Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Past

To me blindly believing history
has always been a mystery

I don't need his interpretation of how
I came to be
Strong, Black, and free

I've been that since my birth
As were my ancestors 
no matter who questioned 
their worth

See chains can't hold
powerful spirits & divine souls
Nor may our story be untold

Cause he can't lessen
my message

Nor can he kill 
my will

Or yours 
for our minds they soar

beyond the holocaust of being dragged to these shores

or the lies written in his books
that would have me question
my looks

and my intellect 
No! He will respect

That I cannot be defined
by those who choose 
to be unkind

or hateful
cause I am grateful

to the warrior that stood fast
and from them I accept
the task

of rejecting  history.
And will tell the truth
about our past


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Day

Snow day, time to play
And I'm gonna play like this all day!

A day for Snowmen and comfort food
Maybe even lovers to be in the mood

Snow mobiles and snowball fights
A nice cozy book or cooking dinner for tonight

Snow day, time to play
And I'm gonna play like this all day!

maybe a brisk run in my winter gear
cause before you know it, round the corner, spring will be here

Whatever it is, I'm gonna do my thang
Like bumping the music  as I dance and sang

Snow day, time to play
And I'm gonna play like this all day!

 Man, It's just so much that I can do
Except work from home, if I work for Yahoo

Speaking of that, maybe I'll get online
Or take in a movie with a glass of wine

Well whatever it is, I'm gonna work it out
And while I'm doing my thang, I'm gonna scream & shout

Snow day, time to play
And I'm gonna play like this all day!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mental Shift

What do we desire or want in our hearts
True love, respect or maybe a new start

 A little satisfaction but what does that mean
When the gift we posses to our eyes are unseen

When we only focus on what we think we lack
 or that a lil extra something 
will get our lives on track

It makes happiness seem so very far
But what if we appreciated are lives for the miracles that they are

If we stopped lusting and just worked, earnest and free
Maybe then we could see the lush forest beyond the trees

Maybe then we would see our lives as a gift
and realize that all we really need is a mental shift


Monday, February 25, 2013

Lil Q

Lil Q is beautiful 
Lil Q is strong
I lift her up 
in poem
I lift her up in song

I lift her up high
So she can fly free
this lil force of nature 
 still learning how to be

filled with so much promise
bless with endless
so much to learn & live for
but full of much insight

with little curly locs 
so imperfectly trimmed 
adorning her head like a royal diadem

smell the roses, Q,
don't worry bout what's next
hold your head
when hatefuls disrespect

Grow in your talent
love in your life
persevere in the struggle, 
 conquer pain & strife

Rise lil sister
the best is yet to come
move forward 
with ambition
don't forget
from where you

Rise lil sister
don't forget
from where you


Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Royals

The Royals are so glamorous 
with a twinkle in their eyes they 
thanks the academy
and the commoners cry

The Royals are so special that their carpet is red
and their diaphanous dresses
burn lust in our heads

The Royals are so beautiful
that when we have sex
we see their pretty faces
on are lovers necks

The Royals are our idols
we worship at their feet
their lives are fully realized
and ours, just incomplete

Bow to their grace. Join their fan base.
Gossip about their hair. Give a Fuck! Please care!

The Royals on our mind. The Royals make us pine.
The Royals are so fine. The Royals all the time.
In our face all the time.  In our minds, so we rewind.
Cause their live's are sublime

And ours are a big waste of time


Friday, February 22, 2013

(The Cleansing)

A rhythm of water showers

 down on my skin,

 as It cleanses the surface 

I hear it again. 

Outside my window 

against the pane,

 cleansing the earth

is the shower of rain.  


Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's time "We" changed the Narrative

It's time we changed the narrative 
And make this area a better place to live

There's many great things that others don't see
So we find ourselves defined by negativity

But I know the good, I live it everyday
Lets show the world why we decided to stay

It's time we changed the narrative
My brothers and sisters, it's time that we give

Our ideals, our effort, our valuable time
If we don't do it now it's truly a crime

Like any great movement, it starts with a plan
And coming together cause "united we stand"

Yes, it's time we changed the narrative
and show the whole world how we rise again

Cause believe it or not, we're in this together
Guilt by association binds us all like a tether

So Greater Detroit, I'm talking to you
A more perfect union, is what we must do

Yeah, It's time we changed the narrative
Instead of just existing, it's time that we live


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Can we be kind

Can we be kind
in heart and mind

search our souls
  beyond the riches of gold

give from self
sharing our true wealth

Can we be kind

Can we be kind
and break the binds

of selfishness
and all for self

Can we share the load
bring warmth to cold

Can we be kind

Can we be kind 
most of the time

even though we're fed 
hate to our heads

fake reality
That crap T.V

Can we be kind

Can we be kind
leaving ugliness behind

Can we do what's right
conquering darkness with light

 Can we be kind 
And teach the world to shine

Tell me my people,
Can we be kind

I think we can
just by lending a hand

Or setting an intention 
You Know our Master Plan

By delving deep inside, I'm sure u will find
Yes most definitely,
We can be kind


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day like this

I've sat down to write 
but I'm not feeling inspired

The yawn from my lips
may indicate that I'm tired

Don't know why I would be
 because It's only midday 

Maybe it's the weather
that's got me feeling this way

but I should know better
cause when you tie your mood

to the weather in Detroit
your ass is bond to get screwed 

Well, anyway, through the day, I know I gotta persist
Cause everyone at sometime has a day like this.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Live, right now!

We become anxious over fantasies
Tomorrow's dreams and what will be

 Yesterday's worries we're proud to drag
every where we go in our over night bags

But what if we decided to make a shift
And viewed the present as a gift

A place where we lived in actuality
Because the present is our true reality

The future will come and the past is gone
The present is now, our beginning, our dawn

So lets live now, lets dive right in it
Lets create our reality, each second, each minute

No more what was or stressing over how
Let's live in the present and that means, "Live" Right now!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

So Fast

Day to Night it goes so fast
we create frozen images to make things last 

yet and still it's not the same 
Father time he's the blame

He never stops to take a rest 
fleeting time he does the best

Days to seconds just passing by
all before we bat an eye

and before we came he rushed the stars
Galaxies of old are now quasars

Seems he never stops to take a breath
Will he continue till there's nothing left

Nothing left but space and time 
even memories will be hard to find

Eluding our comprehension as he always has
Making time go by so fast


Saturday, February 16, 2013

We come as we are

On broken wings or gilded tongues
From the most accomplished to the unsung

We come as we are
We come as we are

From city streets or privileged homes
speaking broken english or eloquent poems

We come as we are
We come as we are

From dark and lovely to fair and grand
From women and children to the sons of man

We come as we are
We come as we are

We come as we are
and let the dance
move us into a hypnotic trance

We come as we are 
and let the beat
Move us into a tribal heat

We come as we are
surrendering our souls
and let the music 
take control

We come as we are
and it feels so nice
to have sweet music in our lives

We come as we are
 to the universal drug
That excepts and gives us love

We come as we are
 from near or far
cause MUSIC let's us come as we are


Friday, February 15, 2013

We the Power

We have the Power to heal 
or the Power to hurt

We decide what we do with our work

A message of hope or one of despair
of greedy glory or doing what's fair

We hold the power so what's it gonna b
We hold the power yeah, u and me

Our words be it spoken 
or put to the  page

can spark a new movement
or mislead in rage

We have the Power
but what does it mean

if we don't help encourage others of low self esteem

We have the power
Don't u understand

We have the power
It's right in your hands

We have the power
So let's do what's right

We have the Power and Power is might!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

What is Love?

