Thursday, January 31, 2013

       I long for u! 

 I long for your beautiful chocolate skin & perfect brown lips.
 My hand caressing your waist, belly, butt & hips.

 Our hearts beating, rhythmically, in each others chest,
 as u wrap your arms around my torso, and i slip u out of your dress

  Only the best  for u my nubian queen.
 Between your legs I feel your flowing stream 

or perhaps an ocean rushing forth.
As u reveal to me your power source.

Intertwined in love & mutual respect.
Your soft walls keep my manhood so erect.

I Iong for u my beauty of bronze. 

For our souls have forged an everlasting bond.

I long for u my Dark skin love

As I enter your kingdom 

From up above.


The End is the beginning is the end

The end of the beginning
January's almost done

One less winter month to deal with 
cause single digits just ain't much fun

The beginning of the end
of all that's wintery

So tell that fuckin' groundhog
his shadow he won't see

The end is the beginning
of all those summer dreams

Which we see ever slightly 
in winter sunlight beams

The end is the beginning is the end 
I've heard some say

So I'm saying goodbye to winter 
cause spring ticks closer day by day.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Remember Us

Remember how we use to play

how we would laugh everyday

How we would hang without a care

how those summer days were always there

Remember when we made our pact

without any words we knew how to act

Thick as thieves you & I

we hugged the earth & kissed the sky

Remember us side by side

upon the air our souls would glide

Every sun rise we were up & gone

then creating new adventure after dawn

Remember us my distant friend

Why'd did those days ever have to end


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Teach them!

Teach them so they will know
how to make the most of their time

Teach them so they will grow
making the best use of their minds

Teach them so they'll love
cause it surely conquers hate

Teach them that they're enough
so they're the architects of their fate

Teach them how to live
so that they can cherish life

Teach them how to give
so their compassion becomes rife

Teach them inner strength
because that can never be taken away

Teach them, cause we must! 
Every day, Every day!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Try something new

Try something new
cause life is passing by

the same old routine 
just ain't gonna fly

being set in your ways 
what a rigid life

bringing you boredom
 depression & strife

The same old route
day after day

make a new intention
find a new way

Try something new
it may feel a little strange

but growth comes to those 
who aren't afraid to change


Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm flying high
Never gonna come down

on a never ending peak of ascension
and faster then the speed of sound

I'm flying high
watch me as I soar

above the slings and arrows of adversity
while my feet r planted firmly on the floor

I'm flying high 
watch me as I rise

 through the atmospheric layers above earth
 into the wisdom of the wise

I'm flying high
soaring high & free

and if u live your life passionately
then u can fly like me


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Live it now

Love is life
we won't do it twice

So live it now
You'll figure out how

To live your passion 
By creating the action

with your mind
 & using the time

you possess
there's no reset

so live it now!
You'll figure out how!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Todays Distractions 

Today would b a great day to start reaching my potential.
So i sit down with a pen & pad cause planning is essential

As I stare into space without a thought I can use
I reach for the remote and start watching the lil news

Just a minute and I'll b, right back at my task
Now the stories are repeating. It's been an hour? That was fast!

guess music would be better, so I turn off the screen
Soft music, comfy chair has me waking from a dream

Must b tired, I'll think better if I take me a nap
From my slumber I've awaken & feel more like crap

Am I hungry? Have I eaten? Maybe that's what I lack?
So I grab a lil something. Nothing big, just a snack.   

But the days got me exhausted & my minds feeling fried
So tomorrow I'll start differently I'll start reaching from inside.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lost in your Light

I'm lost in your light
and it feels so nice

like a jones, you're my habit
and my sweet, sweet vice

love your lips and your eyes
and your soft tender skin

the way you wrap around me
when you gentle take me in

You're my beauty, you're my love
you're my wonder to behold

You're my angel from the highest
and a blessing to my soul

Yes, I marvel in your presence
as i hold you so tight

Cause, I'm lost in your light 
and it feels so very nice!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Oh beautiful & spacious skies
U ignite the hope in my eyes

Your amber waves of grain to me
Reminds me of your liberty

For purple mountains majestic heights
Kiss the heavens day & night


You've given your love to me


You've set my spirit free


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

MLK Day (continued)

or is fantasy
King's legacy

for we in this nation 
still practice discrimination

of race, color, creed
and of sexuality

we're bias toward gender
unfair as the lenders

of money or a hand
the least r burdened with more demands

Yet his dream built in faith
Is celebrated on this day

Giving hope to everyone
That some day we will overcome

Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK Day!

MLK Day 
It's just great to say

or wonderful
to feel his soul

bring inner peace
echoes of his speech

Free at last
from a hateful past

 have we arrived
Is the dreams alive

(to be continued)


Sunday, January 20, 2013

It was so hot 
u hit the spot

so damn Nasty
and fucking sassy

with a mouth that's wet
your hair I pet

to  set me free
come die with me

So fucking hot
like what u got!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Do it

Aint nothin' to it
but to do it
Some say, "Can't"
I say, "screw it!

