in the fuck should you care

Enough of mothers crying cause their babies won't ever come back home
or go to college or raise a family or simply say, I love you, ma, over the phone

Enough of the cowardly hunter and his asinine, destructive ways
cause he's the true menace to society and his crimes must stop today


Hot, Steamy, Summer

Hot, Steamy, Summer

Hot and steamy summer's dreamy sights are all around
bodies showing, skin glistening and glowing, shades of gold and brown

People playing, bodies laying, too hot to even move
Till they're wet and wild, summer style, skinny dipping in a pool

steamy, sticky summer you make me love you so
steamy, sticky summer you make it hot for sure

Hot and steamy summer, you make me seek relief 
in an air conditioned dwelling, making love between the sheets

Hot and steamy summer, as sweet as a sugar cane
and just when I need to cool off, you bring me summer rain


Monday, July 8, 2013



Spelunking through my man cave
I ran across a movie fav

So I pop it in, then pushed pause
Cause I needed some munchies for my jaws

Grabbed some snacks and a beer or two
Sat back down "wait!"
What did I do?

I think I lost find the f@*!ing remote
and I think the button on the T.V, 
is broke

So I furiously tore through my cave, spot
knock over my
and "Man", it was a lot

So I open a brew 
and continued my search

Gotta back track
where to go first

I looked on the table and felt in the couch

Peeked it in the fridge
Then I stubbed my toe,

Thought to turn on some music
Maybe it would ease my mind

Then I figured another 
brew wouldn't be
to hard to find

So I threw on some "Miles"
took a break and kicked back

Before you knew it I 
was taking a nap

from a hard day
spelunking, my friend

Cause all that exploring
can sure do a brother in


Sunday, July 7, 2013


(From "Lessons Learned")

Sometimes I see you look at me
and wonder what it is you think you see

He said with a curious

I didn't really mean to stare
but if I let you gaze back would that be fair

She said without haste

Is it all my faults and all my flaws
Or how to tear down my protective walls

He bantered 
without missing a beat

Don't be so surprised
It's those bedroom eyes

She said you've got me in 

And then they both smiled 
gazed a long

and made love 
so very

See sometimes it's just the 
little things

and the wonderful
feelings that they

that lead to something 

Sometimes it

And life turns

for just one 


Summer rain

Summer Rain
(From Lessons Learned")

As I watched the rain

I barely thought of you at all

The constant heart ache and pain

Cleansed by the summer

So many weeks
 gone by

So many times I 

Summer rain

makes it plain

Yes, its all explained,
explained in the 
summer rain

How my spirit needed lifting
on those sunny

Though, they
were made for fun
I didn't

For how can you 
play with a heavy

And how could we be
whole when we're

Summer rain

ease the pain

So much life remains

beyond the stain

 Wash it away
summer rain

Summer rain

Beating down

Summer rain 

cleansing the ground

Summer rain's

 beautiful sound 

Summer rain

all around

Washing away 

bringing a new day

No more

In the summer rain

  Storms they

Freedom comes 

 Life goes on 

We mend what's

It's clearly

 with every drop 
of the summer


The Entertainer

The Entertainer
(From "Lessons Learned")

The entertainer 

In the south where she was reared 
we called her a sanger

Cause she sang those 
hymn's in church,
so well

She'd even make the devil 
reject hell

Yeah, that's what they'd say

You know, when she was growing up
back in the day

And now, she's on Broadway

Entertaining the masses

From Dixie cups and 
kool aid
to Cristal in Champaign

 Oh yeah, she works 
harder than anyone
who've ever met

Acts and dances too
I think that's 
called a triple

Only thing is,
We haven't heard
much from 
her any more

You know her daddy
two jobs,
Her mama
scrubbed floors

just to get that girl her lessons

The whole town pitched in
it was really
a blessing

And then last T.V
she didn't
look like herself

especially for someone
so young and with
all that wealth

Well, they say that
kind of life can
wear you 

I just hope she has 
good people 

Cause at
the top it can be
lonely and cold

And what would it profit 
her to gain all that fame
and lose her own soul


Tuesday, July 2, 2013


(RIP  Yvette)

Transcend, rise above
Fly upon the wings of a dove

Into the new

From earthly flesh
To the spiritual you

The stars in the sky
You return to where angels fly

Go beyond
Our limited minds
Into infinite wisdom, space and time

No barriers to hold you back
All you need you no longer lack

As you transition to that endless flow
Of a love supreme we all hope to know