Is love a dozen roses on Valentines Day
that we forget a week later once we've thrown them away

Is love the first kiss from the one we desire
that turns our stomachs, once the flame has expired

Is love an ancient story, that we're all longing for
of Cleopatra, Marc Antony, royal kingdoms and of war

Is it a Shakespearean tragedy like Romeo & Juliet
Or is tolerating your long term partner is good as it gets

Is it candy or jewelry or potion #9
Is it addictive or drug like, or is love just blind

Well we all have Ideals of what we think it entails
From Matches made in Heaven, online or from spells

But I think It's unconditional, Unselfish and kind
I higher way of being, an evolution of the mind

I think it's more than just trinkets or feelings that fade
It's more than an obsession or the great "love" we just made

It's life's precious commodity and is abundant those
with an benevolent spirit or a soul in repose.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Open my Eyes with Gratitude

I open my eyes with gratitude
in an effort by me to create my mood

Those moments of silence I find r a way
to help me create my intentions for the day

A beacon, a beam, a guiding  light
A conscience that keeps my priorities in sight

For the slings and arrows will come very soon
From unexpected melodies to those familiar tunes

But the path I chose will help me to see
A grateful spirit in life is the key

So I open my eyes with gratitude 
and I share this poem in hopes u will too


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Remember the promise u made to yourself
to get more out of life and to have better health


Or the time that u said u'd spend more time
 recreating the mundane into the sublime


 To that flame inside that sparks in your eyes
To that passion u speak, that makes others high


To your family, your loved ones and to what u love
From your goals to goodness and all of the above



Monday, February 11, 2013


I once was a child consumed by fear
The power inside, I could not hear

The strength I possessed, I could not reach
weakness permeated my character and speech

but what I learned, from life's hard knocks
is that time is measured in more than tics & tocs

We can use each moment,  to hone our skills
to cultivate our minds and build our will

To stand in the glory of who we are
uniquely individual just like the billions of stars

We all have a purpose and problems to solve 
but to fulfill our destiny, we have to Evolve



to fulfill our destiny, we have to Evolve

I once was a person who lived a different life
I was defeated by struggle and overwhelmed with strife

My energy compelled me to slowly react 
I was one step behind and after the fact

But time is best utilized, when it is seized
The servant becomes master no longer on his knees

So now I have moved forward, by looking within
Every day, every
 second, a new phase begins

To seize each moment I forever resolve
To fulfill my destiny, I'll continue to Evolve



to fulfill our destiny, we have to Evolve


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Ride

So we ride on, to meet our destiny
We see the writing on the wall

There is lightning, in the distance
We better come together or we're fall

Keep your eyes up, move swiftly
Lets be victories, for the cause

Ride with honor, be courageous  
All for one & one for all

As We Ride
As We Ride

For the people, we raise our voices
We bring the forces 
of light

This is the hour. Feel the power
thrust upon us for the 

Keep your eyes up, move swiftly
To be victories, we must stand tall.

Ride with honor, be courageous  
All for one & one for all

As We Ride
As We Ride


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Detroit City

Pack my bags I'm going back
Where the river waits for me

I'm working class and that's a fact
and I'm in good company

Where the people know my name
Where my family has its home

No matter where I am in flesh
You know my heart will 
never roam

Detroit City
My destination's Detroit
My destination's Detroit

For all the things they say we lack 
we have tremendous fortitude

And you know I got your back
Cause in the "D" that's how we do

Standing proud we say the name
of the city that's our home

 No matter what they say in press 
You know my heart will never roam

Detroit City
My destination's Detroit
My destination's Detroit

313, Det

313, Det


Friday, February 8, 2013

Iam Tim Clark I

 Hi, how are you 
my name is Tim

You said I reminded you 
of someone but I'm not him

I can be direct but, 
I'm pretty down to earth

I've been a free spirit
a true musician 
since my birth

or maybe I mean an artist
cause I also draw &  write poems

Not much for watching TV,
laying around or talking on the phone

Not that there's anything wrong with that
That's just not how I roll

My energy compels me to be
the force that lives deep down in my soul

But enough of that deep energy talk 
That's not what I'm here to do

I'm really more interested in knowing
a whole lot more about you