You only live once
U can die any month
don't hold back
Fuck being a dunce.

there's nothing to it
you always knew it
get off your ass
 come on! just do it!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oh Shit

Oh Shit 
life's a trip

And we're in it
It's ours so tint it

 just Change the light
Brand or Copy write

Who we r
  The powerful Stars

Forever and ever
We burn out, NEVER!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


when life brings u 
 that unexpected twist

thru cloak of darkness
and the foggy mist

when fear makes u think
 it wasn't worth the risk

 though the mind wanes
and the body resist


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

i almost forgot!

i almost forgot to post my poem 
but i made a detour before i drove home

Where i would have fallen fast asleep
instead i mingle with nite time peep

the Cass cafe will do the trick
Or sexting would arouse the Stick

and who could say where i would land
A familiar shore or exotic sand

well anyway its just a shot
i'm just glad cause i almost forgot

Monday, January 14, 2013

Breaking down walls

Breaking down walls
watch them fall

Plaster and brick
It's a neat trick

 Making vision clear
beyond debris & fear

Breaking down walls
while destiny calls

Breaking down walls 
that once stood tall

Beneath my feet
they feel defeat

Making bricks my path
they feel my wrath

Breaking down walls
will help us all

Breaking down walls
no need to stall

I create path my path
from what I have

Beyond the doubt
 I'm busting out

Cause I'm breaking down walls
And having a ball!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Break thru!
(The New Studio is coming)

Breaking thru the wall requires vision
breaking thru the wall requires strength

breaking thru the wall of what is hidden
breaking thru the wall at any length

Breaking thru the wall of your own prison
Breaking thru the wall is an escape

breaking thru the wall is you decision
breaking thru the wall will change your fate

Break thru, your over due, break thru!
No more delay, do it today!




Saturday, January 12, 2013

Self Promotion 

Maybe it's in the thoughts in my head, day to day.
or maybe it's in the words that i've chosen to say.

 can it b the way that i feel in my bones
with friends, around strangers or even all alone

well what ever the case u can see it in my eyes
come closer, stare deep, u won't b surprised 

Cause u'll feel it in my presence as u stand so near
it's an over whelming confidence that is absent of fear

Yes, this powerful force is now ready to erupt
but no need for alarm, I'm just talking myself up!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Inspired by Fiction

I saw Django tonight, though I not a Tarantino fan
and I've got to admit Django was the Mutha Fuckin' man

A western with a Black lead, that's kinda' the shit
and beautiful Kerry Washington even showed partial tit

but thats not the reason, I dug what i saw
the flick hit me hard, like a fist to the jaw

U know we think we understand how slavery was
But that's only intellectually, and that ain't shit cuz

this story of fiction made it all too clear
the real american journey is what we're dying to hear

Multi cultural people creating a dream
 from nightmares of pain and hate in the extreme

Yeah I got to admit that's as cool as it gets
 Django and Hildie riding off into the sunset.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The girl with the pretty smile

I saw a girl with the prettiest smile
sorta like an angel visiting earth for awhile

As I looked in her eyes  to tell her "Hello"
I fell under the spell  of her voodoo u know

Every word that she spoke  was as sweet as a song
With melodies of love  that had me humming right along

And then an instant her eyes sparkled bright
and looked passed me to the man that she would leave with tonight

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

5 Minutes

5min to write a rhyme
5min is that enuff time?

5min to make a flow
5min? I don't know?

5min? I guess i'll b fine.
5min. So, I'll end on this line.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Whatdup?! Hey! How r ya?
I'm doin' all right! What bout u, bro?

Your peeps good? U still with that girl?
ain't seen u n a minute. What's new n your world?

It's a trip how time just seems to fly.
without as much as a if, and, but or why

 Anyway though, we outta hang out!
U still got my number? Give a N#gga a shout!

Did I say, "N#gga"?  Now u know that shits played.
Like the stupid shit we did & said back n the day.

Well once again my brother, it's been real
Heading over my woman's. "Yeah!!!"  U know the deal! >;-)

Monday, January 7, 2013

The January Sun

The January sun fights through the cold
to give us hope and warm r souls

it shines so bright  in skies so blue
the hours it reigns  r far too few

But we love to see its radiant beams
and hold real close  its summer dreams

 for in those dreams  we know it's true
there's much more in life to look forward to.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

On My laptop too

It's late  & i almost forgot to write a blog
and much like last night my head is full of fog

just not in the right place to write something cool
but writing no matter the circumstances is my New Years rule

so i give myself a pass as i bang on the keys
of this glorified typewriter with a TV screen >;-{)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

On My Laptop I

On my laptop here watching the clock
The damn thing is. i've got writers block

Just sitting here tired, without a fucking thing to say
or write i guess is more appropriate, "Man, It's been a long day"

Maybe I'll just scrap writing and take my ass to bed
or just write this bullshit down said the voice in my head.

Friday, January 4, 2013

I can if i want

Can i bridge the gap, and watch it fall in my lap.
learn to rise above, radiating only love.

maybe ride the air, moving beyond pain & despair.
Guess its up to me, cause i am what i believe.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Her Spirit Eternal

Her Spirit eternal makes me smile,
her spirit eternal lingers all the while.

Her Spirit eternal birthed my soul,
her spirit eternal loves so bold.

Her Spirit eternal reigns supreme,
her spirit eternal long live the Queen!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In an instant it begins, life, breath, movement, sin
years born of seconds passed, shattered dreams like broken glass

The bitter complements the sweet, a mending heart when two eyes meet
Then baby born as mama weeps, to finish the journey when she's fast asleep

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sometimes we're thrust into the New, before we have a chance to review. So
I boldly step into my fate, fearless to what may await!